WPL hosts painting, plays and poetry alerloo's award- Iykri'i,ifi'if' national literary magazine. The New Quarterly, is join- ing Forces with the Waterloo public library to present an evening of literary entertain- ment entitled Painting, Plays and Poetry Local painter and por- traitist Shannon Reynolds will present a slide talk on her Dramatis Personae series. Thursdav. and storywriter Robyn Sarah will also present a talk on what makes a good poem good. contact WPL at 886-1310 ext. 123 or the New Quarterly at "ewquart@watartsmwater- Ioo.ca. 'avi; Waterloo Région's Premier Scrapbook Store rum. tht. 23th l Sammy. Oct. 29th It) amt. ta l0 (mu. l0 amt. to 5 PJII. w,i,'/AWdtttitriatv-niii" ,6 t gttttrgtajc, étfgdSCRAPBOOK i,'.,'.-, Friends 370 Easttaridge Blvd., Waterloo 74t t-.hrosttraptsooAtrusttts.t* 746-6672 7/a'