Brittanny Maclntyre had a silver in the 50 freestyle, while Carly Martin had a gold in the 200 butterfly and a bronze in the 100 butterfly. Rachel Judges had two sil- vers and a bronze. Bronwyn Kemp had a gold in the hack- stroke and a silver. The the female I?) and over competition, Dayna Ahrens had a goal in the 1.500 freestyle. Michelle Ben had bronze in the 20My. With more than 550 swimmers participating fiom more than 20 clubs. ROW swimmers reached the podi- um 89 times. The Region ol'Walerloo Swim Cluh took part in the Western Ontario long course meet at Brock University last weekend and came home with a boatload ofmedals. The Kitchener Klassics organization also fared well. winning three medals over the weekend the most of any ofthe fastball groups. in other todrnarnent action, Oakville beat Bramp- ROW comes up big at Western Ontario meet More than 40 teams from across the province. covering an age range from nine to 19, took part in the tournament. one of the largest in Ontario. Pitcher Dayna lohnson led the way. giving up no earned runs over 27 innings ofwork. The Bantam Ghosts (aged 16 and under) won the silver medal. winning five of their six weekend games. The Midget Ghosts (19 and under team) claimed the gold medal after defeating Niagara Falls in the champi- onship game. Waterloo Ghosts scare up 2 medals Tg: Waterloo Ghosts girls fastball organization col- lected medals in two differ- ent division as their sixth annual tournament last Tatum Stewart Jon The Program funds community-based projects that encourage seniors to continue to play an important role' in their community by helping those in need; providing leadership; and sharing their knowledge and skills with others. The deadline for applications is July 14, 2006. The Government of Canada is accepting applications for funding under the New Horizons for Seniors Program. New Horizons for Seniors Program Call for Applications In the male L3-14 (allega- ry. Ross Bennett won four golds including wins in the 200 huttedly, MI freestyle 200 IM and 4001M. Sam Chen earned bronze in the 100 and 200 breaststroke. Katelyn Ferguson won three silvers in the I00 hack- stroke, loo t3utterily and 200 iouttcrfrc Rachel Radyk won gold in the 50 freestyle, and silver in the 200 freestyle. In the female 13-14. Alana Corrigan won gold in the 200 backstroke and bronze in the I00 freestyle. bronze in the 200 butterfly. In the male Hi and over, Matthew Jamieson earned silver in the 800 freestyle. Ian Kendall won gold in the 800 freestyle. while Mavrick Meyer earned silver in the 200 breaststroke. In the Squirt ll finals. Guelph beat Kitchener. fn the Novice I finals Guelph beat Kitchener. Waterloo's Courtney Ballplayer gets ready to slap the tag on a Palmerston Marlin in Novice action last week. waMInED mom ton in the Mite division In the Novice ll finals. finals. Kitchener beat Halton Hills. In the Squirt I division. Oakville beat Guelph in the finals, Cameron Drayton-Nick PURIH In the girls l0 and under category medallist:, included Regan Green-Bartlett, Natalia Czajkowski, Shannon Eby, Holly Gray, Julia Hewitt and Samantha Stanford _ In the buys Il-12, Dean Bennett two gold and two bronze. other medallists included Kurtis Gray, Graeme Kemp, David Mullen. Jimmie Radyk and Samuel Stewart. In the girls 1 l - l2 competi- tion, Margot Cunningham had a gold and bronze. Jessie Little also earned a gold and a bronze. Other medallists included Leanne Wiese with two medals. Luke Summerhayes was also a multiple medallisls winning two gold and two silver medals. night won three golds. a sil- ver and two bronze medals. Alex Siuda won bronze. The Waterloo Ghosts offer competitive and recreational fastball programs for girls aged five In l9. Rep teams play at Hillside Park in Waterloo throughout the week. Mr. Kaoru Yajimu. M.Fant. Senior Planning Engineer Regional Municipality of Waterloo Transportation and Enuronmcmal Services Dept 7th Floor, Water Services Dis ision I50 Frederick Street Kitchener. ON N20 413 Tel: 519-575-4757. Ext, 1349 Fax: 5l9-575-445.? Ken Selling Rcruonal Chinr limml: ykaoruohregionncttcrloo, meticulous Restoration origirtal Paint Finishes urtsurpassed Coision - The Region has initiated the Water Supply Strategy Update tl‘pdalet to determine any changes that could affect the implementation of the strategy to meet the long term water needs of homes and businesses until 2tMI. The Update includes a detailed examination of planning. technical and regulatory changes that have occurred since the completion of the MP, The l'pdate will renew and update the water demand relatne to projcctcd grouth in the Region. as well as the gamut} of the current " stem to meet this demand. Based on this. the preferred strategy in the MP will he updated. Public Notific'ations Residents and community organizations will he informed of any changes in the cur- rent MP as a result of this Update. Public Information Centrcs tPl('st “Ill he held in curly 2007 to present the results. Notification ul'these PlCs “Ill he puhlrcrwd m local new spapers and posted on the Region's websile at -rregtortnxatcrloo.on ea, In the mcantimc. please contact either at the tirlloumg study teain members it you “mild like more information. or to he added to the stud) mailing list to recent.- direct ttOtt) of future PICS: , FINE Auto INC 15 Centennial Dr. Kitchener Background _ The Regional Municipality of Waterloo (Region) is responsible for the treatment and supply of water to homes and businesses in seven municipalities throughout the Region. In May 2000. the Region approved the Water Supply Master Plan tMPt which pro- vides direction on long term water supply to the urban areas of the Region until 20-â€. The preferred strategy as a result of the MP includes the construction of an aquifer storage and rect" ery facility. the des elopment of new groundwater resources. contin- ued water efficiency efforts and ultimately the construction of a Great Lakes pipeline. In 2003, the Region prepared a Regional Growth Management Strategy (ROMS) which outlined the Region's overall strategy for development until 2Otl, and conclud- ed that the preferred water supply strategy in the MP would be adequate to service future growth in the Region. However, with recent provincial initiatives such as the Places to Grow Act and proposed Growth Plan, the future growth in the Region is expected to be greater than that envisioned in the MP or the ROMS. Furthermore, new technical and regulatory issues have surfaced which may also affect the MP. Water Supply Strategy Update Now Underway FINE AUTUMILE WY AND PAINT Mercedes Benz Dealer Authorized PORSCHE JAGUAR MHEH MHEH Specializing In NOTICE OF STUDY COMMENCEMENT WATER SUPPLY STRATEGY UPDATE 578-2052 Region of Waterloo PUBLIC NOTICE Mr. Stephen G. Natl. M.ling.. P.Fam. Project Manager XUC, Consultants Ltd, 820 Trillium Drive Kitchener. ON MIR IK4 Tel: 5 19-741 -5774 Fax: 5iW741-5627 F.marr "epheni" “gum!