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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Jun 2006, p. 32

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.mnluhlc In rcspond to questions and In hulk to ..- rrxnknlx aud Inlcrch pcrsmh In .Iddnu-n, Mr 'st san Dc ku'rc. llcad ofthc chmn ol “Merluuk munthnul program " I” he axarluhlc lur tlucstutm_ Mr. Chris Hodgson, B.Eng. Projett Manager. Traffic City of Waterkto 265 Lexington Coort Waterloo, ON N21 AAI, Tel: (519) 886-2310 Ext. MM Fax: (519) 886-5738 Email: thodgsoetqo'ty.water%o.oo.ca . or on Thursday. June MI, from 4:30 to 8:00 RM. at Laurelwood Public School on Brentcliffe Dove, Waterloo. Thu session n ill be an infor- mal drop m hetrsiort that will allow rcsukmts to ask questions and learn more about roundabouts and thc construction planned for Laureluood Drive and Beaver Creek Road. Information about how to use a roundabout. the functional and safety benefits. the final derugn and the construction proJect sill be axullahlc for rcucv» during the \csslun. As “cll. duty Staff mcmhers ofthe consultant team from Iottcn Sims Hublckl Associates along Vt ith roundabout spccrahsts Ourston Roundabout:, ( mum uill be pity of Watgrloo Laiirehnrood Drive th Beaver Creek Road Roundabout Notice of Public Information Centre Information Session Only The Crty ofWatcrloo p, busting an open house Susan (irculrn Crty Clcrk NOTE: Only mdtviduals, corporations and public hod- Ics may appeal a Inning By-loss lo the Ontario Municipal Board A \oucc ofAppcal may not hc filed R.S.().. 1990, AND TAKE NOTICE that an} person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board m roped ofthe hy-law hy filing “1th the Clcrl ofthe Corporation of the City ofWaterloo not Later than the 27th day "Hum: 2006. a nntlcc orappcal muting out the olyccuon to the by -lau and thc rcusnnx m support ul‘lhc ohtcction. accompamcd by a fee nfSIIS (Kr. mud: payahlc to thc. Shmstcr of I Hunter. as prcxcrlhcd undcr thc l mum» Municipal Board Act. AN EXPLANATION of thc purpose and ethyl ut’thc bylaw describing the lands to vvluch the hymn apphus h attachcd. , hc complctc by-law " unulnhlc for Imp-salon III my oificc during rcgulur mike hours. I):\I H) at thc Ctly otNatcrloo the, 7th day ofJunc. 2006. TAKE NOTICE thut the Corporation ofthe City of Waterloo passed By-Lau No. 06-047 un the 29th day of May. 2006. under Scclmn 34 ofthe Planning Act. NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF A ZONING BY-LAW BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF WATERLOO FORM q PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. about 1)f111,ll ppjj.t1:: t". Wafe"rtoo Sm c n‘t THE CITY OF I; Hy-km No. tm-IH” amcnds By-ran ttt I IDA“ hung a lunIng By -lau controlling land usc dcxclopmcnt \ulh- m the l Ity otNatcrloo. The purpose orthu. Ity-law Is to rwunc thc "Subject Lands" shun n on thc auachcd KIN M IP from lnduxtrml 25 "l-ZS" to Indwurial 25 "l-25" unh situ' spccirics to Includc a prm mun to .llluu " mncl} store the, The purpmc ofthc amend- , mom P, It! pcrmn a Mind) store bl Ilhln an whim-:- building In conIuncuon “uh the gax bar u»: an thc properly Paragraph I of the By-law rczuncs the "Subject Lands" from Industrial 25 "HS" to Industrral 25 "I45" "ith sttc spcofec prox Nuns In include a prmlsmn to ulkm a " and} store" use. Additional ,uteeipccufrc prousmns by an umncorpdrated assocotion or group. llmwwr. a Notice ofAppeal may be filed in the name ofan Indu- \ idunl who Is a member ofthe usxouuunn or thc group. Mr. Ernst Meirtrichs, B.A.S<., Ping. Manager, Transportation Southwest Ontario Totten Sims Hubitlli Associates " Victoria Street South, Suite 202 Kitchener. ON N26 4V9 Tel: (519) 886-2160 Ext. 237 Fax: (519) 886-1697 Email: mm.“ Mformatioopreseettedatthertcwiltbemade available on the Cityis website at: www.city.water- loo.on.ca Mplicatio" In Comunctrom N A XPLANAIORY \(JII RaN)aBou' TO GE (M'M'EZ City of Waterloo 100 Regina St. South Watertoo, Omano N2) 4A8 P 519886-1550 F S19-Nr8760 tnmtrw.eitr.w_oo.oet.ea For more Information please roman [Encroachment Poiicy - All Wards T hc City of Watcrloo has prcpurcd a draft report for public rc\ re“. The rcpurl dcscrrbcs thc propowd ( u} ol Natcrloo palm} and prociss for addrussmp cucroachmcmts on public tnon-highway I lands, l-ncnmchmcnh arc ty pica") any budding. Imprmc- ment. Mructurc' or obstruction that mtrudcs bcyond a lcgul boundary onto pubhc land. [incrnuchmcnls often occur " hen a [when utilizes publrc lands for personal use or bcnefu. Common examples mclude: . garden mtg-mums . sheds . lrcr: forts . slormg ofpcrsonal cWects . removing butler 'egctattort . planung \cgclallon . fence summons . laying sod beyond the property tme . dumprng yard waste Copies of the report can be obtained by visiting I www.city.waterloo.on.¢a Waierloo Memorial Recreation Complex 101 Father David Bauer Drive Tuesday, June 20, 2006 7-9pm Room 200 tit thc ninety store use shall be permitted In conjunc- mm to u gas bar use; (ll) the maumum hulldmg tloor area for the variety Murc tPic' shall be Itrmted to DU.“ Squaw metres 1 l.292 squun: fuel); and lull parking for thc ulna} More use shall be pun tded at a rate of4 spams per Hm xquam: mctrcs of building thor area. are Included outlining that Phone: 886-2310 Fax: 886-5788 istipriimiqcity.water$oo.oo.ca Deadline for comments: Sunday, July 9. 2006 Anna Marie Cipriani, 3.5.5., MLEO Service Centre 265 Lexington Court Watertoo, Ontario If you require further information or have any question please contact the City of Waterloo Planning Department at 747-8536. Lesley A. Belt Development Planner Development Services City of Waterloo www.city.waterloo.on.ca

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