'lhal's doesn't necessarily mean that those fans will sup- port another team. If that was the case they could find some gre.at seats down the road in the Royal City for a good Guelph Storm team that has problems drawing crowds even in their new digs. Beyond the obvious pulitigking-il was one way forTurnloull to gel sumo attention for his run In reclaim the mayor's chair during the summer doldrumrit doesn't make a lot of some. Sure there is a lot of pent up demand for Kitchener Rangers tickets in this area. but that's because of the loyalty and suc- cess that team has bred over the years. So when former Waterloo mayor Brian Tumbull suggested that Waterloo gel in the running for the Mississauga Ice Dogs last neck. I just had Io shady: my hand Haven't we already luurm‘d this lesson. Guelph hut lilllu In help the taxpayers' pocketbooks. The klrt'nil operator. Nustadia. turited um to be like any old studi- um upvrumrs running to lhc city at the first sign of trouble. AM, it's up to the city to show u positive balance shoe! on ruutwthing that was supposed In 1:051 thc laxpuycrs nothing. But it morphed into a downtown wvitalization project that has done wonders for changing the streetscape of downtown "Pie in the Skylnnnc" J, the new _ "r - Rngen‘ Ccntrv, b. V? And ll chrcsn't hm e to be in the 4 A " , lug cities “here this kind of tiwal llhdllll) reigns lust msl of m on Highway T. Guclph had it's own BOB hum with thisilhuss when it replaced its former arena, the VRBANAC Memorlul Gardens, I Wir', working at the (.uelph lrlbune at the lime. and I agreed that the old \Inmplng grounds of players like [addie Shack and Gary Rubens needed an upgrade. WK mum than $400 million in build. hm the boss of the Blue Jays got it for a song paying $25 million tor it Iihl year. He even got to change the name of the place from "Pie in the Skylmnw" to thc new Htr Lilvxt ntlr thttt [Md mp “Hump; max tlw Hultttlu fl/ls \.1\nglh.ll thm MN \wn'nt mttkmg though H'H‘Hllt‘ nut ol mp HUM“ w.†Ru h \mdxum and mtght haw tn mow I muldn l lk‘llt'u' hon mum \purts xyrnphunh m 'yt'l'rit \ru liuk and ( )ntttnu Wt'rt' road} In gm- up thmr tirst burn tn limit \urr the tram th‘. whit h httxtt‘t ht't'tl a \upcrlmui unu- thr mrh I‘Ntkur math, thv plamtk HI the LN li) wars, “HUM 'ltl tutti ttHHllltlt' In clog uur lot til .nr\\.t\v~ \\htlt- othvr ttnpnrttml hmthd†[4.1mm arr hem); pltlwd utret: had oilwr cmmpltw like , In! Hum-n gutting the mu] m the t , - w" u-ntur) Ill pun httsmg the former I“ )BB\ I NM I hunt It (mt ()ntaruy tawny ‘ l t I ‘ Alma“ gr! 4 huh- nvnnux “In-n pulnn'mm gm mm-d up In \pullx 1mm hlws m A mu m rvsmnng (nu prtdc or .IIM'UHIUIIIIK umhu human-.1 ll mun when llmn not "1mm 11ml tuhPayvrs are on thc hook tor thcsc qulwlu cuurxumx ol [rung m till u nm'd “In-re one Imghl no! hun- t'\l\ll'\| In the first plane Ith of hon mam [mum lmguc tune have Ircen held hostage m the Inuln milhrirurre mun-r) send thc) "ceded no“ stadiums In make mun- Inunv) II man-s you “and†hon mm h " rnuugh’ Waterloo Ir. A club just a lot of hot air That's not to mention the problems with the one w_ww.ewwaterlooxom 135 Park, _St,, Kitchener CLICK “El! his-qua In I (W M and (an ttIrs-est Watedoo Continued on page 22 , arena in The Kodiaks were actually leading Barrie with just over a I vague play. With two points separat- ing the teams, the Kodiak needed to keep pace against Barrie and Akwesasne to keep Six Nations from leap froging them heading into the final week of play. The battling Bruins responded with three points, including a last minute 1 I . l0 win against Barrie Saturday night at the Waterloo Memorial Recre- ation Complex. and a last- minute l2-l2 tie against Akwesasne Sunday on their home turf. e k-W Kodiaks were I sweating from more than just the heat last weekend with Mk Nations Chiefs breathing down their nccks for the final playoff mo! in Major Series lacrosse I rogue play. quliaks take hold of last playoff spot "lt's basically a two-[cum Iournaum‘nt," said Schulz. who said the rust of the world gives the two traditional hockey powers little resist- ance. "They might as well make it host of seven between Canada and Ameri- Hu- Waterloo tandem has bog-n selected to the Team Canada Junior In-line hockey team playing In the AAU Junior Olympics luurnunwnl in Taylor. Michigan.Thetott numem features teams from all over the world. hut Cana- da has its sights firmly set on the U.S.. which beat them in last year's Championship. tt't w alum“ pluytstl " I couple ot big gannw this “an. Imludlng the fitutls ot thc (.rml Lulu-x In llm- roller hm hm kuguc Hm Jordan ~Mhul/ and Colm Way. nu-mlwrx m the KAN' Ilugr trho Iml .1 2 In the til., l'inuls. un- looking for. ward to playing in an mm] bigger game ul the end of the month, Local in-line players renew rivalries SPORTS lh Bun Vmww f hmmdv bluff Bt [hmhmvw I [mum I. Val! r " Ill + l " )(IllRONICIf. The Kodiaks' Dave Brown battles for position in front of the Akwesasne net in Sunday's 12-12 overtime tie. so. mum: more minute to go in Saturday one second left on the clock night's contest when the to give the bears the two Lakeshores tied it up. With points. the Kodiaks season on the The Kodiaks continued to line, Dave Brown scored with roll on Sunday night despite Both are veterans of last year's team. and they'd like to avenge an 8-4 loss to the ths. in New Orleans in last year's finals. The game was closer For Schulz. 19. a three T) Afterwards. Montgomcry, still drenched from the hot, humid affair, said that the Kodiaks are finally starting to play like the team they were projected to he at the start of the year. It's been a bit of a struggle meshing the new- comers to Major Series Lacrosse with some of the holdovers of the old St. In the overtime. tht. Kodi- aks found themschvs down u goal again and with Akwv- sasm- threatening In build a four-poinl load in the battle for fifth place. [hutu, whvn Morugomcry's lulu game heroics came into play again as he tied the contest with 3:12 left In go in the cum as he 3:12 I frame trailing Akwcsasne for much of the third period. With 1:48 left on the clock, Phil Manly gummy scored the equalizer which eventually son! the gumu into overtime time selection to the team. it's about winning his wcond Junior Olympic title against the US. after beating the Yanks in London. ()nt.. two years ago. Schulz has gotten Continued on page21 Continued on page 22 team that beat