I g "a IZI IUD , www.city.waterloo.on.ca To pruude for the safe mm emenl ofpcdestrrans cyclssls, transit buses. commercial \emeles and passenger car truth: on Dasettport Road the City of Waterloo Ps prupusrng to Implement cnmerxmn of the existing 4-lane cross section to a three-lane cross-section south ofold Abbey Road w Ith dedicated on-road cycling lanes and lett-lurn lanes at Intersections In uddluon, the at) Intends to prm Ide for protected pedestrian crossings of Dan enpon Ron through the uxe ofpedestnan refuge Islands These works are-planned lo he undertaken mer a number of years The eslrmaled cost of construction ly 5480.000 - 5675.000. This project rs bemg planned under Schedule B of the Municipal Class Enxrronmental Assessment process (June 2000). Subject to comments received as a result nfthrs Notice. and the reeerpl of the necessary approsals, The Cut) ofWaterloo Intends to proceed With the design and constructions of this project. The Pnueet File Report Is murlahle at: vwmptsl com dasenport or available for renew at the following locations Cdy ofWaterloo Seruee Centre Ctty of Waterloo. Clerk's Omce 265 Lexington Court lst Floor - Waterloo City Centre Waterloo ON NN 4A8 I00 Regma Street South Waterloo, ON NN 4A8 Monday to Fruiay R 30 AM - 4.50 PM Monday to Friday Ph, ‘4’~Xo20 $230 AM - 4:30 PM ptr 747-8549 Interested persons should provide written comment to the municipality on the proposal within 30 calendar days hom the date of this Notice. Comment should be directed to: . Ms. Christine Koehler. CET City of Waterloo Service Centre 265 Lexington Court Watei'loo ON N2] 4A8 Ph: 5197.7“29 Fax: 519-886-5788 thoehteeqcity.watedooarrtxa If concerns arise regarding this protect. which cannot be resolved through discussion with the municipality. a per- son or party may request that the Minister ofthe Environment make an order for the prolect to comply with Part ll of the Enuronniental Assessment Act (referred to as a Part II Order). which addresses Individual Environmental Assessments, Requests must be receii ed by the Minister at the address below mthin 30 calendar days ofthis Notice A copy ofthe request must also be sent to the City of Waterloo Service Centre at the address noted above. It‘there is no request recessed by July 28, 2006 the Davenport Road Functional Analysis will proceed to design and construction as presented in the planning documentation. ' Minister ofthe Em ironment - US St. Clair As enue . - lUIh-Floor Toronto ON M4V IPS Public Meeting Presentation of the Uptown Waterloo Public Square Study Discussion Paper hands). July l0. 2006 No earlier than 4:00pm (‘ouneil Chamber, Waterloo City Centre, 100 Regina Street South A Public Meeting Will be held on July It). 2006 no earlier than 4:00 pm. m the t'ouncil Chamber at Waterloo City Centre to present the Uptown Waterloo Public Square Study Discussion Paper. The purpose ofthe Discussion Paper is to present a summary ofthe research findings and to present a range of options for achieving the goals of the Study. All interested persons are invited to attend the Public Meeting. Please note that Council will not be making any decisions at this meeting on July 10. 2006. The purpose of the meeting is to hear community feedback on the options and proposals contained m the Discussion Paper, The information and feedback reeen ed at this meeting will be used to help form final recommendations and imple- mentation plans; which will be presented to Councul at a future council date ihe Discussion Paper will be available on Wednesday June 2 I . 2006. Hard copies will be available for pick-up at t e City of Waterloo. Development Sen ices, 3nd Floor. Waterloo City Centre. I00 Regma Street South or you may call l 519) 7418790. To download a copy \ isit out website at: wwvt.city.“aterlooonxa‘square. Foe more information please contact: Barb Magee Turner OR Anna lee Gunn Tel: (519)747-8757 Tel: (519703790 e-mail: bmtumee6tity.watertooooxa e-mail: agunnceity.waterloo.on.<a Any person may attend the Public Meeting and or make a written or verbal representation If you Wish to make a presentation to Council, please call 1 519) 7478549 so that the necessary arrangements can be made to place you on the agenda In addition. a written summary ofthe presentation should be filed prior to the meeting "I C!" O. (e mm cmcnl ofpcdestrrans cycltsis, transit buses, commercial sehtcies and passenger car Road the City of Waterloo Ps prupusmg to Implcmcm cunwrsmn of the existing 4-Ianc croiN- t' cross-section south ofold Abbey Road " tth dcdicated on-road cycling lanes and Iett-turn In addulmn, the at) Intends to prm Me for protected pedestrian crossings of Das cnporl Road destnan refugc Islands These works are-planned lo be undertaken met a numbcr of years Ctass Enviro-nmental Assessment for the Davenport Road Functional-Analysis Notice of Completion City of Waterlog OR Anna lee Gunn Tek (51 9)747-8790 run email: agumtqtitrwatertoo.ooxa ramp; and or make a wrttten or verbal representation If you msh to make a 519) 7478549 m that the necessary arrangements can be made to place you summary ofthe presentation should be filed pnor to the meeting. THE CITY OF Wafe=floo (Fill @29ng Waterloo Recreation and Leisure Services Department Community Questipniiaire lhc Recreation and Leisure Serwccs Department has prepared statements to descnhc our VINO". Mission. Outcomes and “penning Principles to better define " hat we do, " ho we sene and him the community should benefit from our sen luis We wtll use these lo guide our future planning We are rm rung the community to comment through a questtonniure that has been deseloped on the work we have done to this POIDL The sun ey Is now' onlme and can be accessed through www.crty waterlooAtn,ca, sur- vey or click on the "community consultation" button on the home page www.citynsaterlooorca Please take a few minutes to provide your comments on our DRAFT Vision. Mrssmn. Outcomes and Operating Principles, The survey will be online from June 26 - July l4. Please complete and submit your comments no later than July I4. 2006. If you require additional support in filling out the survey, please contact Nanny Bruce at 519-747- 8780 or email hbruceqcity.waterioo.ort.ca Payment may be male: I. By mail: Post dated cheques for both installments: July 20 and September 7. 2006. 2. Through bank telephone service - please contact your bank 3. At the City Hall after hours deposit box located at loo Regina Street S., at the William Street side entrance 4. In person from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Revenue Counter, City Hall, 100 Regina St. S You are responsible for having your payment in the Revenue Office on or before the due date Please remit the stub from your tax bill along with your payment to: City of Waterloo Revenue Services 100 Regina Street South Waterloo, Ontario N2] 4A8 tf you have not received your tax bill please corv tact Revenue Services at “$747-$718. www.city.watertoo.omca Did You Receive Your 2006 Final Tax Bill? CITY OF WATERLOO 2006 FINAL RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TAX DUE DATES July 20, 2006 and September J, 2006 THE CITV OF For more information, please canted City of Waterloo 100 Regina sr South Waterloo, Ontaric N2J 4A8 P 519-886-1550 F 519-747-8760 www.cNystmterloo.ort.ot