Eii "I ,. r:. ‘| -.. 3| Peak Premier kooky hm. Moran. 519-291-1184 Ceramic/hardwood laminate floors, maple cabinets. eat-at island, California ceilings, upgraded win- dows. 4 large bedrooms, master his/hers closets and cheater ensuite, walk to 2 parks. New home warranty InclMLS, NEW PRICE! FORMER MODEL KM A must-see 2-bedmom loft 1241 exposed ceilings. original brickwork. antique fire doors. stainless steel tepliances, central air and more! INT 401-120 MANSION ST., KIT. Waterloo Mme: Soccer held than annual Sqwrt end-of-season tournament last weekend at fetds across the my In opemng round amen, Team No It defeated Team No, 5 at the meoln Heights sports fields Mary Foot: Sales Remind" Going for goal Leah Small Sales Representative lie/Max Twin City Realty Inc., Brokerage 519-885-0200 Wanton I'lw Warm m new rm run _ mg Claw, Inuurm kt II pom! guard Luke Kiesweucr. " [It-plum ot' head orach lom kit-swam Hush-[lull rum Ill [he tamily. and [hr yuungcr kicsvu-ucr led his whool to 1hreeWCeiyvLt and CMI )SSA tities, Ile will by mum-d hy lit. Mary's high school's Ionian Warriors add local recruits Tt llmversuy ul Waierioo Warriors Men's Basket ha" tcam added a couple of strong local recruits In replace gmduululg plan-rs like ( iruhurn lurnmn 1mm mm Sur-year-old raised bungalow. fully rmished 4~bedrwm. main floor laun- dry, 3hath. central air/vac. water srftner. 16 x 20 deck,garden shed. li. car garage, 5 appliances No-yeu-old. three-bedroom home. La princi al rooms, mama-p! elEuil to Barge 2'l'i,'Rr1Tfi2'l ensuite and walk-in closet, don't leave it tochanee, MIS, Chtcopee area Two, bedroom umt with double garage Ready for quick closmg' 5 appliances! Two walkouts to deck and palm. gas fireplace. open- concept mam floor. MIS Alex Grieve and Lance Roberts Sales Representative and Broker Royal LePue - Scharf Realty Brokerage 96 PERMMLE ST., WATERLOO (519) 5M3286/5r5.3S97 PRETTY PMRSTON 66 x 120 sq. ft. lot 154 - Cres, (519) 343-598] WOW COMO magma? an m er ea , Brahma (519) 742-5300 Ext. 2287 Gaye Males, Broker Hannah. thc Mama 8 MW my mun 'mm Four-Mmm. 3-bath Elmira home on beautifully landscaped, private 125x25,rrft lot. Fountains, ponds. mature trees Wheelchmr accessible Many Impressive upgrades Backs on") public school grounds Four-bedrmm, tttree-bath. Numerous updates. air conditioning, ceramics. hardwood. maple kitchen. vaulted ceiling. ensuite, etc. All a liances incl, wwwsoldorwarixom Mfg. 707 1AlRmr00o OR., WATERLOO Wer at "tr.potrertrsttttpxa " 2303 Contact mum at . 51F66%28r8 mum EDEN! Cari tassel Sales Representative‘ "at Solid Gold Iratty M Hi. Enhance slmn 10 ADVERTISERS appreciate it when you tell them ... Isaw your ad in the Chronicle. When trmpioymem ends. for whatever reason, there are important (hi-Mons to be made I can help you determine what doors are open to you. C'0i-tto lung u. s‘ “Numb-2560 ru. MI "eoe"ceachnieointestosssrovxom . lnvestats Group may Realtor Care... - and Share REALTOR® Thousands of homes With one address mooning Updated daily www.mls.ca Batman»! t) Tu slum-1m an» “(Ethnic