Toll-Free Ham-886: - cu, 24 Ibyyts I ADVERTISERS appreciate it when you tell them lsaw your ad in the Chronicle f"""""""------'."-;-" . l"" 3 Finiieiiriiiiii,i'L, ‘7 Eltwestom a Gmup .. a Thursiar, Februar) 9 & iurir,ii A Free Personal Invitation to one of the Best Financial Clinics Complimentsof Russ McEachnie furnifdrE Thr uummr is t REE 1300 ext d70 or 269 Local: 4519) 8864360 ext 270 or 269 IN Rt 'sl PH SI us Foe Yul ANI) Yul k Hm Yip, run“! "i"""------;-'-"-")')'-' 2360 ext 270 or 16; SOLUTIONS sum tsmtc"mmratcry a! , ".hft.iiri0)Fiiihiiiii2i Over 50 Years" of Business & Financial Experience “50 n at 7pm. Ilhm'huvn "es-aa,.,,.,,, lay. Fehruary IS. 2006 . m (11¢) 6diiiiii AROUND Your an u-m/inudn‘mmu, uteHoo Inn. Waterloo STORE HOURS: Mon-Thur. 845 Fri. 8-9 Sat. " Sun 12-5 speak "ger ti During one "leeting when sht- brought her father along. the hank manager went maxi of the meeting lulking to him inslmd. Aside from learning a new city. she hada few char. lenges in opening the doors In her new store. Continued from page " [wen [lyre before. " she Owner overcomes list of challenges Cnnlinnnd r...... M.“ . - L. . .. Just imagine the dollars in lost potential growth that $360 billion of RRSP umlri- butions represent-Pius all of the other billions in If so, you're far from akute. Nearly $360 billion in RESP contribution room was available to Canadians in 2004, but only eight per cent ($28.8 billion) was used. [ ith the “and! I liiN Wynn deadline tor lh'gisu-rvd Rum-- men! Savings Plan (RRSI’J contrihutions, fast approaching, are you irami, cally running around look. ing for a few extra buvks In plop into your registered plan? iurmois father had to A up to insist thc man 'mlk In her instead. That Wits probably the 'PAO ‘to @void !fiffiriirar, and Itrtttiit from the experlence said .,_...b...,, 't' balhim In gm foot prints put on a plate. Kids love the slow as well. she said, because they can paint little clay animals and he messy with paint. A lot of university slu- Mahy of her Hummers are mothers bringing m Lakz... ._ _ A " _ . -ee __. .. "mu, of group activities for birth- day paities. corporate loam building. bridal parties and youth groups. biggest challenge." she said. After securing the loans, she husically learned the rest of being in business ith" she went along. The shop otters " variety immediate tax savings that were also lost lo non-cum lrihuling Canadians. By not contributing. or try not carat] REBATE mos FEBRUARY 24/06 rum Mudhoust. located at 22 Regina Yit. S And sirtre mum ot the vhoios aw mugx ur plan-x the pica-s are tumble. "Yrru'rc um just making dust collectors." Hammn said. Harmon suid proph- apprvciaie gelling hundv made gifts, as ii sltoxv, a In! ul time and um' um! mm the wlm tirru. dents drop in Inn. "It's fun. People Irrvv doing it." Harmon said. 'I he Personalization is also one ofthe drawing fac- lurs. she added. But there is an mm mm all you need In do is Null)» lish a regular investment program. It will east? your February RRSP frustrations. make your RRSP runlrihu- tions easier and incrms'o the long-term growth potential of your investment. A regu- lar invcsement program takes the pressure off the annual \cermth In scram- low uul in Int) impurmnl “an: hm'll haw much h-ss in your RRM' an retire-mum. and you won't enjoy the yearly tax breaks your , Trn- tributions generate. Iain}; all uh lion mum " lose out in I‘ Continued on page 17 If "ttt in h