Fit" I "Damian ' African . Irish . Persian t Chilean. MING! Isancl cistcma ' Mon lance o James Gordon o nanuan tamer children's area . Ecological stories . Elana! ttttttttttttttttut . Boogie Mon It. novcmoMamcs namcman o Kano Badman. MP ' Mm union. In I m ttttttrt-starr-ht-a-tttte contest ' momma: o literacy Btttrtitttttttttttt l timr.itttitttttttstttsttttttt.tgtm' 519-584-058 I St. Agnes holds fundraising bazhar I ij, - I f -iiiai H iki - ' w i'4 of a“ 5 P 5hr (Iidlll think hcr rescurrh “as siuistii,ulls \lvi mug is still sttrpriwd h} him Mr her rmvun‘h hm when hcr " ith \usxmliu no“ pun 'rl 11ml rxpvrivm‘v, "l me thi,, souuds kind ot silly but I1valtva.vs had il Itussion and it Imv tor Itsurtring lmrnmg mun-m "lt Continued from page 12 that at lot of the inspirmiun for [hr Isroicrts lhcro+umr trom 1hr workl ttt' live. n. Science teacher proud ttthis student St, Agnes Catholic Church in Water Inc) is holding at [unthinking hamar Sal urdny at its parish hall. STORYTELLERS FROM AROUND THE WORLD Saturday, June IO, 2006 10 am -.. 5 pm trinity ummd church, 74 frederick straw HIM, Nt m :Q/‘latituues siiytificum. but in the and she "pom-d a lot ofcycs. "l told my mum that this Witt, stupid -_-- that I didn't prm c anything." will Nlct “dig. "l “as olistip- pointed and I wax down m1 nuwlL Hul pooplc mum! nu prim-n quite numuml mg and I “as dumhlhundl'd by that lwuum- I didn't rvul- " think u uhnlv lul "fit." lhal rmninn didn't 'mr- mm- hur math and wst"ictoct. warm-r. Itat id S'rolvk. m unanimous-nu nun story Shr- is mute inlervxlml in Mun- than 13 home party vendors will tuke part in thc [Ia/um that goes from 101111.105 p.m. TAPESTRY tet, kitchener "lt's almost inmiluhlu thut wu'n- going lo swulhm it linlv bit (If llbulllpilxu‘ "sht- makes the Conru'C- tions in her head." ind, in the cud Nltruaig (hum think smut-[hing \ullr .lhlv lilllll‘ um oi the tvscurrlt. "What stands on! about Sarah is her desire to learn. and lulu- what we've shown hm in class In [he "on \lt'p." said Vroly k. gelling it right than getting thc right results, he said, .. l'ho pulomizll In (Ion-l up it rtsistuntv (hum mm." .. I‘llal's the peril-CI simu- tion for hark-rm In den-lop " rt-sislunu- hvruust' or thc mnxuml small npusurv. every time you brush your tceth," she said. chlonof Waterbb PUBLIC HEAUH A HEALTHY PREGNANCY HELPS BUILD A HEALTHY BABY free prenatal health fair I3)! ‘4 Ptrrt'uls who "re prz-guant or planning u [MI-gum“ 5:00 pm. - /r'.i/riu. Waterloo Recreation Complex t01 FATHER DAVID BAUER DRIVE. W'A'I'ERLOO Tuesday, June .13, 2006 we wchsilc. . Maud nr phnm wwwacgiorrxvatcrloo an n " pl. Displays, Pamphlets, Mini Workshops & Door Prizes For more ittftrrrrtatirm 1 (III DADS-TUBE & SI PM wr PEOPLE Wrlt (NE (519) ts'tSh-.?.h(th'