I rlltn m "it cdllor nun mun-n the arm-v" null mu. m. it“ at Ickphonr with" Aways 1nd tek- t*-etrtmttter_aremedoerty Ur tertitca, nun pulp-Iva and bull to! it "and Mm ull Bot be “Iii!“ k mch tbe rtgtt to edt with: a! mm a; windmill. tor brevrtt a by! was lawn my hr iii-med by In to Mtts "to m In cull Io Minimum unn- k-Idm-xkn " h III II thud Io hunk»! hunk. I"! W " _ V hantr m “mu-10mm \31 w lb: 0-1:an " tht, Be*1Pqer m pm- tected by orpyrtghr lid In} hr oed on!) In! perumal ammonium] pur- pmn All (“ha nghh an mod and cmmml w n Inc-Mullen! In malt an) an: ot “In Internal pun mm first Mum the prmmum a! thr mm " II: 01mm! For turlhrr mkmmlnm cur-Ian Andre: Barley Idnm “amt-v lhmmrlr. 17‘! W St _ . Sum N. “Mil. Ilium hN ll“ IITIIRSPIIX‘ t mn Ill-1" 0““!!! m “I MIE Ittr ‘alerlm ommck h 3 MM " the llnuno Ptess l outta. dud: can sndrn amplznm agmetst new m pun-n "Y col-plan" about mu. "mum" min-mung or with“ Judd tirst hr taken In [hr mum-er l nur- urlwd vomplamts can he brought I0 1httarro Prnd outwd. ? t xrlum Mreet Null: l‘llh. Ionmur.ON V MMt Ill (r.'.: an man u The Waterloo Chromck n puhlnhed each “and†by l My Media hump Inc ' a whudlary ot lunar t all-ura- Ittm 44.50478 Ink-mammal Standard Sena] Number ASSN (INC-.14") halved I m qum-n , I .303 Canadian Nhucations Mad Sales Puhlnunun Agreement Number awn-1H) t5tltt wri95-35?tt ma LABOR tflin 894-??5ftrst In} “)wa 'tttlu-MARTIN tn. "AB" " ttdl I’ll" RA a! 31x Mihunra otrrtottchmeurfe m Grrh (IIBBS t'll 333 rerhhva weaerloochrmu, It a] UrmaCtl A a! If} urn-mu wtrttTloochrmude an All [RUSH-(Q HEREIN] "" " ("1n "MOT En Ito RETAIL SAUL HA\M;EI sales u -riomhromtk m alumna] u -rlswhr"mcV m Jottutrr1 WMS I t " IIIOIII'EII a" 303 Bob ' " " H SPORTS EDITOR a! 330 wow a tsuumlmuhrwrrck . if un mnsm.‘ Odrm In" I , HIT". (I! JI [Mum “I “ll \IIIRI ASH)“ A" Pl "Mil Rubi t I 'u HM R Ill â€In" Pt ILNII'II WATERLOO CHRONICLE 170 lteter ht. N.. Sum 20 “um. (Hari- \l) JH4 886-2830 hm “9&9 I)". “a -d..h- " “All. (I th nun " “my l Mu. Ptt lumim Mama vu tIO F A x " uuumakdwchnidru tum the people at the University of Wan-duo's '8tardtanetTexhnaueyr-aot-iiet-mis- dteuy1meoota*irwG-uoeui-sm-, And_ltcansmrioooeoo-srresiaas- Wes! sidyshohasrbemta-Gori-seais- mmhtwm will add Kohl! mwvhascdr JaiU; a 2GrdTaTai," driving our bed "1rom"ir emior, Thésc grad students and?!" hulk-s " nerd a put""ixmt1i-iwtsemochtreasersaor% "t"or/oa0'Haodtyases-artsarrtrra4 The "s1hmsityalsamhieioosmarroo-s "ePtrrPtqattuase shodroesmerthrorsr-eiho, The city is also cunning into a [uni-rump at guns with the lhtixerhity ofWaeedom than II be Easing the city the land " a dollar a yrs: uhir me "n' plants servicing for housing espansioo on the thahersa, oi Walt-this nunh am. Thecity -reartoemiisase'iurelatizaoa", thetMCA. thot"tt-eraeir-imtsraii, u'lhlhr cityfn addition toabeaodnem tit-chm. .Thitrrmrx-aaiaysoeosorir-isome ofthatbalanmino'tyse-sisG_ rAn.dit'strttFdorrin-ytharuaiasoidshrpw lic/private pitiarursoikseanhrm-esae, "tcanhearitaheadyrmhou.notagaircsahe Wdlemofmnynfmdrylralhtmd Waterioo is looking into a $29 million library amnNCAonthr-asidrotitase+o. ButiGtirnefdrthoseoorthe-rsoi-oceaod