WEE: Help your Neighbourhood say "Welcome Back!" to Students this fall by picking up a Welcome Bag! 2006 them',',',',',",', III Hal-Ila] THE CITY or Egg: Wdfiii"itoo Bags will he available from 4 Thursda} Sept. 14 fo p/rk up o" or le 'ommum‘ly Relations? “r mmr' th, m o" h. The Student! er ("Ht B, Fire Depanmem 470t By iau Enforu‘nn'm Rrgina St S u! Sm “Ht-Ho" ()fft'r [hum a Welcome m the Neighhomhood (wer ihe Nude!" Welcome Hag an an " r hrmkvr Sham unponanl mlonmlion abouv In ing m Wan-x Cive out free prmhrrrs and son“ 0 gtfrs [mm local busincwm It] Hon war, With the help of " a] business and gmmnnn-nl dgerrt y sputum. thet in ofWdterioo make, l 501) FREE gift bags for you to give to your new student neighbours. m: Sh lugs 130/0 3‘ Open Houses u ill be 'roiective Sen itvs Lag allows Walm loo Ctts ulnmbla St W pm on Ihursday. Sept you an "pportututs m 90 Westmnum Rd N hvld at mm' lst “mm 100 W am loo 7 and -- - .__ , uA-ULJS Open pew doorways Jnto local heritage and afchitecture FREE ADMISSION' to more than 25 sites - 10 am to 4 pm A fHiT INSIDE! www.city.waterloo.on.ca For more tnformatuao, please a City of Waterioo 100 Regina St, South Waterloo, Ontano N214A8 P S19-88tr1ss0 F 519-747-8760 For con tact