If I" are at all like me, mu spend Car too much time trying to personalize your computer. You can down- load 'screensavers. mouse pointers or diffen-m gadgets like stock tickers or “father LfCWC , 'rgtrar H... uuL m Mum“ llnmnu "atchtrrs tor Stuir liuwllnn . .1.n..n..\. rtrt...-.....se. mr.. ___, _ . _ rhe drungvlm'm m haw ing um- Dam! at with locu- mm way running smoothly ‘I didnt want to be “urk ing here bvcausv I was daddvy gin. .. “But first t had mulled to pun r myself." said Cheryl. ht hose Hilton's! in hair and beauty stemmed from het tt'ertage wan. when she had king hair lo her “AIM. His daughter Cheryl. 40, who (named as d hairstylist and “urn-d at salons around the city. cu-muull) “rm to work titr her father at the Laurier location, tvenurally super Dan's barber shop expanded to um locations tht. head office at e5tt king 51. N,. where lawrence worked. and the Wilfrid Iaurier Uni» wml) campus location. whtch catermd Rt male stu- drum In ttte early 1971ts, "Us cntrt'preneut bought his tiry bathe! shun No u xx “(ll \urpnxmg that "he" he .Imwd m Watertoo m 19ta9, he "ttmcdtarvly took a pub as a harbor. Illluxl Ill wan sttlo, A:murnu- “and nmugun-d In t and da trom Inmdmi In thc hopes ot building A hour! Inc In: ht,, [mum thatt the our hr had In“! Born In a punt 1.."qu lann‘nn' hum" rum"): halt at the age ot tuttc because hts “mum coukiut attorti In wnd tum towhool Super Dave'sharber shop says goodbye to its longtime location Moving the memories Ru the I ‘hmmrlr Bt Il\\l"l (In-u!» In! "In Inn-nu Ir But. have you ever had the desire to change every" thing on your PC? What would you say to trying out watchers for your desktop. Personally, I like to find at least one new desktop wall, paper each week from my favourite photo sharing Flickr. kw Moritz. a longtime Supér hawk patron, could. tit agnx- more. "My (“PINS think the mun‘ will be great." she said. adding they pay sl4 for a cut. and Sly if theft» \lll- dents " is on the tdp floor of a grey two-storey house. said Cheryl. who chow the toca, lion because it's close to her old shop and to the students who fmquom it. The shop was asked to mow because its new land, lords decided to renovale the building Cheryl found a new shop at 103 King St. N, beside Elhel's Lounge, which opened on Tttetulay. "Wn"Nues nwr ttte wan Now Super Dave's - which gut its name from the uniu-Nty boys who used to chant "Super Dave. Super "ave" ttter each haircut - has k4t its original location, ‘II "us hm] of hard to talu' nu dad's place, because m long an I Il\l' l “I" pmhuhh Ilt‘H'l (lll hair for as long as he did." she said adding he had laugh! her a number of harboring tt'rhniques nwr the wax -- um" .llll'l thc launw our closed because ot the unnmuu \ expansion -- and tried to rcplace her tather Ilhrugh u "as dlmulll at tirst l honl n-lmuu-d In thc lung \un-I North shop unul attottt qu- nun ago "he" Lnucm t' dim! m " llld\\l\(' hum attack m hh \hup It's (the no“ location; BUSINESS t You are likely a little hesi- tant with sonn- concern for all of the personal files that you have stoned on P"" sys- tem. right? You might be surprised to know there are a few different ways you can experiment with a different a different operating system on your misting hardware? even handier for people in that they can do their bank- ing and shopping and then go and get a haircut." he said of the uptown Waterloo Slll'. Cheryl David, owner of Super Dave's barber shop works on her employee's hair, The business has moved to 108 King St N, in uptown Waterloo Moritz started going to You could begin your experimentation withddnux. Linux is a free and open operating system developed in many different "flavours" (known as distributions). by many different companies operating system (OS) with little risk of damaging your files. 'He went to the shop where Lawrence was work- ing, hoping to get a cut from the shop's owner. Law rence hoon after he arrived in Canada almost by accident. was" mm" mom and individuals around the world. If your system has enough memory, you can use a "Live CD" variant of Linux to boot your comput~ er and have it run the new os from the disk and from memory. Without writing to your hard drive, this method doesn't harm your files and "It is hard nowadays to Cmd a barber shop because it's such a dying trade," she said. She said her clientele is primarily made up of repeal customers and those who hearabout her by word of mouth. And, during the school year, about 30Wer cent of her customers are university students. As well, she gets a lot of customers who are looking for a barber shop, not it salon. Cheryl is now cutting the hair of the third generation of clients who originally went to her father. "To me. hair standing straight up, that's not amair- style. Now maybe I'm old fashioned. but I wouldn't change for anyone." "ld say she's excellent," he said. citing Cheryl's upbeat personality and her willingness to listen to his requests as the reasons he keeps coming back. "l didn't hum until I walked in to get my haircut that Lawrence had had a heart attack." But he kept his appoint- men} and let Cheryl out his hair. and so far he doesn't have any complaints ahout his new barber. And he didn't change barhers until Lawn-neck death. - [he nun time l Wtutt hack paid. ‘l'm waiting for lawmncv." . ihe owner was busy. w Morin decided to give lawrence a In There are several varia- tions of Live co Linux. with one of the most common allows you try out the fea- tures and applications that come with Linux. without committing to replacing your Windows tls. "lie came back early the next morning with the money and two battles of wine and he said, 'Nobody does what you did.†"l had one student who wasn't getting paid until midnight and he had a job interview so I just told him to pay later. So when someone comes in and doesn't have enough money for their cut, she often lets them pay her back whenever they can. , One of the lessons Lawrence taught Cheryl is 'what goes around comes around. Meanwhflé, her father's memory still influences the way she runs her business. "l think I'm really lucky, I've got a great family and I really love' my job." "We just really draw in good Clients." she said of the shop, which employs one full-lime and one pan-lime staff, It's hcrmalc customers who she credits for her job satisfaction. "The mm! are an vusygw mg. I mean, l'rtt a fcmalc. I fuss about my hair and I want it a certain way, so I iust really enjoy thc guys." she said. adding she doesn't miss the pressure of styling hair for bridal parties. But her decision to gnr up her curling iron and lillv of luimlyljsl for clippers and the title of barber is one uw nvwr regrets making, And whaG m‘vn mum the minority are fcmale b, hers. she added. Continued on page " own more in Idl’