th-iesofruyPartsai-ii-rm.to-he "ety"etalact-he'merushirmtoruteeU Pemahtyisthattheas-oGkarGLwa-uo 'ttth-taside-tdi-ro-a-sau-ti-sa p'acestoplayvgahesaodcuAsraseasao-- ' _ I 1 I .titr, tlllr'hiiiiiiiiiiiir " My Turn on the broken record Don't let the sticker shock you too much "eseser-hatiet-se-. --. We]: ahnats FIRM aho-ieiasttaner banish-a. ilk†haw-Mm 'ha"saaqrorm0oro-Gs â€butâ€; %nrr."hr-raros"raser Inn. Hub in “I In" â€no"! "rghrmamqir and about “diction hung “It, ‘neI (any: ot the Ill-um? II a spud. ot In In (Hebraic our o-ie-ack, an; bawdlfd lam-Ills:- cauttmohafsrhrrsprerg marmmthrcnir arwsMWu'anra%otwsecom. Io tux-n hum thes scen- mqh “(nun-II m mull-MILI- 'uueshrousraoahirrero hrMoLMmIo 'hro-euaohrs-aggesa A headline earlier last week read. "he Iotld's mu m (new-u- loo - maybe} lot a slot} huh; I.) In the (m Inn X:- M Li}. XL unhea- “it!“ Has out od mm (In I'D lot the " lop km Co-mir, "Nt so duruf That was the headline grain; Walnioo's loss In WI; "hsao it the I“ gnu Comm form in the paper of "tecord' in (than ha “than. So [Ill Molar-st, Thks the kid MWaqer Ioo bashing mere used Io Iron a pobricarion that sums lo In: m m- a mum pun oi ls Ihanl sundae†for a him"! up“ M o4 (am who had "I: kids the gall In stand up and came to the blast that {It} for Rating than that a In daun- ls than“ hump, pl: agreasty h ters. (Wm foe a ' [limb Uta "be Record led us a new} diet of HIM Park "hmoha"uscowasptay- "ehea.abmsohesMatmir 1iooEiqcheoercooorithas seeatidesotmihieege 'Sha-tstil-ie-oo: shedrhaeiecattsaceotrat Why'd I has mini; new " a - than - In Md in the 'atdshtrguoe a! the (mn- -ieies . ch'uus In (an, 'ihe “union, yet lets the brain m at Kind-nu city hall build monumcnh at museum-w. Fanny’s Mar*ecaorator? (mum's “(can loo publicly around here because you - know "hich naysayers __ H: the all-s (in can St a day and "Cioo weekends -- will In" somclhing smart. ah0y _ crux n! the poll which was the kids in the class came to the same conclu- sion that a " Mother Peo- pleakcady have Smarttlity My old stats teacher an“ be pmud of the way I pointed out the shaky premise this series 5 built on. "-iodthesampting lashed the class how fair and balanced this series is when it spells out its assumptions right in the I spoke to a Grade I0 media class at St. Hand Catholic secondary school and brought this in as an mapkofmedia has How about a yorcallm' Smart City series explorirv' municipal reform oppunu units that nobody asktd hw, and in: people want. so what’s the Records Ian-s! campaign? Havent chm been liv- ing with the repercussions of that decision for far too long? hm "link of the mil- lion. the city has spent try- ing to »pur downtown m1- (dilation The last downtown proj- crt the Record threw its full support behind was the rearing down of the original "cheoerCitv Halt The people of Waterloo should take that suggestion in good faith and tell the powers that be that as soon as Kitchener taxpayers start ponying up for RIM Park. we’ll pay for their new new Kitchener library have the nerve to suggest that Waterloo taxpayers should support a joint project.