It's intended I†givc the fire deparlmvnl and city workers access in (use the entrance to the ml de sac is blocked due to tire or sunn- other catastrophe. _ C, the type m issue that Immns little to the wider (In hm vwnthingm the lwlghlmnrlmml imnlu-d. And In the end it mix an example at local democracy at work. Gunther and Shirk-V Wuwv said Ihcr'ri. hm‘n lighting [hr city uu-r [he mm-rgvnr)‘ mun- than rum. loesidc 1hr†l‘uxlrrn lnul honu. since. thc day 1hr) moved mm the \ulnlnlxiun Just all ot Hunt-Min :\\l’lllll' nim' l runs ugu. In tiw original sululivi, sinn plan the) haw for their him“: it mu lull} supposed In lieu community trail that was 2.7 mum's wide But tlue to safety um- u-rnx for the cul dc sat behind them, the trail was mpundml to a 5. l 'lllt‘ll'l" wide unwrgmu‘y mult- In Marengo Court. East-side residents have say mlep trail hhcus For Himir itinrten looking/hr donations ufusml business attire -- ' Lifestyle Continued on page 3 Ih Bun VRmM t hmun Ir 'rut/l it sew-l l Councillor 'dumfounded' by environmentalists allegations I“ U Strawberry juggler Eric Logan entertains a crowd\of more than 50 people Waterloo Park bandshell. Admission to the four-hour event was free By IENNIFH! Damn». For 1'wa "troriirV MR I 'age 8 Serving your communi ty si nee I 856 Arts Focus Summer pottery ramp allows kids m get down. dirtyttud cream 'e __ Page I l The strawberry shuffle But Cotm, Jim llulgvr said in an inlvrvivw thut mulliplv uulhnrilivx. dating back In HHS. ham- gu‘vn Ilu. ( tk In (in clap the Tircyvrloihl,t hur t .rvvk melnws and Vista Hills suhdlvixumx. "I'm dumfnundml m hvur those kinds :Wt'llhuuwr'sl of ullvgnlinns "ll'x a w'ry complex issue in [hr sum- it invnlws tnulti levels nl'gnu-rn "will and many politics." Wvlllcue,cr said in an inlvrvivw. sustainable planning." Wellhausur said the sulxlivisiuns' proposal does not conform In thttario Municipal Hoard. regional and pmvin cial policies. 'ff rill/(III! .( . (0001- "1dtcm Same exceptional service a 'qltrction in a spacious new showroom 2236 Srvrlev Drive, KMChener 519.578.3938 q www.bovarionwirtttows,com Bavarian at the Battle of the Bards on Saturday at the WINDOW WORKS And all the authorities reassessed the situation in 20th3 In 2004 hvfore cours/ity, this arm! is suitable for homing dvvvlopmtuu ifsome "was nrvx, such as vlwimnnwnml prmm» titm.arctukvn _ '. lo lovlieve. David. you would have In lwlivw all 1hr uullmrilivs and stall without Inunduliuns." V firogirlverirtg staff, the Ministry of thc lxnvimnnwnl and city staff are among llw many attthorities that have examined about 20 yours of documen- lulinn on the sulrdivisitrus. Sports Continued on page 5 NMUN ()umsmu P910" "We're rethinking sunn- of the ingredients of our site plan. brit Costco is still wry intermlod and is plan, Paul Dim-Inch. one ot thv prim'ipuls involved in thi- (unstrm lion ot the (juslm tlcvelopiyent. said thr min-house i‘luh than) is xtill mtvrvxtml In aiming In the \th sith. ofWaterloo and tapping into the lunar tive Hom‘liwnml market, But dvluys in the complc nnn ot the In: Ncedles mud t'xtcttsvton, ith' well an chungcs In the retail mix at the timolnpnwnt have pushed hark its Murt until lute next year. .. Ihese typos at (our mcrciul developments takr " lot of effort to get all tlu' ingredients right." \illll Dimrich. "lt includes site planning and the details In qualify to proceed. he grading IN (1mm. Thu! delays III the romplvlion ol lru Nordlt's Boulevard ah well as sclwduling tumtlicts ttt Cuodiun lin' tor now (my slrurtinn proicvts Int-an m1) "hum retail duelou moms un [he city's um! sidv will no! (nu-n unlll no“ war. Road delay attests new developments PUNCHER I rum/(H an “on“ s. " Ell Continued on page 5 [h Bun Vnmyu