2 i . THE CITY OF (e 4;†Wafii'i'i'itoo tat' '""vxity.vvaterioo.onxa T, u ttt ' _ > 2‘ m“ a i - e = , Itl 5 . J, Qr"2r El v s "i.,..,.,, , S: _ “'43" ' ‘3 " N ‘1 V “:~»‘,‘1,,:"\ , . Ir5 saai' an l Blt!U! vt-sit-rs-ts,, V v .'ir' , ' k s A" iris?' We». "r'.,, lii'ii"igf'y2tt, , pm, 'ir, Illie 31K 13¢ - A s“ 'uiEs " t". , _ H, We NI tt 3 i't'V,' 5 Cieti' s,ii.itfl, _-" I" " M 'l ' » 'A' 1tlhil iccm'stst,i, Cf il"E tcdr, Wr.', ailt ttire,? as. scL' -' t t, 'ii'? c"'C' c ' i8 ' _ ' at: " P. h ‘ " r' 3‘ ' L, Fi"iiFt. .4 _ =. __ 9" " ‘l pm, _ ' twig: ". ' - 3 M* _" " _ . ENE ' (22 s ', .' a _ " 1 " . 2.? It »; _ " . . o _ . " a. > ‘ Gl u ,"- " sa' ‘ . 3. _ a " m," " . E r E 3 I , CITY OF WATERl-OO l PUBLIC MEETING Cl I y OF WATERLOO I UBLIC “0 I la Provide your input in the lhe City of Waterloo wants to hear from 'SPOS' I '0" OF . iron 5 who wish to make an a lication " City of Waterloo 2007 I', P, . l'P . PROPERTY d tor a t ash Grant. Last year fifty-one u Bu get groups were recommended to receive TRA: STATION " 'yt,tir.t, ax (1.4mm lll\lls‘\ We I),.),.,')',',": \\’.iteilwo grants totaling $177,733.oo Cash Grants 20 REGINA STREET I t'rCrlk " , "tt yl â€m†â€m "' (l A m" are mulluhle to organizations that who the l w 'rr . t , ' . . r . . . mm "\H “mm†\" " “m†" "N" eitilens of Waterloo In one of the lollouing lust \t)ll( t In H m†_ _ “' " 'riprr categories: V l N . , . Vanna-i: to i) l Tl war P. H n misc _v'l71ctl'4\ rt ll ,1 liy1 Il lt N RI if " [ 'ir'"ris/Recreation H ' lotl‘K‘slaHals “all lxtstevikoom V . _ . . . I; up lsrro new as" t ',cv lancttti " N “ea: hrs; l (it 'tsll‘s It “W (onimunit) "r"upvseivhitourhoou \ssoeiutions twin-c tutu: lane in “l“ he I van ‘wl My - A I k k Festiwls _'?'",",-;'-'--,,',.",' NUCMJWVHM. l’\ls‘ll(ll’\\l\\ll Nl Rl(il‘sllR ltl \lll\l) . s. '.s'r w†la' "\ Ly As and men /U's Suit av whim [he ( ilt has hum until no the 3““ l â€Manny all-l Iris N'r l ullure â€ruminations Mal _ as, Hypo \tt_‘\l N u:l:t"1ef»u‘tr:\' {rain sta (Irwin Hmleet Is a V ‘tt/t‘n ol “out“ w or le .sltrng lite â€MW†“T the l‘meN’†" l" l‘llWHls‘ WNW Ml _'vy's,s in" I'm. Punch \ls “ca: l wiata‘ l‘,.s __"\en wt. to get ,nwlxttl M tumult)»: son tumments l-I'lW l" â€WWW? the (“Mlâ€) o! m“ Ill th. ( it} “’ N, ' it a" lint-tr t?“ _ \.‘:U K in t‘yti VI " purchase Idem oi use ltylls teeatlm; new “at sis,lusr “ah‘tlwt h) li'sls‘tinu l sltenytliening 'rllrl-, i" ' my“: â€onâ€. \tit-mling [hrs x‘tvrksfhip n ill Moo so“ to WNW†11ry.iru/utuirv, that ser\e the people oi Waterloo _‘ the I mun," [it Widow 5w nit» 'sn' " " muse mm lrOH Ҡ1"" SUV-“J" qTrr us?†if) t l Mil-l s,,') NJ NM (textual lilisihilzt} (initlelmes .3 NQU; so“ when Aptirtiwtii} Hie ,l!‘ (ll\'ltlllllL‘ wilt I,!"' _‘ . Hm ( minimum} group must he a non [twill organ: 1 \‘ioaltl t omen ipprwe at- tiists sumo or ism-gym “ML“ Anion u uh an eluted Hoard or Dzrettois '0‘;“t's'mlsll[Mm-MWâ€â€œ1th\slls'sllllsslï¬â€˜slms‘ _ W†C" ‘E' ‘1'†N (',vtUt, J/ All "5W l.., "sud/tis, . lhe Community group must he ollihutcd \\llll the A NW1 vrrtt' hundred and (1:33“ ‘lN' it“ i" l t‘u'kh' â€mm!" m; N WM l“ km trr ""i-mpsk “1‘ 1i"ir (at) of “.llc'llml m uci"irrdunc-c, \Htll the (’ommunit) “Thing 1)r"i,u" m we l‘lll awe Department at 1t,t"y ti) Maison Poltu ., In rt V inut wt “gut-i its 'riopun tr _ 4 \i: appraisal o? the sublet! lands vs nailah‘e to! (lr it: thtskulilrkklshol: \ lFL L I “L†t I l h . The ('ommunuy group's programs "1 WNW-W Hitist l"\l'\\fliitl at the Clcrk s only: _ , . ser\e clearly idcninicd community needs not ahead} i I, at: open llk‘t‘llilL' held or: \\>'-en.l\" h ANS For more information and to register. please con- adequatelx addressed bx another organi/ation. he it . , tact Marla Gillespie at 747-8560 or e-mail , . f t ' - ' _ ( mum“ Fatwa J n-\t~mritiri sletlartn: the lthls sul’ _ . _ . goummanL corporatc or another nonprofit organir I _ 1'ttrspitityivateriociC, or register on-line “mm 1 Us at www.city.waterloo.on.ca and click on the _ T t At a meeting to be held oo Monday. September Tommunity Consultation" link and choose "2007 . the ( ommumiy group should haw demonstrated 25. 