Mcrdi am “mm (rttbrae "//1 //d 885-9039 uxlgc‘s has hum a strong part of thc F pmun Watcrloo husinc» commu- nity for "rur than; and a half (kinda. Long unhidcrcd a lrcndwllcr in ladies fashion. Fudge s du’idcd it " as timc tor thc MON' to ru‘cn'c its on n mukcm cr and in April 300‘s my sum.- luau-d dumn the hull mm a nu“ bright. airy udeul Fudch just ons n th hall [rum thcir ung- mul Watcrloo \quurc location Thc trans-nun from thc old “Mgr s mtt m: to the Hr“ "ttc' has bccn " wry pus- itirc CXPCTICIICC for both I’udgc's staff and thcir loyal cuslumrrs. Thu: new store has a wider storcfront and largc. spacious aisles, making it effortless to maneuver around the store and easier to find what you're looking for. Rcst assurcd that not cvcrythiny, has changcd Fudgc's still carrics thc quality hrands you love. and Is staffcd by thc samv knowlcdywahlc and helpful tashinn mu) . mam who you have some , A" to trust to help you find i-E5ii the right style, sim. and fit 2 \u when you lean: thc B, storm" um know you II look your ahsululc hcsl' ‘ Arc you stating sail this Winn-r? “hulk-r you rt planning on cruising thc I arihhcart or thc Mull]! PacitU or pcrlrapr you‘re The mam: lltttttttt ot ttrttitttt and snring arriving daily at Ftttigtt'tt Business Ptuile kcuping your fcct on the shorc “ill! a mmuun In um: ot' I'lurida's sunny hutch- Ch. Ftttly,c's has cvcrything you “cal l0 look your but whiic cnjnying 1"ttr" Sac." tion As um“ ay you v.1 foot in thc Nttrru you'll immcdiatcly unlit c rudy,c _ sclcc, tion ul' colotirtirt truiw '\\ car In l'nlul Innhling it uric!) ot l-slnrls shorrsitpris and punh tit comfortaltlc. Iigluuciglu talt- rics. doignul tor lilo nu thc Ru ludgc x has currid Iltc popular 'sttit- xcil Homing hm- Iur mam nun and :mm IN no cu’cplmn \unu'll _ (lulhmg Is uwup,nccl to pron-u Vtttt ‘ ' '5: trom lmrnllul l N rMs trr'iih" ah' \\hll(' keeping ttrtl uml 'it' T... .md orntfortultl: during all ol' \uur Lulmun ".ee " BrMrETae Mlnun'x Sunucl cloth. w 'e itop, Mid hats :In' .l\.lllr " . .Ihlc til .1 t,1r'tt'tb ol colours .Iml I'mlgc's a-tha,, mm carry thiiclrcu'r, , \Ill‘\ m thc \unwll [my - from iitrattts It) \I/l' - tun, " gran idea fur \nur upcoming family tilC1 tion Ingenuity continues to by .I brand favorite of Futlgc s cusnunch A lun- that has been a staple in thc slUrc for man) yturs. Ingrnuity fcaturcs limitless suits Ill a variety of colours and ,rtyiles that arc both comfortable and vcrsatilc, Ncw for Spring. classic suits in aqua or natural hur- ringhonc and beautiful soft hm piccc