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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 Jul 2006, p. 30

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Hy-law No tttt-tlmamcads "e rr. a - SUBJECT "tv-la" No I ION'. hung a Watemoo PROPERTIES lumng Hy-law contrNltng , " 's as NTi, land use dcxclopmcnt 1etth- 'i.Crc:iz::cr= 7- - if Ci",-"' L»; t t m the cur of liatcrloo -._ ..-. - A , " u The purpose of the tty ~Lm . . Is to rezone the “Subteet Properttex" shoun on the . attached I 1)t'ArltrN M IP LOCATION MAP to penmt .t tuned u~e des elopment ttteludmg restdentuL ntTIee and anctllary rehul and restaurant tbex Paragraph m of the By -lau rcfoucs a pnrttun of the subtext LIan knmut mumctNl- ly as l55 Caroluw Street South from Industrul Cr" "ICS"' lo Commsual Iuos'5 "C2-25" \uth Holding proxtstons u htelt require that punt to Ixxualk‘L‘ on butldtng permit. stir" contamination Pomtk's lIth he addrcsscd Paragraph ("I of the Ily-law relonex a portion of the suing! kinds known mun-etym- ly as INT kmg Street South from Induxanl C5 "ld5" to Commctvul Ttur-25 “(I 25" " tth Holdmg prm mum "hrch requtre that [mm In t\\u.|rtee ofa hutldmg 'er- mu. MIC cot1tammattott 1NNUC'N must he addrexxul 1ekhttortal lists Ineludutg relall store, specialty food stare. and restaurant are permtttni xuhloet In a cap nu hutldtug tloor area Paragraph (It) ot lhe Bx "a" aim outlutcs spcctat prm mum related to . reduced yard scthacks and antettth .tre.t requtt‘emeutx As hell As "caps"' on height ' and dens") Paragraph (Ill appltcs " when.“ prox mun will"; out th." tn the e\ em oi any future xuhdn Nun of the lands. mdu Mual Nrvcls at land “I" N ewmpt [mm lrnnuge rcqurrcniuts and requtremetth tor uni \ethtekx. Jcnsurlarttcmo arca and parking prm Him, that the “hub: panel ls tn tull osmplortcc “uh the pun mom of the lutttng In "au I-IXPl..»\\\I‘()R\ SUI ES Application In Coryunumon mm”! Plan Amendment No t,5 Ell-L: Only 1min Iduuk corporalmnx and public bodies may appeal a Zoning H) " att m the Ontario Municipal Board A Nome ofAppcal may not he fded by an unman- porawd assncumnn or group ”unmet. A Notrcc ofAppcal may be ' m the name ot'an Ind“ tdual "ho ty a member ofthe asmcmlmn or the group tho l tht. NOTICE that any “an!" m "gcucy tttdy Appeal to the Dunno Mumcipal Board In rcspcc1 ot the by-lou, by t'tlmg toth thc l Icrk otiw ( urpumlmn of thc VII) of Watcrloo not later than the Yuh das of July 300m .1 noun: of appcal 's Lung out the oNcchon to the hyltm and the rcaNony In support ofthc ohtccnon. 1tr'i')"i,'iCCl' by a tee of SIZS JIt. madc parahlc In the \Itntxtcr of I “win: ay prcxcnhcd under the Unurm Hun-um! Hoard Ict AN FAPl.thAH0h at thc purpose mri cthwt ofthe by-lan. dcwnhmg the lands to xvhtclt thus by uaxe apphes Is attached The mmplctc by-l.tu Is ax.ulattk to: tuspcc' tum m ttty unto: duruty rcgular nthcc hours DAT H) at thc (It) ofWaterloo thus Sth das Ninth. 