municipality. a person or party may request that the Minister of the Environment make an order for the project to comply with Part II of the Environmental Assessment Act (referred to as a Part " Order), which addresses Individual Environmental Assessments. Requests must be received by the Minister at the address below within 30 calendar days of this Notice. A copy of the request must also be sent to the City of Waterloo Service Centre at the address noted above. If there is no request received by August 18, 2006, the Central/Albert Neighbourhood Functional Analysis will proceed to design and Construction as presented in the planning dour mentation. Minister of the Environment 135 St. Clair Avenue 10th Floor Toronto ON MAV 1P5 This notice issued July 19. 2006. Notice of Completion To provide for the safe movement of pedcstrtans, cyclists, transit buses and passenger car tratfic mlhm the Central/Albert Neighbourhood the City of Waterloo In proposing to Implement mlcrscclmn pedes- man signals. curb extensions. pedestrian refuge. guuic signage and pay and display machines. These works Class Environmental Assessment for the Central/Albert Neighbourhood Transportation Review ‘ VVUIZI'IOO , , , -"--------------- -'------------- -- THE CITY OF [:55 Wafi'iii"iitoo Yownshm of Mime! culluanun ofthe potential Impacts. Upon completion ofthe study. a Project File Report will be filed on pub, In record. City of Waterloo and Township of Wilmot The City of Waterloo is undertaking the completion of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment for the intersection ofthe Wilmot Line and lirb Street West, and expanding the scope ofthe said Class EA to include imprmements to the Wilmot Line (between lirb Street West and the future Columbia Street West). This study is being carried out in accordance with the approx ed process for a Schedule "B' project, Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (June 20001 The study wall renew the need and Justification for possible iniprm ements to the intersection and ex"itrng road cor- ndor and alternatives to the undertaking. including an emluation ofthe potential impacts Unnn t‘nmnletmn Wilmot Line between Ert} Street West and the future Columbia Street West, in the Notice Of Study Commencement And Public Information Centre " Municipal Class Environmental Assessment For the Intersection of Wilmot Line and Erb Street West, including improvements to wan-a up: won-EA you l C my of Watetloo e49 the for more information, please contact City of Waterloo 100 Regma St, South Waterloo, Ontario N21 4A8 P 519-886-1550 F 519-747-8760 THE CITY 05 E] Waterloo This notice issued July 28. 2006 and July " Janet Mosher Consultant Project Coordinator iTRANS Consulting Inc. . 100 York Boulevard. Suite 300 Richmond Hill. Ontario. L48 118 Phone: 905-882-4100. ext. 5336 Fax: 905-882-1557 Email: Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal infor- mation. all comments will become part of the pub- lic record n 2006