2006 in the Council Chambers. Council will Bud .. suppon from a source other than public Minds ire ' rson who shes _ get I Findrn lllL ft in l _ t ' s , e l s hear any pe wr _ to speak to this.dis if you are unable to attend but would still like to , v, Milton and who has regrstered as a “W90" . . . . . (llllllllUlltl\ groups apph lllL' tor grants must demon . _ _ ' Provide input please complete the quick on-line P s . s With the City Clerks Office fslr7arasasr, no later T . . straw m idenee o! commitment to \olunteer â€Mohe- tha 9:00 Se ber 25 2006 survey at T"rcitynrvatertoo.oo.d, and click on _ n . _ arm. on Monday. mem . . the "Community Coetsuttation- link and choose mem and recognition Dated this t3th day of September, 2006. '2007 Budget" and complete the "2007 Budget . Financial respiinsihilit) must he demonstrated Susan Greatrix. City Clerk tht-tine Survey". The on-line survey will be avail- through the preparation and submission oi operating City of Waterloo able on Monday September 18, 2006. budgets and complete tinancual statements 100 Regina Street South Deadline for registering to attend this important Further. submission of an application does not guarun, Waterloo. Ontario Workshop is Tuesday September 26, 2006. tee issuance of a cash grant. NZJ AAtt Thank You for Your Participation. For further information please contact: Lynn s1%raraarrs Dicks, Administrative Assistant at 519-885-1220 ext. 225 or email: 1',ick.titynvat.iriiociiria, or Cheryl Woelfle, Administrative Assistant at PUBLIC MEETING 51ms4220 ext. 238or email: Uptown Waterloo Public Square Final Report P"""ms_vvaterc'oii.'c"i Hulda}. Sept, M, 2% Please note: If your organization does not meet No earlier than 6:30 PM the General Eligibility Guidelines for a Cash Grant, Council Chamber. “aterloo City Centre you may qualify for a cash grant through the IN Regina Street South External Agencies Grant Process, For further The l ptown Waterloo Puhln Square Final Report “lll he presented to Waterloo (at) Councul at u Public Meeting information fTPft .Paul Grivicic at s19-r4r8sse on Monday September 25. Jilin no earlier that: n 10pm in the Council Chamber at Waterloo City Centre Council or email: "9r""ci""itrvvatereUirria' will consider this rerun and all ot the ""'mmendunon,, at this meeting All interested persons are muted to attend the Public meeting The l'piown Waterloo PUNK Square l inal chon will he auilahle on Wednesda) Septemher ll, 3006 Hard L'Uplc‘\ will it auilahle for pickup at the City ol Waterloo. Deselopmenl Seniees. 2nd Hoor. Waterloo City Centre. It!) Regina Street'gouth or you mas tall iSlt), 747 8790 To download a copy \isit our website at THE CITY 0523 uwu cut) waterloo on tux/square Wafii'itoo For more information please contact Barb Magee Turner. Landscape Architect or Anna lee Gunn. landscape Designer For more ""brrnanoro, o/ease (0mm Tel: (519) 747~8757 Tel: (519) Mr 8790 City of Waterloo E-mail: t'""or-rtrvvatersoo.oo,a "9"r"""itvnivatersoo.ort,ca 100 Regina St South Any person may attend the Public Meeting and/or make a written or verbal representation, If you wish to Waterloo. Ontario N21 4A8 make a presentation to Council. please call (519) "78549 so that the necessary arrangements can be made p 519886 1550 to place you on the agenda. ln addition, a written summary of the presentation should be filed prior to F S19, Mr8760 the meeting. Wm.city.waterloo.on.ca - .I-o-QQ 0"...“C " -~..... . o a o I luouvunc- ... e C". “*V ‘ V ' tl