Support for new campus The new location allows Conestoga to grim its oper- ations in Waterloo by at least 58 per cent immediately. me facility is ("I I? acres. now provides â€3.01m squzm- low of ~pau' and can H'vlilildlh he "xparttied In as much an 250.!!!) squan- loci. The support generated NO far is pan "fan ambitious S7-million campaign associ- ated with the Waterloo expansion. . Alumni, tritmds. Mum} and stan ol l 'mwslnga. [how funds air being uwd thr the pn-panumn and rmmmliun ot the facili, ty for its initial use by t un- mmgu. ax Well as for the acquisition of lemming equipment and manure» to he used in program delivery. . flu-hm lmnln lnun lluliuu. " Inuaninn .n nu- In the support, cum-mam- nwnl and promotion ul rllurls In reduce cttrrettl and {mum skills shortages: . t uncslngu Golilravui (proceeds from thy 2003 l'u'm‘l; . llu- Walter led) l'url m-rxhip. a {HUM-n irc "rclti, lu'luml and vngim-cnng tirm in all .Ispt-rh ul [mm-u (k-u-Ianm-nl and nuumgn Im-nI: . llw Merhyncrgy t lmrir table HAtndation, a {Humid lion that rtwvires mid dis, lrihulos dmrimhk- gifts In furtherance at t'unununin dowlanm-m iniliuliu-s: . Ilu. Lyle N. Hullnmn l'uundulinn. " charitable endunmvnl Iund null u 'ttr"ni', interest In mmmunir ty development through etittcation: . lhe. l~runnmiml Imurr unu- Group. "no ul Ciutit- du', largest properly and msualn insurers: . MNN Meal Shupx. thc well known nulinnul chain at specialty frozen fond wuort's". . Slvt'mun “rum-rim Ltd.. one of thc fastest gruning premium hrvuers in North Imcricu; . Jarutsway Construction Group. a provider of design and cortstrtrciiott scrvices (mi! solutions. from tumult ing and planning through m [union completion: . lan Cook. m Cook Iforncs. a company noted for development and (on struction of rusidemiul (our mmtitics. illlllllt'd to family and erwiromttesttal factors . Fackoury's Building Supplies, suppliers of a diversified product line of matcrials for interior and exterior building infraNrur- lure and finishing: . "alum Construction Ltd. commercial and indus. trial construction contrac- tars: orNoti. Freroitlly. the no“ nun pm uill also accommodate prvpummn skillx prugrmnx. which ready punk ipunh tor rum In employment or fur ther education. and tt large array of owning and week, end continuing, education coursex for adult learners. Pledges and proceeds In the new Waterloo project have come from: