Drayton Fattertainment pres- ents the British farce Not Now, Darling!, opening lonighl at the Drayton Festival Theatre in Dmonn. Tickcts are S36. or $20 for students. Call l- 888-449-4463 for more information. I Theatre on the ladgo presents live improv comedy every Thursday at 8 pm. at the Waterloo Community Arts Centre. Admission is ss. For further information, call the Arts Centre at747-5tl49, Elvis and Friends. tributes to Elvis. Tom Jones, Avril 1swignc and others. will take place at 8 pm. hme I7 at the Royal Canadian Legion, IS Regina St. N., Waterloo. Admission is SN. Proceeds to the Grand River Regional Cancer (x-nlrv. mum-s W81": Jeffrey Dale and Company offers the show Millhank's Mystic. through June 17 ill Theatre Three. Eleven. 3l l P winnim f way Ci: r2..> PI; ‘- up lune D V l nmrv i W. _ limLcu Main St. F... listowel. Tickets are $l5. Call 291-2033 for more information. cm Drayton Entertainment will stage the award- winning Broad- / way musical ‘ Cats at the St. Jacobs é. Country . ; Playhouse opening lune 20. For = l morcinfonna- b lion. call 638- 5555 or l-888-449-44H3, " “THEME k-W little Theatre presents Who's Afraid oWirginia Woof? opening at 8 pm June 22.at the Church Theatre, 1376 King St. N., St. Jacobs. Admission is $15, $10 for members. baby-friendly cinema every Wednesday afternoon at Princess Twin Cinemas, 46 king St. N., in uptown Water loo. A Songwriters' Circle, with Madviolet. Melissa McClel- land and Maureen Ennis, will take place at 8 pm. June M, at the Centre in the Square, Kitchener. Tickets are $29. Mobb Deep will perform at Fuhar. University Ave. W. Waterloo, lune 16. Tickets are S10. For more information, call 1-4l6-870-8000, Our World Festival of Music. with Muna Mingolo. will take place 31730 pan. lune 16 at the Registry Theatre, 122 Frederick St., Kitchener. Tick- cls are $20 in advance, $22 at the door. Call 5195784571) or I-800-265-8977 for more L information. CLUES ACROSS 1. Jewish month 5. Chest of drawers It. Cut Into cubes 12. Egg-shaped Instrument 14. Rummy 16 May, actress 19, Dark. reddish-brown color 20, Certainly 22 Central nervous system " The goal In nce hockey 64 Pour out of vanes 65 Break stone CLUES DOWN 1, General's assrstant (amt) 2. Days (Spanish) 3. Facial pimples 4, Gather a crop 5. Hamel exiracts 6. Genus ot crab (abbr.) 24. A sword sumnlar to a toil 25. Harold __. New Deal statesman 29, Data Mgmt, Assoc. 30, Canadian province (abbr.) 31, Crow calls 33. Maya -ee artist 8 archnecl 34. A gate (Arabic) 36. Confederate soldier (abbr.) " 37. European money 40. Edible bivalve 42, Expression of sympathy 43, Ribosomal ribonucleic acid " Anwar --' Egyptian statesman 47. Puttm' on the 7 48. Recuprocal ot a sine 50. Sew 53. Sprays water 57, Donkey's sound 59. Having two poles 61. The dead body of a human bemg 63, The goal In nce hockey 64, Pour our. of woes 65, Break stone Waterloo's Uptown Country music festival will take place lune 17 from 1 to ti 10:30 pm. in the Regina Street public parking lot, near City Hall. The event will include Diane Chase. Greg Hanna. Prairie Dawgs and others. Admission is free. , The Oxford Winds will per- form at 7 pm. lune 18 at the Waterloo Park band- shell.Waterloo. Admission is free. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. Immaculate Machine will hold a co release. at 9 pm. lune 20 at the Starlight. King St. N., Waterloo. Admission is Stt. King Street Trio. 65 University Ave. F.., features live jazz four nights a week, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6:30-9 p.m., Fridays from 7:30-l 1:30 p.m.. and Saturdays from 7:30- l0:30 pm. For informa- tion visit kingstreettrio.com. Solé Restaurant and Wine Bar, 83 Erb St. w., Waterloo. presents live jazz every Satur- day from l0 pm. to t a.m. 7 Radium 8, Before 9, Amicts 10 Two-teed sloth 13 Publncuzed 15 Thus(Latm) 17 A small Aswan country 18 Resms from tropical trees 21, Bung lonh young 23. Scanduum 26. Kilocycle (atotrr) 27. Hearing organ 28. Popular casual attire 30. English radio station 32. One point west of due mcmwmn A viola camp concert with Douglas Perry on viola, will take place at l2: l5 pm. lune 30 at First United Church chapel, King and William strcols. Waterloo. A free-will donation would be appreciat- ed. Country Blue Gallery, located at the St. lacohs Factory Out- let mall, presents the work of Bill Saunders to Dec. 31. 2009, "mtl The Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery. located inside the Centre in the Square presents The Grand National Quilt Exhibition: Wild Life: The 35, Sound of a sheep 37. Strays 38. Weight um! ot hydrogen 39. Undo a ribbon 41, Doctor 44 Memcan Indian 46 Air condmomng 49. Ponce omcer 51, Punch card residue 52, Incline from vemcal plane 54. Hosiery 55. Enthusiasm 56. Adventure story 58. Western Athletic Corr bronco 59. Am. entrepreneur Franklin 60. House We (atrtm) 62 Virgina (abbv) Notebook Project Singularly Significant Series, to June 25 The Peter Etril Snyder Gallery, located at 59 Erb St. F... Water- loo, presents Mennonite Fam- ilies. to Aug. 31. 23, The Waterloo County Quilt Gallery, 1441 King St. N., third Mor. St. Jacobs. presents A Stitching Journey: Marie Kai- dasz, to Sept, 30. The Waterloo Comm unity Arts Centre. located at 25 Regina St. s., Watcrloo, pres- ems the K-W Society orArtists annual juried show to July l0. Be part of the.,Aza Scene Please let us (1qu "furry upcoming etttertttitttttertt. Include roman spelling of t'tt'ttt. when and when). price, (elephone Immbw and briefdescriptiott of what's happening. Far m at 886-93&3 or email ettitorialgsttoterioocitmriiciexa ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK'S PUZZLE Kuntz House Com- munity Gallery. local ed at In King St. s,, Waterloo, presents A Few of My Favourite Things: Linda L Brubacher, to lune