Be a part oft: mmmmbh' mar/hr Warn/nu ___- be a par! ‘yf (hr S'yquict'nttninii Anniversary Cclchraiious. ' , water'oo , -"'""""-""'""----------------------C, Next year marks the City of Waterloo',, 150th Anniversa ry. With an initial plan approved by Council, the planning committee invites all members of the community to attend a ISOTH ANNIVERSARY IDEA FAIR --ctn opportunity to share your thoughts on to make our anniversary events and projects memorable ones. , .9.ate:Tytssdar, June 27th 'IllllBlMlll Time: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Location: Hauser Hans (Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex) From 6:30 to 7:00 pm. we'll present the Anniversary Plans. From 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., you'll have an opportunity to talk to the people leading each of these events and projects, sign up to be a 150th anniversary volunteer, and to share your ideas. - THE CITY or ra Watiiiiitoo City of Waterioo 100 Regina St South WatoHoo, Ontario N214A8 P 519 886 1550 F S19 Mr 8760 For more Information, please (enter! "TI "" CIVV Os _ Ill._.l‘_!ll IRS King lit. li. Waterloo Don't miss your chance to be heard. Call Watertoo Home Support Services to reserve a seat (519) 579-6930 L.l-l.l.l|l. Local Health WEE???“ Network * garden C\'L'H\IUII\ . shcdi, * trec forts * storing ni'pcrxunul ctrccls * rcmuung butter vcyc'tauon * planning \cgclannn . fence mtg-mums * laying sod beyond the proper!) line . dumping yard “mic Copies of the report can be obtained by visiting or from Anna Marie Cipriani, BFS., MLEO Service Centre 265 Lexington Court Waterloo, Ontario N21 4A8 Phone: 886-2310 Fax: 8855788 Deadline for comments: Sunday. July q 7m: Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex 101 Father David Bauer Drive Tuesday. June 20, 2006 7-9pm Room 200 [Encroachment Policy .. All Wards The City orWaterloo has prcpurcd a draft report for public rm tew. The report describes the proposed City of'Watcrloo policy and process for addressing encroachmcnts on public {non-highway) lands Fncruzlchmcntx are typrcally an) building nnprmc- man structure or uhstructlun thut tntrudcs beyond tl lcgnl boundary onto public land I ncroachmcms otien nucur uhun " person utilurcs, public lands for pcrsonal [NU nr bench! Common cumuv... ...t~l../t .. Open House ummnn munlplcx Include .: Sunday, July 9, 2006 lan for ‘in