MON “ED ttr ADVERTISERS appreciate it when you tell 'hnn- I --_--- ' - V . ( Tarks . K Springer . Geronimo _ V - - â€mm: running yang _ I Theralwtmc Walkerx . Prophet . Ethnic . T J “h! your nu n Insoles" __ t' ' . l Rey, SI IO-SHS 2" $7999 .5100“! _ g "i'el"si'if,il,, OUR GIFT TO YOU ... 'io "tNate Price "ith this ad and purchase "rter npim June 30/06 Summer Sandal; R, Ohm.- A..:..:. RH) tu-IPM; THURS JR] HH’PM 5A! 9AM-o PM. tiUN l2-5 PM _-_-.-----, KITCHENER MARKET SQUARE 742-3228 Sand“; "iiriit"i'ii'"iirna, Daily 'Twery Day Great Prices" La SHOE . Duck, . Celehmy . Kamila '79i" - $10999 . Rohde . Nine West . Richer GUELPH WILLOW WEST MALI. 824.7532 MON FRI m 9 PM SAT tom PM, SUN :15 PM Ct Wt" suldents wave Iatttlttg impression at Formlua One Mr "ESE" Challenge no: nun-4 my.) a, ...v..,,. All those hours in the machine shop, making sure their balsa-wood model was ae"yi.ynamicauy-sourur, would pay off at the finish line. IN may Kim f 519.579.3950 But with a member like Miguel Perez Montoya on the WCI team -. a Formula One racing name if there ever was one - how could the team of Khaled Boqaileh, Mandeep Chag- ger, Tom Holbrook and Michael Reese go wrong. A II AL - I a -___. â€wag.- Challenge in the first year they've taken part in the scale race in Alliston. Ont. But they flushed some big-league potential after finishing second at the Canadian Nationals in the Formula One Car Design Challenge in the first year Visit our large showroom for Residential & Commercial Awnings OK, so maybe the WCI Formula One car-design team isnt quite ready for the streets of Monaco. (we over Jacques Vil- Mlcneuve. there's a new Canadian Formula One ruc- ing team in town. 1l.tPamamttaitsmitii.iGi By Boa Vnmu ' Ihrmm 'le Stu/I -----' "The tech director of GM even showed up to take a look." glossy as ours. "No one had a book as big as we did." said Hor brook. "There were a lot of duotangs. but nothing as "hum-- »~ - Their presentation mate» rials included a Poster-sized hook that had engineers from the big car companies, including General Motors, stopping by to ask them questions. and other schools in the competition looking to emulate them. , _ mm. TTP .n dmng cu-rylhing right at the competition, oven getting lural high-loch firms, like Itesearvh In Motion. to spunsor their lralsirwood cur, and painting their logo on their model just like a fully mocked up race car. "Ours was by far the most complicated paint job there," said Boqaileh. the team's captain. "lt was'just like a Formula One car where you cover it in logos." Ti.-', ' Continued on page 19 ln fact. they AW :mvd to he