â€more information call: ' Circulation Department WATER C 2250 x3226 Fax Mil-8869383 279 “eher s: tCs our last year with the mum" . For those who think the irrline game is the same a» llu- gunu- on the frozen pond, lhryw ncvvr played the gaunt ul this level said lichulz. "rou can bc thc host we hockcy player in [he world, and lu. nnc of the worst ill-lino players." he said, lor “in. "t,tsimtirop,has [In-n " Illlll‘ In! morc ol " \ll’llgglv "ith Ilu- Wittcrloo 1iskius aim-r lmung u grcul run lit [he “an-mm Minor Ilorckcy tssociation as an nn-mln-r ol the Waterloo Midget Wolves. llc would like In rhungc his fortunes In Michigan, "We dufinilcl) need In beat the States this year." said Way. 'lspcrially since it's our last your with the loam." â€I mun“! lln- pml In .lll mch." mid N hul/ Hm ull that uuuld he tor gnllvu with unmhcr wm uu-r Ihc Us, lor “in. In. “Inning Inn Corttituwd from page 20 Local duo have been waiting for chance at US. It Irs such a dim-rem game l, tks, Ill m (D Please find a cheque for $26.00 enclosed for a l yea I'd like to pay by ' 0 VISA o MASTERCARD I 'd like to contribute to the Waterloo Chronicle! It Bird†his mu llm _uultcrlioi [.Illlhlhlgl‘ n \Inhuwl " III' um .I hm ll [In ol (In It’s about not making any odd mart rushes unless "It's about playing smart and lulling them in." said hrhulz. about letting the Iighlcr indoor puck do the work for you. .. [hen 'whoa' mu surprise lhan" It’s a speed and o'ndurancv game. especially in thc swcltering arenas where the game is played, “my have to fight every instinct that they've devolr oped over G lifetime of play- ing an the i in that hr kttorts m pluyvn uhu “cw pulled trom lhr l whom sun.“ v hummu- llu'll [hlll‘nh lhnughl II tb,ts lo mdnul a dvpurluu- trom tiw [nuhlmnulgunu' "A lot “flimes it 's just me and him hark there. lfthey score, I 'm ttsua/ly laying right there beside him. 1 look at the kid and go 'What happened?" - Jordan Schulz Mymhm of [rum tumult: lrt-lirrcitockevrovr, Postal Code WATEkirjij""i"'j"i'i"'itiht 600 enclosed for a I year contrhttion . N. Suite 20.Wlter|oo. ON Exp, Date Phonclt When Schulz fights those in-linc instincts, Way [on him kmm it, It's best to he vocal in a game that relies "He'll look tell him, " could. , " "If they score, i'm usually laying right there beside him," said Schulz. "I look at the kid and go 'What hap- petted?' "A lot oftimes it's jusl me and him hack there," laughs Way. "I yell Jordan lay out." Is, .1 RUJIH' II 's, more .Ilmlll rctlcxcs and (healing a little Int. sum e um dun l lune the lam-ml mmemenl with inrline skate, that you would on (he me "You have In chem " llllle hil more. otherwise you can) gel trom one side to (he other as fast as ice hockey where you just push ofr, Ft said Way. ll latex a lot of experi- em‘e In pick up the nuances 0f the game. And experience is what both these Waterloo players have. up. II x ax slmplr ax lllv Ilml Mlml/ p, a first Inn- uunl "hcu pluvinr,' lot itiiuct Hank and Ihr. um" had “hm plan"; llu- ILIgr thex'rr in Vutr tavour. and Indium: [he sate pray instcud ot the srmsatiorral out. Ihiill srl \nu up tor lhv hug pl.I\ IAIN an. ll 'srth \nnplr st', [hr mu um? Ind when it all falls tk at me and I I did what I lung tot lot llu' lel RESTAURANT a. spr'rs BAR "Watch The Game Here" SST King St. N., Waterloo 519-880-1828 190 Gateway Park Dr., Kitchener 519-650-2733 '_m'tmt'-stwBr-r'az-.sc-sm [Ir "it nth-Imu- mmdml and all lulu-.1: (nlm ~.|\ Im ht IIul/L Nrhul/s «up _ Lulghs M hul/ In»! lllt'll‘ 4w mum um haw In [an llllh' ( Diana's, and hulk‘tulh ll “album! ‘ll mu. mun-mum lu. ll ruakc "w stop,' "\mm-Imu-s." mud ttm. who sounds like he s made more lhun a tcu‘ ot thow mm‘rgrnry slupx In the Major Tyke mid-season touma- ment. the Canadian Tire Grey team won the 2006 championship, In round-robin play. Canadian Tire lost to Parkway Mazda 10-0. then rebounded with three wins in a row, defeating Pillers Gold 16-5, Canadian Tire Red 9-2 and Fillers Black SM. In the finals, Canadian Tire defeated Parkway Mazda 7-3. behind the com- bined Strikeout performance of Mike Piaseczny. Liam Roth and Ryan Purcell. x" much on nun stxhtxttesrtrrourareaietrentttetx-itrtsh-anotaaaxrsH- mePPtssystmthstai'edorttheirtttomeata-atseusstmis-tmeproa,ctis ce1"tsthe'mesestettrxtte<smersaumstttetnuntryvmo-toenowitisie th"sttiPett1T"hmetor-ttstttome.u-mter-tenar- c0meseth"*tirttertttortsrtoraexttrartsseratewammtr. Awideseiertitmritouts "e"1etrrcehttntrmrtttxncstxxttrstoroaxexttrsrexrexatmarutset mhonzbcasfmphczhyoundymmoodwewimdnziwmmmm imestisaetttemarvtsenefitststrtetatrmots rrrEtMaQlid'l","J,il,JiWEEK Please call: 1-888Al71 -71 19 Ask about our Energy Saving Window Systems \nnwumcx I " gm 6 Homes That Need Itoofim LVANTED (\(Illlllll presented by Clulch hits try Nolan Soon. lay Barrett. Brian Mundl and Nter Winarski led the Mystery Men to the win. Members of the Canadian Tire Grey team pictured are (from row) Ryan Purcell. lay Barren. Nick Schaeffer. Brian Mundt. Polar \Vinarski. Mike Piaseczny, (middle row) Matt Davidson. Nolan Scott, lake Grootr. [Jam Roth, Chaz Snively. Cody Weber. Eric Benesl. ithird row) Irv Mundl. Mike Piaseczny. Tim Barton and Don Soon 'a"_rwu$.rt-o"M-Ptez-- an h"Iairaial