Some of the WCI Fonnu- Ia One designers haven't even driven in a bar that has gone that fast. although Reese, a self-professed Nascar fan who has moved up lo Waterloo from his That's when? their racing dreams could go quickly off the rails. The car is guided on the track by a fishing line. but it was the calculations and the down force they applied to the from and rear wings that would keep it from flying off. 'itiis. despite the little car going 90 miles per hour on a 20-melre tack. they didn'l even test their car in a wind tunnel before they got it on the track. Their computer model- ling was so top notch that "You blink your c} " and you miss it." said Reese. "lt sounds iusl like a ict plane with a woosh.'" But u "asn't only thc model. lumen-d hy u carbon dioxide rainixn-r. which had jaws dropping as it linixhcd the race (ourw in a blink ot an eye. lite Balsa “nod Mod, eliers ahsociarion is also thing the malrriuls in " {mum puhliuumn as a model of him In build a ran- cur. Continued from page " Student plans to 'get thttttt' next year I] My)†IllF- yofrfrjlh'tft'r'i) as. "They were the second fastest car there." said the team's guru. teacher Bob There was still a little grumbling on their part like any good racing crew that finishes second. 'dl',1ttTJht,,, 7434 mus erHOUT mv The real question was how they lost the May l2 race. and even they couldn't answer that, Ind while depending on computer modelling required a big leap of failh. hoping their two entries mmldn'l end up in an "xplo- sion of "rothpicks. the amount of “ml; computer- assisted-drawing expert Holbrook, who also finished second in Canada at the Skills Canada competition in the CAD field. ensured they were on the right mick. '06 GRAND CARAVAN! STOW N'GO native Virginia. looks like he's tested that "twd for speed al least unu- in his life CAR OF 'rt1lti1ICE1iiat '23,99T 1 ---------_ I Ltet't'r.'Hae--srmierr_s-Grusu_7,f, '=ks.x.r'i.ts-es Ln“ Mayan-1:0“: Lam-v“ -.-- -----, - - to. 743-0300 "Without the fish wire attached to it. it would have flown of the track." said Bogaileh. "They had no downfmce.‘ "Basically it flew." added Reese. "ll didn't have any friction." .. iechniarv. we won." said Holbrook. “The other one didnt much the track." But his charges thought the winner had a competi- tive irtviyttage, . (Judson "ft sounds just like a jet plane with a whoosh. " so while the WCI team - Michael Reese " l 'I sunk"! goon- to make the most of v0ur mind's potential. you need to challenge it. stay socially acme. and belie\ e in yourself. sat leading experts on seniors' health. Indeed. a typical person over HI cart maintain and often improve his or her mental skill and aptitude. take a quick look at some brain-building tools: I . (,hallenge your mind. lo May mentally sharp. our brains need constant stimulation like reading. game playing. writing. traveling. or classes to learn a subject of interest. . Don't use a calculator. let your brain do the adding. subtracting. multiplying and dividing . lake part in social conversation and debate. This gives you a chance to strengthen your logic as you examine an issue from both sides ol the argument. . tongue twisters help to improve concentration Take time for your favourite tongue "sister at least once per day. try this: A box of biscuits. a batch ol mixed biscuits. . [all to a healthcare professional about taking vitamins. minerals. and natural supplements like Remember-ix. which helps temporarin restore mental alertness during fatigue , Keep a journal. Consider writing down the wonderful things that happen to you even day. big or small. , \olunteer tor any cause or Interest. including sharing " lilerlong skill "ith others Marty 'ommttnity centers and "rganuatiorv, are eager tor \oluuteers “ho can teat h hobbit-s, music. languages. social skills and much more. lot thc first time. lum- IG. 2006 will mark Ix ltod Fry the lnlrrnalinnul Nctwork for the Pre around The globe are being "sked to supp“ its arenessy hay m who "Witrertt"sr, of this impor Unlarin is one of the best plates in the work art. cmnuragrd In join in the celebrations I In ogiue and thunk older omurians " ho have the prosperity that Wt' all vrthry today. - "i"'PT"'"-S “m. .. runlrmullunx made try wniun m en day in communities across the pun irtre. lhis year's theme p, Active I.i\ing: lk-nltlu thing. . hcniom' Moruh h an annual u-lrhrmun tradition in nhidl (hr corttriltutiorv, of are m'klmulvdgcd and hunuun-(l lhruughuul thc prmim'r. M-niurs itCtNt) upproximatclx H pm (on! of "rttario's turn-m population. Srninrs' Month menu award ton-1110mm. rcurunllmn own!» sm'iuls and wniurx' mlmnmlmn lain Maintain a healthy lifestyle. hy c. lune is Senims' Month. an opportunity for all Ontarians m torttributions made trx wniors m en dat in ('nnununilia-x am.“ " Salute to tiiiiifii'ii"i"""fif"iiiiifi" Though the majority (it the WCI team is graduating to engineering programs at the llniiersili of Waterloo neu year. those who are staying behind are prcpar- ing to pick up the torch and get their measure of revenge. was in a Formula One race. the winning school was real- ly in a kl race. "With no {no tion. it jusl floats." said all“ uummn-u lnruugnuul thc pnninre. Svninn urtnnnl ior (on! of "rttario's (urn-m population. Srnims' Month cu-nh Inrlmh- 'ugnnum mum. social,, and wuiurx' mlmmalmn titirs. um- I3. 2006 will mark World Lldcr ttsuse Awareness Du) 'WI l ur, nnul Nctwork for the Prewntio" oi lzltlrr Abuse (INN A ' umnlnvx " being ash-ll to suppurl and Participate in World thier Aluv,t. , awareness of this important issue. _ u- best places in the world to gm“ old. "tttarch, arm“ the "rovirun. ming well and with n-gulau physical murm- 'elvhrations Iaking place I to gm“ old. "tttarmiv, across the proviruv aking place in their local rmnnmnm In worked hard and continue to contribute to BASEMENT mus 'cis nmvmc vou cum rtwognizc and titlttt. thc “mu: alumnus-um mmmmnm "i"etr.rqiqTite$-ams WATERPROOF IT! ~va t .11"qu U; wniun