2000 FORM , PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990 Pr NOTICE or THE PASSING OF ZONING BV-LAW BY THE__S_O_9__NCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE ClTYj-OF WATERLOO “mm: I tht MmCF, that the Corpor.mon ofthc l II) otNatcrloo pusscd By-t .m No Nth-0’0. ml thc 2tsth day m June. 3000, umkr Scrum! N ot thc Planning Ict R N tt . ["91] It you require further information or have any Questions. please canton the City of Waterloo Development Services Gloup at “#8732. Janice Mitchell. BIS.. MOP. Development Hanna Development Services, City of Watedoo Susan (ircalm rm Clerk o is-r-ii,:, 'iii F - SUBJECT PROPERTIES Cl " tW \onumtmth for l e consetl scolauv dc district cathuhque t‘entre-Sud Jrench l .lngmge Cathohc School Board) must he t"tled III the otricc ofthe Clerk. City of Kitchener, 200 King Street West. Kttchener, Ontarm (One t l l member 15 to be elected to represent the mmhmed geographic area ot' the Region of Waterloo and the Counties of Brant, "aktuttand Norfolk and Wclltngtonn The .\Iunmrul l ksmons Act. lWh. as amcmicd prm kit) that no cuntrlhullmh shall be nude to or accepted by or on behalf of a candidate and nu expenses may be Ineurred by or on behalt'ofa camhdate pnor to t'iltrtg the prexenhed Nommatson Paper istth the (It) Clerk - l anguagt' Ptttthc 1usltool Board) must he “ltd In the (mice ofthe Clerk. City of l oudon, 300 "utrcon Ax cum: I ondort, Unluno cum: I l ) mcmbcr Is to he clectcd to mplcwnl the willbmcd gcograpluc area of the Rcryon ofWatcrloo and thc (aunties of 11cllmgtort, Mtddlesex, Perth and Huron, Nommanons for Regional Chair and Regional Councillor for the Reponal MutuctNItty ofWatertoo must be filed m the Regional Clerk's ("1103. ISO Fredcnck Sttvct. KllchcncL Ontario Nommattons for t v: coatrctl scolatre de 1istnctliu Certtre-tiudAhsea (French 11ARD l'Ul Nt ll [OR Clt) ttl S1AI'l Rttto lh ~\l'l-Rl (X) Rrtiit3N INyiTRiCl tiCHttttl "(HRH . IV-trl Rt oo (ATHUI If DlSTRlCf NCHttttt BOARD tot the munmml clu‘lmns to he hcld on No, ember l l. -'thbt, arc hung recon-Al by MNtttmllly IV \\\llRl(X) S. GREATRUC CITY CLERK City of Watedoo Wandoo City Came tttlt Regina Street South Wamioo. Ontario N21 W (519) 747-0705 Candidate Nominations - 2006 Municipal Election I \ki Not" I IUhl httMiN "tttht, H)R I"! Ftrt ittuiNt, (HI-H FN Clerk la) or The prvscnbcd \onunanon Paper, sxhich Includes the Consent of Nonunee and Declarattott otvuahftcatton. may be obtained and filed m the Oit'icc ofthc City :hv: " M [31,152 SQMINA’I 10Y City Of Waterloo Citt Cl ERR tilt "FN0ERL00 100 RE(;I\\ til REIEI MN I" " "ERI oo. Ith INK“) For more :nfomunon, please tontart City of Watertoo 100 Regma St South Waterloo. Ontario N2) 4A8 P 51y886 1550 F 519747 8760 www.city.waterloo.on.ca Not2t l0 be elected from the combmcd gcugfuphn: area ofthe City of Waterloo and the Tou nshlps ofWcllesley & Woohs Ich Thrcc 13) to be elected from the combined geographic area ofthe (It) ofWaterloo and the Township ofWilmot (Inc t l I to be clcclcd from each of sewn (‘I uards to mun: on (It) Council Um: 1 l t to bc clock-d In xcnc on Watcrr Clty ('uunul and the Councul ofthe Rcponal Mumopahty ofWatcrloo my: "F'nt BI, tNt

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