ME AUTO we " thentai Dr. klteh- every year "So I think that hclps our n-pumtinn ot runniny‘quali- In the Int-unlinna thc organization will ln- looking tor voltuurvrs and Iinurwiut support from thc l â€mumm- ly In show that Wutcrloo can host " Inurnanm-nl ot this sirv. Waterloo minor hockvy ahead) has a good Irack wand with its massiu- Gold Continued from pagezz made a contrttitmvtn to n-httild it’s Major Midgt-t Program in 2002?. and it [ruin ctriuhcd Ity Randy Hmhzuh made it for Ihr tint llltH' in the limit "rgimizaiioris his. tun'itt 2001, that Uommttmtutt tn the Major Midgct program included it dedicated (tn-ss- ing mum at RIM Park, ti bus [wasting the Wolves, lug" and colours and summit tor " Program that has "croutt, tlu, "'"T ol .Ill_\ (*ity this Nlift'. Ihv pmgmnt is mm headed by l)uu' Sthlitt, who IN vxpericd In tii'ld his \trungl-sl trim! in timc tut llll' 2007 regional,, and might own haw an tHUrt mung (-nnugh In quality tor the 2008Telus thrp int its own int-rim. "in 2008 tit-'u- got an ch'trcrnely strong group of trains (tuning up tum-the: so in- would h" 1t'ri unn- pi'litiw." said Smith. But the} will hr tihh' tn amid those mugh ("withing rnuttds if thi-y 'rliltrt' tlu. rights for [hr 3mm ttrtitrtit- mom. Smith min-m tn hour athmtt that 'rossilrelity mun utter submitting Mutt-Hunk hid try March It. l Waterloo hosting 2007 Telus Cup regional finals lim Hu- L'007 Inurnunwnl will he um UNI ul RIM Park all a rust of uhuul $60.00“. H Watcrloo wins the 2008 'lL-lm Cup hid. that budget will he almost duuhlvd and the championship will be hvld at the Wan-duo Memorial _ _'.',". MAKE voun TRUCK As __',,' '/c_w:_ii_-_,_-_c,_atlhlBllimlititAill,, AS You ARE __";)',':', ty 1'vtut0c.. and it gels the word uul that Ire run a qual- ity own! and Wt' have sumo gum facilities hrn'." TOWARDS GENUINE FORD ACCESSORIES AT NO EXTRA lawn-anion Complex. Waterloo minor "ockcy has n-u-iwd u cotumitmott from the city fur thc avail- ability of Ihnsv hm lllrililirx Ill March ol 3007 and 2008, “w group is ulso trying In get local sunk-ms im'nlu-d in tht. pron-m with schools taking pan in an essay unn- petition. and 'sponsors hust- ing school kids for some of ,1tt!tPyNmttaseoruasea2oas N t F-150,F-Sertes Super Duty or Ranger. _ _ ll mm“ the owning games. lhc goal is to have "totil of [he tickets In the 2007 cm“ spoken " by tlw 0nd oftltc month. m comincv Hockcy Canada the 2mm cwnl will .IN) he a hu. "UK the only national thampiorvutip that Hockcy Canada pun un. NO ilk a big dcul." said Nmith. "That pm " Int ufvmphusis brhind it... (36$): "im, Fo, mun- inlmmullun album thc tottrnurtwnt. ur to offvr suppnrl. \ isit 'v"', or call the hockey ofhtv at 73544.14. u x it great uplmnunily to show on tlu, runununily. and what Wutcrtoo chiun hm In ofht" and the final is brmndmsl "truss I artuda. " I, it great he B.Mctttr CHARGE 'ontact Scott 743-537 I