igilii; Waterloo Minor Hockey Assoaatlon RIM Park, Suite 106- 2001 University Avenue Waterloo, Ontario N2k 4K4 Telephone 725-1434 Fax 725-0387 e-mail wmhaOgoldenmet www.waterloohockey.on.ca 2006/2007 REGISTRATION RIM Park - Suite 106 - Hockey Office June 7th until August 30th 12:00 noon - 6:00 pm Wednesday 's Cheque or Cash AAA, A & MD (Rep. Team) players must be registered by August 2nd to attend any tryouts. Players not reg- istered by this date will not be allowed on the ice for tryouts until the base fee and an additional administra- tion fee is paid at the WMHA office. Zone players must register in their home association and obtain an OMHA Player Tryout Permission Form from them. WMHA Wolves AAA tryouts begin on Wednesday. August 30th with A and MD tryouts following them. Schedules will be available on our web site or can be W53†We are also looking forward to hearing your ideas and suggestions about what we can do in the future to make your recreation and leisure experiences in Waterloo more gratifying. Help us determine if our Draft Vision, Mission, Outcomes and Operating Principles are consistent with what City residents expect of your municipal recreation and leisure services. THE CITY OF 'tii-Tri-ri.] Waterloo Recreation and Leisure Services tTr:; Tuesday, June 20, 2006 7:30 pm. to 9:30 pan. Community Room, a'"' Floor Adult Recreation Centre I85 King Street South in Waterloo Needs Your Help Waterloo Pool Information Moses Springer Pool Ihtenlmp', 7 is Saturday June l0th. Come enjoy the sun with family and friends. Schedules available on the city website, at the Swimplex and Moses Springer Pool. Summer Lesson Registration First day of registration for swimming lessons is Tuesday June 20th at 7:00am. Check the Program and Activity Guide for all your lesson information, I For more information contact the Swimplex at 886-3844. picked up at time ofregistratiom Players not registered by Friday. September lst will be subject to an increased fee and placed on a waiting list. Refunds will be subject to an administration fee. ATTENTION COACHES rf WMHA is still accepting coaching applications for our Rep. League Minor Bantam AA/A team. Applications are on our website or can be picked up at the off ice. Rec. League (House League) roaches all divisions application is online q www.waterloohockey.on.ca Fira dav nf Public Workshop swtmmin; 12 at " lltgirp_; Snringgr PLEASE CALL US FIRST."..' In the past. the City of Waterloo has identified :iil problems with both old and n new water valves, which fariiiFA, Tii,] require repair. Ifthe valve I P, Is located in your driveway er C, and a repair is necessary. it will likely require excavat- ing an area around the valve. An unsightly patch could result in your brand new driveway. if you do not call for an inspection. If an excavation in a paved driveway cannot be avoided we will patch the area to the highest standard; however, we will not replace the entire driveway. Please call us three weeks prior to paving your drive- way so that we may Inspect any valve, which may be present. Do not assume your driveway contractor will arrange this. Many times they dont Thank you. I CALL BEFORE YOU PAVE 747-8613 Planning On . Getting Your Driveway Paved? For more information, please contact. City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Waterloo, Ontario N21 4A8 P 519-886-1550 F 519-747-8760 www.city.waterloo.on.ca