h-------------, - rhe m V van mm:- MgWIt no M M Ww mu Tune-Ups to All Makes tl Models 28 Years of Knowledgeable Experience "" KING " E., [at Ottawa St , q 511-0917 "lhllurthdale, Auto Bodv ( 554,800‘ headlights . Intelligent key wuth Push Button ignmm . Rearview Monnnr All that's missing are wings. 9 hole mini-putt, motorized mini scooter rides, petting zoo. Say hello to Gilbert Jr. (the pot bellied pig) a Farmer Jacob at 1 p.m., and have a free piece of cake (while it lasts). Complete Collision and Refinishing Service - A30 Albert Street Waterloo Frge Kid: INFINITI M35 Sedan Prw Id m til-Nam trom was our oralllBy sci-loci. PARTY Activities F_rgtm The new Infiniti M35. TW- muw sport soda" designed to outperform lparur'mg- 280 HP aerodynamirs . Vehicle Dynarmr Control . Adaptive , r, Irtre DOHL V6 Pngme o Breakthrough rem lift â€In†a..." "do! "a m m an 1h»... - a... [Io-bu v. a... mu Mh-dvulwwn “own-y 10 a.m. Bouncy "Candy House", wwtrguelphiMinirirtissanxom . info@guelphinfinitmissan tom Serving {my for 25 Years 805 Woodlawn Road, Guelph. ON Phone: (519) an 9200 K-W Braves' winning streak comes to an end lllv k“ Bran-s ugh! gum- nmnmg streak mum to end \unday mghl will! " [Hugh 1rr1t' goal loss, In lcug,ucleadii1gtrrimgevillr Iln- Hun us had climlid all llll' “my to third plant during the strcak. building an ll 4 record in the litt. “Ian cs had L'Iunln'd all (hr mu to third plst‘ during the streak. building an ll 4 record in [he pun-v“ Hwy trail [hr Northmot. who improved In tre wilh the H-lt win on Sunday night ut the Waterloo Memorial Rccs t Iunlplux The Brave, tried In hounce back against Tonur m on Monday night. but dropped an 8-6 decision on the road. Guelph Irtrytiti . Clrrrvtvtontrelled from seats . Genuine Rosewood trim - Oual lone Aummahr Inmate (mum . Solar Erlpie Gauge Cluster . