Uptown Waterloo Public Monday, Sept. M, 2006 No earlier than 6:30 PM Council Chamber, Waterloo City Ce 100 Regina Street South Punuc MEETING WEE: Wafiiiiikso IHE CITY or [:12- Square Final Report Willowdale District. This project started on August l5th and the map below shows the progress to date. Residents in the sur- rounding area may also experience dis- coloured water which will eventually clear. Running the cold water tap for ten min- utes will usually clear the problem. lf the problem persists wait for an hour and try again. Please check your water supply before use. if you wish addr. tional information regarding our watermain cleaning program, please visit the City's Web site at city.water- loo.on.<a or call the Utilities Customer Service Representative at 519-747-8613 duringl weekdays between i 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 , ,7 ---- -uur-unu I Elm.“ The City of Waterloo recognizes the value of a clean, dep ply and is aware of discoloured water issues within the Ci As part of our continued efforts to improve the quality of tomers. the City of Waterloo will be cleaning & lining the Willowdale Dial-6m NOTICE To RESIDENTS WATERMAIN MAINTENANCE The Citv of “1.1mm", ..ee _ _ _ . _ The Cuy of Waterloo is currently undertaking a Master Planning process for the cut) lands that are occupied by Bechtel Park and Parkvteu Cemetery. The Master Plan will provide a 'municipal guide' for future decisions about how the Bechtel Park _ Parkview Cemetery lands are spatially organized, how they are used by the public, and how they are managed by the City of Waterloo, The primary reasons for undertaking the Master Plan... . The last master planning process for Bechtel Park was prepared in 1991, as a ten year guide for land and policy planning. Since completion of the I99! Master Plan, the park and cemetery lands and user needs have evolved. and an up-to-date master plan, based on current and projected user needs. 1\ necessary to guide decision making for the parklands. . Waterloo's two municipal cemeteries have very limited lands remaining for the purpose of traditional casket lot sales. Mount Hope Cemetery is nearly at capaci- ty and projections indicate that Parkview Cemetery has approximately six years of land remaining for casket lot sales. To access more information... Visit... the City of Waterloo website at vrwwxity.waterkro.on.ca; look for the homepage button titled 'Cemetery Services - Bechtel Park Master Plan'. to access staff reports. council decisions, the study process, public input oPportu- nities. and more. or Contact... Karen Anderson, Landscape Architect Open Spaces Project Manager Phone: (519) 747-8738 Email: kamiersonorih, mama-.. -_ -- CEMETERY SERVICES - BECHTEL MASTER PLAN kandersonOcity.waterloo.on.ca 'cntly undertaking a Master Planning process for the clty lechlel Park and Parkview Cemetery. The Master Plan ide' for future decisions about how the Bechtel Park - a spatially organized, how they are used by the nnhli.~ value of a clean, deFndabie, potable r issues within the City. Mo’s-numb. 13 am WATER-u m urine www.city.waterloo.on.ca City of Waterloo 100 Regina St, South Waterloo, Ontario N21 4A8 P 519886-1550 F S19-74r8760 lave very limited lands remaining for the Mount Hope Cemetery is nearly at capaci tW Cemetery has approximately six years for more Information, â€new am water delivered to its' cus- [ metallic walermains in the Please contact I: look for the PARK water sup- as a ten