www.grandcu.com 1334 Weher St (894.9700 685 Rscher-ruignan, 744.5921 search enginel, and found a forgotten reference where a local author had meuttoned me in his book uckrtossledg- menu the bunk search orfering, I did a vanity search (whom you enter your namr in it '"'i'0ttttg hack to my col, lege day h, l recalled muting with a 333 [um-l nnnmhlp. and l 'tits altlt. to uw 19qu: lo quickly locate tt data shuct tor " Plnlhps wt mm of the, chip. By (it-mull AH Otters biog. news,huovie, people, yvllow pages and other searches. could add a wan mum [mm Rmrhmg back lege day h, l recalk withitrGromt, . (bummed from page l6 nu-nmuun. l [mind that you A nuld add " wan h In: ' Bill Maher's oniiniriii' Kitchener The Amitiphg 90-364 day terms Minimum deposit $2.500 3.6%? 4.2% Short term investment otttm retervrwed whtm par ple until to discuss him popular st "ew welvsiu. is [Running lhe Alexa "weh crawler" (sultuarr that follows web page links within and between websites. building an index of the information (â€I the pages) powers Ay and Microsoft Live “ch searches. and also provides information for the Internet Archiver, Way Back Machine, which is a great way to walk backwards m Internet time by the way. Amazon has made u teu m qlnsllluns owl the Ieart, and has pulled lugrlhw wmr itttercsting mrhnnln tties. The Alcmnzm walnut: with Better Rates! Get Ahead lriifii made " tess video now at Amazon As m lune. he r slur ot a weekly video called the I‘lSthR'l. where vides IP, with the ', monologue and c interviews we've I know and love. Amazon also own Inn-met Home Data muted ax the WI biggest "lune (“ml listing movie, televrsim actor intirrtuation lor n video you um [hunk of, ()m- or my huggml pines louml M researching this you was to find the n-lurn u Maher In his \wwrmc persona made iamou his show Politically In ran. ....r '" m) "Iggy" \lll" ws touml while earchtug this column .(0 find the n-lurn m Bill her In his wist'rmcking Sorta made iamous on show Politically Innu- Ila/on also owns the net Movie Datuhuw. ad ax the worltrs 'est mane datuhuw. g movie, [derision and intirrtuation lor nmrly where he pro- th the standard . and celebrity we've come to he ty nuw the 'ekly online the Amazon 7* quzmm and insured team working on their project. ' anlhrlunancl) lhcrc are no rugululmm limiting installann Protessionals As it rcsuh thcre “his what we cull "trun These arc people wilhuul tt slow from ur ccmlimlmn l sclves "custom Installers" and hare an limited sclcction o products, Electricians and plumbers need to hr liccused work according In codes: Consumers should demand a t tom clectronic Installer. At (Frhmn Sound & Vision “c an: a member of CTUNA are cemlicd, With more lhun 5f) yarn in business, \crsicc selcction of brand name electronics. w: are installation. We guarantee professional “I Come m lodgly and let us show you "H------- ' w V , hc ‘10.... home or ulhu. For more "Bits ufljfe" columns visit 'nghiemsirairrttttcotumn or read Michaet's hing at In git iems rm, comlbitsofhTe for other interesting bits. lhe prlot episode tea lured Stephen lung and Paul Iteiser, and has hn-n foilowed up with an mum's Ntre lixl of other well menm all mlh’d up with the obligatory links hark Intotlw:\nm1on website where you cart purchase the books and l)\'l)s being talked about in the video. Anna/on certainly has a few surprises up its sleeve, and is worth another look. I didn't even mention the Mechanical lurk! The term "custom installation" re such as hanging a flat panel TV _ audio throughout the house. am In today's world of home I "CC',') EI - 'orwgrtsonsv.eom I .‘ IF?. Ed mason SOUND a vusvou , $4. , a. " 25 COLUMBIA 51, E ' ... - _ 5, 519-746-8030 H Ni ‘ "l)r, Bt ’ w s.Iurt- WATERLOO , Cr Raid WEEKDAVS wg 'BSS h .'d A ' SAT. g _ 5:30 tr ’ _ - su~.12 " I-------------'--"-"'"-"", “CUSTOM INSTALL" " ,, _ . , -u 'bTrFtl unuIIIJIIUH stallatron" refers to speculum mstiilluiutn of different electronic,, ll panel TV and hiding the “urn-x In the wall. running distributed c house, automating control of the home through LCD colour -lltglli- touch pk, and other electronic apply Tech Talk from Scott G electronics the muons lnmlmg insmllulinn to cvrtitied cxisls what w: call "trunk Slammers". rc front or certiticaim culling them, am: a limited wlection of “off brand" Iced to be licensed and h, should demand a certiticu fastest growing Sector umcx w: are your best choice for Professional results! L'onxumcrs need to be aware tof what they are geuing when they hire an installer. CEDIA tCustom Electronic Design & Installation Association) is a not-for-profit association with members throughout the world. If the business IN " member and the Inxtullcn arc certified by CrilylA It lesurLW the Consumer that they will have u 'llllllillllt quahfied, rcpuluhlc TEDIA and all uur insmHulion team sen ice lo hack our products, " large cations BASEMENT LEAKS ‘ T, DRIVING vou anzw . WATERPROOF m i J and have to certiticd cus- all the possibilities for your Gibson sector Is custom malullalion. Ialion of different electronics n " member and the Ire certified hy (‘EDIA ll Uonsumer Plum my ham-I From Hm Damp ------, I! SPECIAL!!! W. Cmmllm I {mm hummus Sum! Inn-gin Walls ' "our: mum at In View». MI $rstems I Dram: Incl I Bloc! Rm" CUSTOM ELECTRONIC DESIGN 8. INSTALLATION ASSOCIATION HUSH)!“