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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Dec 2005, p. 35

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l'heatre on the Edge Prt"ierlrs [le improv comedy every rhursday at 8 ND, at the Waterloo Community Arts Centre. Admission ps :53. For turther information, call thc Arts Centre (n 7475049. man “(HIE A lsv,t and Found Chrsstnrm, will hr presented an 7 pm. hm: IT. m the new Wan-Hun Entertainment I inure. King St. N..\\'alt'rlun. Juimiminn is filG.Formtrttsirttirrmarum. cull 373- ISTU. TIE "WINNIE! Lhtr Nmtriu kin, nilh [NIH lm‘grn will tau. tlu. sta',." at I and 7:3H p.111 . Hm: .‘h .II [he , l-nln- in the \quun'. Kilt‘hc'n u Cull -C'trir.Titl" tirktt, SCHMHDIISE IJI‘mlnn l~n[i'rl.u:'.Im-n: pn' m-ms ilw titrct. l rm! Mc .1 ll'HIII. through Um a‘HIIJI'l ul the. \chcmlhnuxi- I'Iu-uln' In 'xl kuuhx. In! [ML-11' min t all CLUES ACROSS 1. Urban gym 5. TV Star IO. Request for an answer " Island 15. The largest my In Alnca 16. Tributary of the Mississippi River 17. Angular unit 18, Allen Poe 19, In a way. expresses audrbly 20, Continent 22 Suddenly 24. Albacore for one 26, Female siblog 27, Monetary unn of Span 30. A very large and strong man 32 Decorations 37 A male chrld 38, Sir 7 Newton 40, Fall down 41 Terminate " Food gram 44. Montana town 45 An open shun Inlectron Ati, Disseminates wrdely 48.Fed 49. Weekday 52, Crashes C)EEiiiijiiECn Holmium. daddies. grandpar rms and caregivers with little 0mm are welcvme II! enjoy " new nu wu- in a bully-friendly cinema (may Wrdnesduy uhcmmm at Prittceslrwm Ctnemas, 46 King KL N.. in u pluwn Watvrloo. llvzixhvr l Lllv "ill pm‘lnrm mm Rnlm: and Inhn. m " "BIC Mermwitrte, hunt. wnh srurkc) N. will prrturm trt " [In]. iii [hvhrmi Hmmx Um ti'tsuti t,srNittrrlroo.'Antcrloo 1dmishorrt " $3 .11 Iht' dom, I aihmsi I’m." ml, NH31m nmn' Inhnlrll-Illcm. 53 Visual receptor cell sensmve to dim light 54. Anythrng chosen at random 56, Foray " Stayed " Rodent 67. Keen 68. Place casually 70. Recurring only at long Intervals 71, Coalesce 72. Inadvertent Incorrectness 73. Lake 7 . one of the Great RA, aw. Bush, abbr 75 Shabby (slang) 76. A pack ot 52 playing cards CLUES DOWN 1. A Hindu theistic philosophy 2. Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation 3 Marine trout 4 A way to learn ' The Titan who was the god of the sea fi. Temporary Irving quarters 7 Capital of Latvia 8 Riding horses 9. Hideous IO. An easy Victory 11 A small drink of liquor 12, String instrument 13. Usually given as a present 21 _ An ancient unit of length 23, An established custom 25. Warning 27. Suffix meaning something formed 2& Excluded from use or mention 29 Glority 31, Shape 33 Central proceSSIng unit 34 Lord's table 35 Board game 36 The rate at which something happens 39 Wood [Lin Um " .1l rhtrititirtoo (llllllllllllll\ Atist emu: I" llto,uun HI 'V “illrrlnn In k cls .1)" SH "dvmice. SIG at thr (hum bor mum mlunnuuml. ml! Nib 4577 Carilmu. witlt Home, will pm form at 9 run at the Starlight 47 King St. N., Waterloo, Admission is S Li Bryan Adams, with Damvl Powter. will perform at 7:30 pm., Her. I l. at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium. ', Tick, etsare 549507 Call 5784571) for more information. MM" mu Wawrlun's Danny Michel will pvrform at 9 11111.. Dec. l Lat the lunv Bond. Princess SIrm-I Waterloo, Admission is til l, The Soplxisliczltx' Sungwrilz-r's yiovial and ( men Smgr mm "very Mummy from 811m. [tr tluw ut [he Rum Rumlm Pull. furntwrly (he Old Walpvr Puh. ill I King SI. w, in dnwnlnu'n Kiu'ln-m-l. Admission Ps [Ix-la Bring yum \nllgx and play III“ MMINE. JANE 80M) Thr I Lulm‘lnw. vrtth Imlluru mm will pmhmn m H pm . Um H.411 1)tvktrw Hum! Prim v“ \I l1'l’[. Waterloo. Mimixqun is, SL'. RIM Mur.Ncil Itrtst'rtls ( iapr S & ENTERTAINMEN? 