Did you know that Gina's has a cum- plctc hair salon too? Many pcoplc don't rcalilt that in addition tn Gitta's traditional spa and csthctic scrviccs and muli-spa scrvices, thy} also haw: a Ialvntctl tcam of award-winning hair stylists and colourists Whether you inst tit-ml a trint to lump thnsc ends hcalthy or 'ouic looking In try an cntircly tic“ suit-Jana s staft will work cltrscly with you tn acltictc your dcsircU rt‘sttlts Gitris hair salon staffarc (unsunth updating and educating. using thc lat. t'sl tcchniqucs and rvvolutiorrary prod- uus. (minis stylists (MAT to this must c1u11cr1tporary lo thc "1081 Cor1Ncrx a- 1m: clicntclc “ith st} lcs that arc l.tslt'- fill and Fashion forward, always main, mining thy intcgrily and hcahh of my hair _ all of this In .t warm lrit'ntll) cm'imnmcnt that tras hccomc sinuny tnnus with thc Gittis mum: Gina's supports brunt tutttccr research. and has tutmul up with Ira, t' FM to sptinsur a tram for thc (lel(. run for tho: burr an lyctohcr G, 2006, I 1tcck out Gista's " chsitc in' the coming product lino In ~llppl)“ thcir tru.u, mulls Lturny tht. mm! adx.mccd .Illll Aging lrmlmcnl lines to cumlml mum at Aging. tet prmllk'ls In control JCIIl‘, (mm truittcd staff of acsthcticiam, can customi/c a skin arc Program lo and: individual arm-"ding on thcir Magc In lift and their skin's nerds i. Voted "ttest Optical Store for the last two rearsit Gina‘s is located at 6 Regina SI. N. 1xatcrloo, g: great new summer styles Ihhat s ncu tor Gttta's Health and Hum!) \pa’HIC spa is c'ominually look ing for “an to improvc and updau- thcir ,scrviccs Jenny Is (urn-nil) plan- ning nc“ rvnuvalium In mccl the increasing demand for manage tltcrapy scn‘iccs and specialized hm!) lrcal- mcnls like Gitta'y signature Thay (rear mun Clothe youreyes a M} .II lht' ~p.l h_\ fumlnnsmg tor [In 0011' mnnlhs to tind mu hu“ um iyéW6rks 104 King Street South. Waterloo 888-1 784 www. uptowneye/works‘com 6 Reyna Street N Waterloo torte.ginaspa.tatm u; )t()_vvn Healm R. Hm My Spa May Spa v Has Salon 886-2090 with could " m 4.0 Mega Pixels ’f 3x Optical Zoom fs, s" 2.0†LCD Screen AA Battery Powered Nikon cooualx Bent’s 96 King St. L r, A 4 ii" JV i OJ V O N Hm wKdmarm0 \huvl A PLACE WHERE STUDENTS ACHIEVE SUCCESS "s", sac-1320 â€mt-mum -ttstFs-ourar ' Fmtrs 9"! h. 'M-S-a.-. â€3199.†For mort [nit-"ulna. an 519M-2l8} the NM tut, t um: nun-1 thr Antwan-mu (“in $1191.95 In SIJ M madman irht ‘l "