Saturday September 1 6th 9am to 3pm 300 Maple Grove Road in Cambridge Drop in and see... how we can I "GO the Distance for YOU" Positions Available For: : . Company Drivers E q Owner Operators “mum... l . Single/TeamsNans/Flatbed & , Licensed Technicians 8. Apprentices if , Wash Bay/Fuel Island Attendants 3 I Customs Processor & Driver Manager Cd " I Phone q "too-Ma-s 1 42 (m or visit 1hnh'wochailengerocori, _ (ii':, Positions Available For: ' Company Drivers q I Owner Operators cum-Hub». Single/TeamsNans/Flatbed Licensed Technicians 8. Apprentices Wash Bay/Fuel Island Attendants Customs Processor 8. Driver Manager MORTGAGE MONEY FINDERS giif ?nd. refmam Manon or 3i44 bl redn Bob bane Det _ Cobinetmaker/ I Installer Required for busy kt based m-IMork shop have plastic laminate I laminate eloéer ‘Cmc. cm Tree ant hedge mrmung Remy ol trees and dan erous Barnes Fun m'suredg Sew m the MOMS or 4 a; h iu'i'"a'iro"dl8 Ilene! Ms! UOYD'S TREE SERVICE aa- Ilit1 C"""'-"""'-")""-',"-]?:'?,'-',,:,?'",' g 'tiltutgitittogi)'