ow en -.h'_‘ / w -'/'-‘ C wsdved aa Ecoles de la région de Waterlooâ€"Wellingtonâ€" C A M BR ID G E K IT C ECOLE ELEMENTAIRE CaTHOLiQut SAINTâ€"NOELâ€"ChHaABangL * & 519650 3219 ECOLE SECONDAIRE CATHOtIQUE PEREâ€"RENEâ€"DEâ€"GALINEE % 519.650 9444 OU 1.866 253 6375 SEMAINE D‘INSCRIPTION DU 13 AU 17 FEVRIER 2006 CRIPTION We‘ve made the move to the world wide web to bring you up to the minute news about your community. From the lstest information on locel polltics to last *nmb““-hh.flh the street, vist meucwaterioochromicie.ce for it ait. Partez du bon pied et inscrives vos entants a Fecole catholique de langue francaise. Donnez a vos enfants les meilleures chances d catholique de langue frangaise offre une educ. de vie catholique ct francophone ou le respect promotion de Fexcellence sont des valeurs par ECou ELEmentaimt CATHOLQUE CARDINALâ€"LECER * & 519. 742 2261 ® Par renderâ€"vous le 14 févnier 8h30 a 11h15 et 12h30 a 15h30 K ITCHENER check us out 0.274.3764 « ETe meilleures chances de reussite dans la vie yaise offre une education de qualite dans alcurs partagees au quotidien Ecout ELEmentaire CATHOLOQUE MERE â€"CuIsABE Thâ€"Bruvtre * & 519 880 9859 W ATERL O 0 Ecout ELEmeNntairt CATHOLIQUE SAINT â€"RENEâ€"GOUP % 519.821 7542 GUVELPH de la personne et la | * Service de garde C Portes ouvertes + CA libwint . ~ Paul Duncan and his daughter, Natalie, 6, enjoyed a swim on a very coid Saturday at the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex. un miheu Pecole Dunking daddy All funds raised support research into the root causâ€" es of heart disease and stroke. to become a Heart Month canvassing volunteer is sign up at www.heartandstroke.ca/heartmonth. Did you know that it only takes a . w short hours going doorâ€"toâ€"door in your neighbourhood to have an impact on almost 70 per cent of Canadians? That‘s how many people are, in some way, affected by heart discase and stroke. Join the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the hunâ€" dreds of community volunteers in Kitchenerâ€"Waterioo who are helping collect donations and distribute healthy living information during February, Heart Month. Help out for Heart Month TIM MurPy PrOTO