42, A tributary of the Missis- supp: River 44 Bowl-shaped for holding Inquuds 47 Imagination 50 Cahph mum Bn-umt 1nistrltas. T p.m.. Hm H al liwt rnlu- m the Square, In Knrln-m-I. lirkets Att" 545 75-54% 73, In] ttrkets, tull Tm I574) King Street 'l'riu. w, University Ave, b .. feature, hve mu four mghts A week. Wednesdays mtcrthursduystromti:30-H pm“ Fridays [mm 7:304 l:30 um. and Saturdays from 7:30- 10f30 p.nL For infurnnr [inn visit kirtgstreettriototm Molly Blooms Irish Pub. 170 University Ave, w, in Waterloo. presents Kenny Munshaw and Fred Hale tonight. and Ben and Adam every Monday night. Faille Irish Pub. 85 King St. N., Waterloo. presents Nnnie Crete every Sunday night and The MCI-lb every Monday night. Sulé Restaurant and Wine Bar. 83 l5rh St. W. Waterhur. prvsvms lixv Jan "very 5311er day from lo [mm In 1 am, Ime H)ftxattrrts l'he.Artilritr wnh An I ang nu buss. Pat Ludwwul piano and Bub Grtwn Ill) dnmv,. East Side Marius. King 5mm North. Waitarlrur, Prt"umls (llh'll Mir with Man'llyu-I'x Hug m'rr) wruml Wrsdswuiay In the lnu'rr h-wl bar and hi]- liartis mum. luin Nov_30. mu CELEBRATION rut. Kiwluuusi-W,ttciint Phil lurmnmr Hum pn-wnh Christmas ( 'hnml ("vlehration 51, Distant but withm Sight 55 Earth 57 Defied 58 Mume 59 At all times 60 Athm flat slab of [cred null thell Ind].unnn-rs. .11 i in mm hm T. "I ”wt vmu' II! the Squaw In Km hvnm Admissmn h "HUSH. dulv dren $5. For num' mhu'nm (inn. call 379.133). " “WY [he KitchenerWuterku, Sym- phony presents Mozart tor tht. Most Part. Part P.; hngland. all 8 11:11.. Dec 7. at First United Church. King and William Streets. Waterloo. Admissmn is $26. CalVri'B-liri'o, TheTurtle Island String Quar- tet will perform at 7:30 pm.. Den B, at the Perimeter Instr mm. Caroline Street . Waterloo, Admission is 536, S20thr slu- dents. For more information. 8834480. cumulus W8 808851 “All! The KW Symphony presents Christmas Pops. at 8 13.111. Thar. H. en the Centre in the Squaw. Kitchener. Admission is 538330. Call Cmt-lri'0. ilw Kitchener-Watch" Chamber Music 5””va pin-- wnls tlw "ave Young ”111.318 pm. Um: 10,attlw Musir Runny. lucau'd m cc Young 'sl w. Watcrltuo, Athtusssion Ps seo. slr, wmurs. Sit] studcnt, (All iitlli- tCC3. Clmoiiralssingrsr Ruxsrll Braun \nll pvrhmn m Iht'grand npvning nl Ilw\\5;|lr-rlnu Fattertautmtattt I rum: at fl clay used for roofing 61 Sums up 62, Pointed mIssile 64 One of a srmilar band 65 Clapton, musician 66 Smell to heaven 69 Cooking vessel p m _ Um I“ lit-Luis Mr F13 aruloitntvmlimleuy L alling 371% I)?“ or “PH [HUI], the. theatw h located M 24 King fit. N.. Waterloo. the Kitchener-Waterloo ChanGarOrchestra presents Great Choruses of Christmas with the University ofWater loo Chamber Chair. at 7 pm. Dec. 1 I. at the Maureen For- Tester Recital Hall, Wilfrid Laurier University. Waterloo. , Admission is $19; $14 stu- dent/seniors; children free. IriTrMLC. all)!!!" " The Wellington Winds pre- sems Getting Ready for Win, ter, at 4 p.m.. Dec. ll. at First United Church. I8William St, Waterloo. Admission is $20. $15 students/seniors. Country Blue Gallery. at the SI. Jacobs Faclory (Julie! mull prosems llu- work of Bill Saundvrs. In 09:13]. 3262 The" unad‘mn Clay and Glass, Gallery In Curuline St.. “an-r Inn. prmmll>\\'l1t‘el [If [htte: HNuriml and Ctrtuempurriry Buddhiwl Art and Artifacts. Wv,tral-lAwrttv by Anita Rum mum in [an ll, Harbinger t mien. lorutrd at 2'd Iluporlr St. F.., In Wuterloo prvwma its, I Ihrislmax gmup ~.hm\. mnmng through Hm: "r , -m.

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