call i23--3ty9ty Matt doe/Ly.“ mo www.ghtc.etom onstagpbghté l 'iii-i-jj-ii-ji-ii'))),'.? [M Eiflï¬lflflhfl Ihasm Cove: Discover the Rides of Christ One-week sessmns 98.7.3: Performances every week' Ages 6-14 . Monday to Friday 8 30 a m to 4 30 p m M locations in Southwestern Ontario Four weeks in Waterloo.' July 10-14. any 1121. Aug. 21-25. Aug. as.» , July 10-14, 2006 9:00 am - 12 pm Historic St. Paul's Lutheran Church -866-864-4282 “a... Pre-register by phone or email. (free!) HIT». Ertjoy'Et4r? stones crafts 'all Mivities lo book your weaning 'r mmmanm and tc, praregvster noo CY, the math of your thence Del-3w For Children ages 3 - 12 Finding fun in the sun 1TlFiCATt snacks. and ECHV‘HES Redeemer Lutheran Church July 17-21, 2006 9:00 am - 12 pm m Street W at S'eoy item-IL. 0H '11 1545 memos†f '. l Srttrtaor: Wdilii"iioo iiiiku sllllllllll, u; In the Heart of UpTown Waterloo] . 519-885-1921 a rt, Saturday, June lit) "I've met pouplv in the field across the world and seen what an impart slur port from someone in k-W can have on SOIIII‘UIH‘ in Africa." she said. For insluncv, Schumau‘lr er explained, in SI donation from a Canadian can buy either It) notebooks, 2O supporlcn of ours." Working with UNILH‘ has given Srhumuchcr thc chance to we the results that come from supporting the organization. Continued from page I2 UNICEF volunteer likes to see results 1tBPhtiritr1hmra .- j'" C i . Magnum ' , l " Dan Yam / /h' " Ihattllhtrtria s' f'"; m swam UPIQWBL. I Gic. "I felt zilmust tmcomfom able receiving this award. gin-n we (UNICEF) have over 200 volunteers locally." tytjiiiitr5 Little did she know the organization wanted to gel the word out about her mu. wm-n we put " that way." Schumarhvr said she's happy to get the word mu about UNICH; "Wu cxpluin it this way nlu-u m- W' Sum schools, ?ichumachvr said. “The kids seem Itt really understand when we put it that way." litres of water or 20 oral rchydratior1 luhloh for a poor child. _ Ruin: Strut Parking Lot t with ' mm- Tltmad :99 to 18:38 pm "I don't do volunteer work for recognition. I'm shc said "f he met people in thejield across the world and seen what an impact supportfrbm someone in K- W can have..." - Kristine Schumachor II.\I( rr txrhtrticet a; “Doing work like this reminds us (If how fortunate we arc." Git ing hvr lime is " Ics, sun \hv's mud In inslill in her (mu children, who range in age trom l5 In 2 l, "I It'll them we're required lo help just hecauw we can." Schur marhcr said, .. l his Hunk! gin-x "w the opportunity In mk- ttly skills and apply thcm ml (I gluhall scale." just happy I'm able to bring \Ulllt' "dkhitrt'rlti, ll) our gmup.