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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 5 Jul 2006, p. 29

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Thank you In the past. the (it); of Waterloo has identified problems with b require repair. lfthe valve is located in your driveway and a rel excavating an area around the valve An unsightly patch could result in your brand new driveway, if; lfan excavation in a paved driveway cannot be avoided we will however. we will nol replace the entire driveway. Please call us three weeks prior to paving your driveway so that be present. Do not assume I, m n." - 4,)" rm Monday to l‘rlda) Ph: 747-24629 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Ph: 747-8549 Interested persons should provide written comment to the municipality on the proposal within days from the date of this Notice. Comments should be directed to: Ms. Christine Koehler. CET City of Waterloo SENice Centre 265 Lexington Court Waterloo ON N21 4A8 Ph: 519-747-8629 Fax: St9-886-Sytttt _ . ckoehier6citrwatertoo.on.ca ”concerns arrse regarding this project, which cannot he resolved through discussion wrth the mumctpa son or party may request that the Minister ofthe Environment make an order for the protect to comply ofthe fins ironmental Assessment Act treferred to as a Part " ()rdert. which addresses Individual Enwn Assessments, Requests must be received by the Minister at the address helo" wrthm 30 calendar days t Notice A copy ofthe request must also he sent to the City ofWaterloo Service Centre at the address n (here ts no request received by July 28. 200tHhe Keats Way/Beechwood Drtve Functional Analysis w to design and construction as presented m the planning documentation. Minister ofthe Flnvironment 135 St.‘('lalr Awnue 10th Floor Toronto ON M4V IPf Monday to Friday: 8130 AM - 4:30 PM Ph: 7418029 1hr Pnuccl I lit Report Is mania City ofWaterloo Sun In: Centre 205 Lexmglon Court Waterloo ON NN AJAX tuken m er a'number "ML-an, thc cannula] cost o Ihis I'm-Icy! tN hung planncd under Schcdulc " oft 2mm Suhjccl lo cummcnlx rcccn ed as it result of ( It) otNutcrloo Intends to proceed 1stth thc damn lo prm n1: fur thc safe moxement ofpcdestnans. cychsts In lieu-clnmud ”mu. lhc t'tiy oi'Wiiterloo.rs pmpmmg lo Impl nmung. Hugh unuwulln “uh mum" ulzuuk nhmm.» ....a iWZiii‘émQ c your driveway contractor will arrange this Planning On Getting Your Driveway Paved??? CALL BEFORE YOU PAVE 747-8613 i J under M'muulc " ol the Munmpul ( lass bnx Ironmcnlul Aswssmem process tJunc _ I'cccn ed us a result of as Value. and the reccupt ofthe ncccxsnr) approvals, The mutual 1sith thc dcugn and uRyrtstructtons ot' the, project allahlc at uu" ptsl com keatsxvay or ararlahle for rm 1c“ at thc fullnmng Iocauons: mrc t Cny ofWaterloo, Cicrk's tttrice lsl Floor Watcrloo Ctly Centre 100 Regina Street South Waterloo. ON NN 4Alt THE CITY OF Kai-E Watiitihoo Class Envrronmenta, Assessment for Keats Way/Beechwood Drive Functional Analysis Notice of Completion PLEASE CALL US FIRST.'.'.' Is Identified problems with both old and new water valves, which ':d in your driveway and a repair is necessary. it will likely require uur brand new driveway, ifyou do not call for an inspection, cannot be avoided we will patch the area to the highest standard rn AA-,.,. . Sity of Waterloo leslrlans. c} (lush mum! huscs and passenger cur tratlic on Kcats Way and In pmpmmg lo implement neighbourhmvd trathc Circles. 1ntc'rscctton itttr- lands. chiane, and spccd humps "low xvorks urc' planned to bu under- p...‘ mst _g" - __ tiiiiisisisiiiit, ands. chiane, and spccd hunips Thun- xvorks .m ated cost ofcomstructton is Shawn)” In “(H.500 dulc " ofthe Munlmpul “A“ bnx Irnmncnlul As, it result ofa, Value. and thc rum-ml oftlu. nx-m- resolved through discussion wrth the mumripahty. a per- ament make an order for the proJect to comply with Part ll art ll Ordert. which addresses Individual Environmental r at the address below within 30 calendar days ofthis ity ofWatcrloo Service Centre at the address noted above. s' Way/Beechwood Drive Functional Analysis will proceed L-...-..,.: .7, Many times they don't we may inspect any valve. which may Paradiém 30 calendar Application in Conjunction: [one Change Application [-0544 The purpose of Proposed Amendment No, 65 to the Official Plan for the City ofWaterloo Planning Area Is to: . EXPLANATORY NOTE _ -. _ t..v _ "I of Waterloo Ofriciat Plan to: - Require the application of holding pronsmns to the subject lands In conjunction with the implementing Zoning By-law to address We contamination Ihsucs; - Limit resadential densnly to a maximum of250 umtsrhectare; and - Perm" ancillary retail. restaurant and food slurs: use» on a portion ofthe sublcct lands, subject to hmua- nuns to be further defined In the Zoning By-law, Janice Mitchell, RES. MCIP Development Planner . Development Sen Ices City of Waterloo Is entitled to reeene notice of the proposed decision ol the approval authority by filing a written request to receive notice of the proposed decision of the approval authority with the Clerk of the Regional Mtmicipaiity of Waterloo at the address set out bcloys Ms. Kris Fletcher. Clerk Regional Municrpahty ofWaterloo l50 Frederick Street. 2nd Floor Kitchener. Ontario N20 413 .. An explanation of the purpose and effect of the Proposed Amendment describing the land to which the bylaw applies, IS attached. The complete amendment is available for inspec- tion in Development Services. Waterloo City Centre, 100tRegina Street South, 2nd floor. during regular office hours. Dated at the City of Waterloo this Sth day of July, 2006. Change the OtTicol Plan designation for lands known municipally as l55 Caroline Street South and I87 King Street South from "industrial" and Special Policy Area No. 4 to "Commercial" and more specifi- cally "Office Commercial" and Special Policy Area No. 69 TAKE NOTICE that the Council ot"the Corporation ofth Cuy orWaterfoo pusscd "Ha“ No, (Db-UN) an the 26th day orJunc, 2mm. undcr Scclmn 17 ot' the Planning Act, R S U WU“. AND TAKE NOTICE that any ncrmn or nuhlw hum Susan Greatrix City Clerk City of Waterloo Notice of The Passing of Zoning By-Law By The Council of the Corporation of the City of Waterloo ream a new Special Pohcy Area No. 69 ofthe City P 519 886 1550 F 519 747 8760 's, www.city.waterloo.on.ca For more Information, please contact City of Waterloo 100 Regina St South Waterloo, Ontario N2) 4A8 "" ttt that any person or public body fL‘CHC nottce of the proposed deciston of othoruy by filing a written request to of the proposed decision of the THE "c'Ht or a Waféiloo

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