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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Jul 2006, p. 27

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In ldhlw hm " also hen-n succtsstul In recordmg thcit and other illegal am When a company Ihinks of unwilling a calm-m trr- lem, the tirst consideration should be rnnllnunlunmn I "tployees and unmn ofli, l Mk .m- tar "tore arm-pun}: ul “mu-m 'rysterus wlu'n thex hau- been purl at the Cootinued from page " mg commitment and sugmficant hockey commumlv wuhm the A Camera systems are \Iarccl has hecn rccngmlcd for he, cot l anada Skull dcx clopmcm camps m or Volunteer of the Year Award l 2006 R The “I” Volunteer ofthe Year Award , u an \ Inn." u: Inc war In INN-L95 Mule at Scncud t allege Prior to coaching, Slcw played 4 years at Colgatc l (V I\;\) From WHO-90 and 2 \L';I\0l|\ ot'pro hockey from WWI-91 that Included 'itops m the AHL. l; mlcr League) WMHA “(Mild llkc lo congratulate 2005-06 Alliance Trainer of the Year - Marcel Bell“:- Ontario l ( In "199 & 200trand “as sclc frCA.A Coach ol'lhc Year In 1994-95 “lulu Waterloo Minor Hockey Association Announcements It llnx mcdmgl nunul SN I” hcar an} pawn "li-hc-cu; u Ind “ha lu, tcpsicrcd m u dclcguuun " Ilh thct ll} (‘lcrk'x t "line I like In ‘Ippuu bct'orct nunul on August 21. 1mm rcpardmg tliv, mull contact Nancy (rchl. Asw,tuut to the Crly l lcrk, It") Rcymu Strum S Omaha NN JAN. ISI‘J) 747-5549. no Idler than I01)” um. August 2 For further information, please contact: Doug Robertson, MBA, CPSO, MLEO Parking Program Manager Tel: (519) 747-8637 / Fax: (519) 886-5788 E-mail: drobertsonocitrwaterioo.onxa 2007 Parking Rate Increases Public Meeting " August 21, 2006 Pay N lhspliiy - Surlllcc l u! l pluun Purkadc f)uily \Iuvmum It il Insulin; In he hcld on lupus' I l. 21 rm w“ " sstutTpiopoiul In and a by-lun oonrhly parking pcrmlls and short-tcrm Mullins Ihc propowd Inrrcus'cx are m r mended lo bring thct II) K parkmg 1‘;ch lhc proposcd "ircii's arc' u» Ilvllmu’ \HURI»! ER“ "(H RI) I’\RKI\(; tters} & PSI lmludnlb Ill lined Surlucc l ots Ill l "nun! Murmur I nix t plum} P.trkadc - 14 Hom Acccs, l pluun Purkadc - llwrnlghl Iccc MON I III) PuUsiNt; Pr.RMt l \ n(u\l ‘nmmumly wsthm the ALLIANCI about your City rau- r-.u-r.u my Q'r'.'.’." . ”at: gnlzcd for his contribution to the THE CITY or 755' I I l I 'rsel Watiiiitoo I camps m cr the pant NL"dNon V“. ardl2006 Recipient - Al Reinhardt (ALLIANCE) ti Monitoring Inn-rs and “dillllg arm“ " otother eftecuve use. Receptionists (an fool miter knowing that a fellow mnplnyeu or scum" pcmm mu we“ their arm and “dull lor pun-MIMI proltlvrus Ioday iClls, Imu- hm.” and “as sclccted planning pun f'tt lhe t on (VP! ol vulmnnng the Per slum! satrn should In. ouphaied Award recognI/ed Al Reinhard! for his outstand contribution to the game, the OHF. and the Year - Marcel Bel/He h 2006 Rate Sl (m \I m) M, nu ISI & PSI Not Included» 2006 Rate Proposec N50 44 35 \44) tic' N4 'stu, Uh v' ‘h [N " HI, and Holland tPrc Alliance and Hockey Proposed Mt irl 5t) 'sl in W um ”punk to [his Imuc otric It"yott “Hula Ilm nmllcr. please 'roposed 2007 Rate N55 h lhe must unlmrmnt advautuges ol a digital bt't [cm is lime Manugmm'nl mu spn-nd hours Inn-mm: pun! quality images on it lime-lapse [ape In pinpoint mph“ ed In (‘IKIIJI recorders the .ulmnmgrx. and lwnvhlx “I digital n-tunllng des New .m- tar too nunwmux In IN ”mu-um [hou- are " [my ssortlt nnl mg. Sm I: Spun an integral part of security solutions \44 I!" 2007 Rate 5” Waterloo _ 20tm, -\ digital s\ stem allows each mum-m lo be pm gmmnn'd iruiividuullr. although. Ill musl (mus. all (.um'rus art. programmed lo " \illmlum ll the incident urrurn-d an [hr work-"d. no" mow mm- mm In- rt'qu ired Thv\\‘lllml Laurier Uni» rt'rsity board ot kt n tH- mus run-nth \u-lumn-d luur no“ Ivanlvrx to the For fences, decks, docks, and other backyard projects. FREE DELIVERY l Ianagers can amass their CT Cl l , sys tem. . . from across the muntrv. Wlll adds to board at governors Maitcty,wrs ' .1“ 4(1th their t CII sum" trom "(TUSN "Ith office or um)“ by made. und stortul Imugm ciuit hr noun] or tick-It'd by umuncvu’L-pl tlse “\u-m "Hunger. I Digital 's) \[rms ulsu ulltm Imam-x lo hr .nulldhlc own the Inn-rum and (In thts t unipun) win-r Smu- arm-x» to thr pmgmnmnng ul thc rtwordtsr lt, pusxnun! plummet]. ' lmngm mum»! rmunl only om- nrnl In othcr unnix. II [In-re tsit .ulluu [ho um! docsu, n-nml Ilwn-lu reducing 1hr Inmgcx u-qum-d lo hp ro iewed ur1ivt'rsirr's gmvnling hmh. l-umuk 1lturtuui. t ul linden. ( latte ”mum .md Phil Md olcman .m- [he uppninlcrs 'l'vrmx mngv hum nm It) three wars. iiwrtdryt"cullirouitrothtirs trt III Itytr" have any qumnum n'gunling (my wruruy mum uI/Imrl John IIrmln' ", CCIV “sin-m " usually Inunvdmlr I ulurr .nlu‘lm will downtu- lln- xuruitxr and appliullmn ot Cittltt'rity, as no” as highlight why lhc purchuw m sumns ltas.d "" prim e I\ mtl " _ (it'll mm. "tecounirs Ihm mu rtsitas "rchivcs or um dainty Im- vxheuexct urn-wan: the rclum on lll\t‘\l maul rvsullmg hum the iuhtallatio" of " quullu Ct'lV unru- ls usually

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