. 'rFN “mummy..- program Ps quite mutiny; hammer. u may came mm: lempnmr} Incomemcnccs such ax poor mater preosure and In home ci2'is coloured mun-r Piease check your Witter 'iron, use and If dhcnlourt‘d "ater Is detected, please open a cold mun-r up and alluu the mum to run until u clears. This Ps a temporary situation. TheCityofWaterloo uti'itysta"famitheotvoststeesoorue ?,Tt"eethaeteroourroorco.opera, tion and understanding. Any questions or CrMteteghq an...“ s... 4;...“- -_ " tt-t.+,. - The CI!) of Waterioo Fae Dawning! gram is dexlgned In ensum that the by all hydrants In the a!) and should be c “In maintenance program Ix qutte mu water pressure and In mm: “an nil-u HYDRA!" 1-5511? T',l!yyl?!T.trtyytreE PROGRAM tion and understanding. al Representative at 747-8613. Fat1FuetFestietth- yrt"'e,rtearLiortsLagoooteo-,,-, St ' Pha'uytsemtter3tr,arsii's' 1pmt03pm, 'Buieabirrmouse 'Coagameiatts DDrumCIrde 'Lrvepettiogzoo 1"evwittctaiy-maeep- 'Pga'"thepamoprk-2srm ("WWYogamw 'Htsttorywiaie2pm -3pm wawasm ye?Teey'a.rsseisutteroycooserva- 'FNFishogDermrs age m the Fmaoce Drpgmmem an waterio,, unrhhop The CI!) has begun and on to get Imolua! by pro' Mung “mishap \ull alkw you ml 2007 Operating and Camtat l '.'rfr'trrtsteei"gtoatteodthisi-taot,-sho,,is Thank YouforYour Partitipatioetr, I "ATT-, TIMF, Lt K' ATN ).\ Fov move inhalation and to register. phase (mud Mada Gilespie at 7474560 or ml mginesoieocitrwatersoo.oet.ca or register oet-lirte at 1RmtrtttrxitystrateHoo_ooxa and did on the Te Coosottatioo- link and choose 7007 Budget'. â€youareunabletoamendbunwoddstiflliketopmvideinputpleasecompletemequkkowline at www.city.wamrioo.on.ca and did on the “Community Coetsottatioo" link and moose "2007 But h"ffat'y1ettte-2er_tometoaaiiiviF. "'eo'"oesorverwatseavamtiLio Monday Septemhee 18. m. Provide your i Ratertoo City t- pun-c MEETING your rcgmmmm h turned fauna] am an tle mum“ ot “an Thumb) Scruth-t 2s. 2ttttt, tt Ripm to 9 30pm RIM M huh-s hum!) Hall - Rn ten Room 200t l'nncnu) Axenoe and on me 211)" 18eratmg ami t "re Uc1m1menl " conducting wheduled mamtenance of tire hy drums wh- that the hydrants vull 'verate pmpai) when neededV Thi, yeah; and should he completed by the end of No, errther, m mung your coming-nu. “as. you to pun uh mpul m tie ge Tap-la] Budget - V._-_........< mutt!“ mankyouforyour (o-opera AnyquestiursumernsshouldbedireaedmtheUï¬iiï¬esCustomerSewke l3. PMtTiCtPANTS Mt ST REGISTER TO an agerUa and questomasre vull he in the City of Waterloo 2007 Budget t‘\hk'lll\ .vl u mud... .. _.. m A .L A " _ if? tCrhta, t â€mu qucumnMre tAtlt It wnl to you or you u) Hall it n ennui that you mama In may “nahm to atteml ttw tullmung t as. u: suggcsuom reganhng general 3mm}! c", Coun â€Wuamsww pd '2Lda,anoors-so'"""e' me CITY or lg; 'apstal Budget A, a Tuesday Seam 26. 2006, 9a.rwtoh2r,ooo _-'-'- "2iginartdmamat-ithtN, Laurectsscitizeoscommittm,, CritterCreek. RIM Park meme... r, zoos a alum ot Waterloo. uere .5ng you ling ncu year', Nsdger Attending thts ’uunul mould take when awn-5n mg the ATTEN D io you or you can puck up your pad. glue! In order to mmcnpalc In "In hmmumt} Input Ntruttop years pmgram will imohe mama This on going pm. 700’ Budget" "Community survey . _ . -, m" " ' 5;: At,": /, City of Waterbo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N2] M8 P SI9£86AISSO F 519-747-876o 'nmrw.dtr.w-o.oo.ea . Community groups applying fo 'vtrate evidence of commitment I ment and recognition . Financial responsibility must be through the preparation and win budgets and complete tinanciat t Further. submission of an applicati tee issuance ofa cash gram it; I\\udlKC or a cash grant. For further information please contact: Lynn Dicks, Administrative Assistant at 519-885-1220 ext. 225 or email. IdicksOcity.waterloo.on.ca or Cheryl Woelfle, Administrative Assistant at 519-885-1220 ext. 238 or email: "1'oettteoertrwatersooa,n.ca Please note: if your organization does not meet the General Eligibility Guidelines for a Cash Grant, you may qualify for a cash grant through the External Agencies Grant Process. For further information contact Paul Grivicic at M9-N7-tts38 or email: oorivicicorhv “and.“ -- -- lhe Ink-m ofthe prognu tance to enhance the qua Waterloo by fouermg & ort2amrattoev, that wrn: General Eliglhllih Guid, The Community group \uppon from a source I Fundraising efforts) - -- - - -- -_'v The City of Waterloo wants to hear from groups who wish to make an application for a Cash Grant. Last year lift) -one groups were recommended to receive grants totaling Sl77.733.oo. Cash Grants are aiailable to organizations that sene the citizens of Waterloo in one of the followino Minna-4m- _ - . I c" """' sent: cleariy identified community adequately addressed by another Ot gm eminent. corporate or another it zation ffrr9r WATERLOO . ..- _ "'"'""""? group must he a "on-profit orgam- (anon uilh an elected Board of Directors The Commumty group muxl be atliliated mm the Cety of “merino m accordance mlh the C ommuniry Liaison Policy Inc Community 1.1mm with an el Information, please roman. l: "grivicicoertrwatertoo.ooxa sports/Recreation Community Groups/Neighbourhood Associations Festivals Arts & Culture Organizations 'ommunit) group ofthe program " to prm Ide www.city.waterloo.on.ca ddressed by another Grgunizalion. be it corporate or another non-profit organi- commitment to volunteer Guidelines group must he a nun at sene the citizens of of the following categories: applying for grants , should have demonstrated other than public funds. tis must be demonstrated and submission of operating manual uatements application does not guaran- N programs or service x or xen'lccs must y needs not already c financial awn must demon inwhe tLe