ONTARIOPOwa Call 1â€"800â€"268â€"3838 or visit www.explotethebruce.com and request your copy of the OFFICIAL PASSPORT & ADVENTURE GUIDE. GENERATION #1 SELLEDRST} Q#ocras transit system downtown cor every 10 minu "We wanted the public to shape the direction we‘re taking." Nothing is off the table at this point, not even the most expensive options. But Waterloo Region offiâ€" cials have visited other cenâ€" tres and have come back with some inleresling conâ€" cepts that could work localâ€" ly from Ottawa, Calgary and Portland, ( )regon. In Ottawa, a ranid hn "We didn‘t want of work then pr the public. Continued from page 1 Nothing is off the table Lc l oo 0 o unty mem: bers share. It is an excellent quality of life for every perâ€" Ing campaign target lasi Ihursduy at _ Waterloo Forbes Toyota. With climbing ropes in hand, campaign chair Machelle Denison comâ€" pared the $5.75 million goal to climbing a mountain. "Although we know the climb will be a challenging one, I have every confidence that we‘ll achieve it," said Denison. "But the real sumâ€" mit of our climb is not only our $5.75 million campaign goal. The summit is one | know our community memâ€" bers share. It is an eveli.... unve ‘awa, a rapid bus vstem through its n core comes by minutes. and can _ an n â€"W United Wa tackles $5 75 million I m nited Way of Kit hener son in Kitchener Waterloo member agencies are i. 1 . Waterloo NO Aféa | Anifaharmesicas 5 oCAAA though we know the will be a challenging have every confidence ve‘ll achieve it," said n. "But the real sumâ€" our climb is not only .75 million campaign The summit is one 1 Its nt to do a lot present it to 006 fundrais recently adopted growth management strategy, which wants to take F2 "It‘s important to comâ€" municate this information to the public and get public support for it." said Cyr. "I think by providing them with some information, we can have good discussions." It‘s a project that could shape the direction of the region for the next century, and is a big part of its recentlyÂ¥ adopted armuli 2. 00 00 00. °6 Tan systems that are integrated right into their expanding subâ€" urbs, with Calgary able to move more than 14.000 people move up to 10,00( In Calgary and P. they have light rail that are intearas. ommE ley. Wilmot and Woolwich." Denison emphasized that achieving quality of life for this community requires more funds than ever before, which is why United Way is setting its goal high. "We all know that the population in this area has grown significantly in the past few years; couple that with the economic changes in our community and the stresses of modern society. Together they result in even more pressure on our comâ€" munity support services," said Denison. "The money raised this year will only begin to meet the needs our son in Kitchener, Waterioo and the townships of Welles 10,.000 P(‘Uple and Portland. to take the ty of life requires n ever ‘ United cost. luariA\-‘ }-\limales of the cost of the project. dependâ€" Ing On the IFanSit antics. "It‘s to pror banization in town cores, and development in areas." CYr. "Now shape the i urban fabric VC He BCX 25 years, "It‘s not only a transâ€" portatidn solution, it‘s an urban planning tool." said CYT. "NOW is the tima +. , says regional official growth pressures away from the countryside and look to do the type of urban infillâ€" ing projects that will be able to accommodate the region growing to 725,.000 people over the next 25 vear "As the co owner of a small business, J would like to personally invite more small businesses to get involved in United Way." she said. "Just as a small busi ness plays a vital role in our local economic community, we too can play an imporâ€" tant role in supporting social services in our comâ€" munity." Ihe member agencies are iden tifving to us. let alone the dollars we need to fund new community partnerships ~ Denison also in\ ited new individuals and small busi nesses to join her and Deni son Print in supporting United Way and its efforts. "As the coâ€"owner of a United Way of KW biggest question is promote reur is the time to urban form and 1 in the downâ€" and to focus the downtown n our Varner said this e unity, _ reinforced United ipor â€" partnership strategy ting _ at achieving what n com â€" _ most to the communi This vear‘s cam CEO _ climb runs uptil Naw be The region is hoping th the provincial and fedes are already in of millions. port +7 77c example. After a trag ic fire at the shelter, the community swung into action, offering clothing. shelter and finanesan . .._" ROOF this pa prime example ic fire at the â€" explained \ community underst, they e m mobilize offering clothing and financial sup muct ‘community car‘s campaign until Nov. 24 said lhls example the hundreds Ir more likely to and _ help. Varner, citing Â¥_support for past vear as a COPIng that and federal the d \\'a-) 3 y aimed matters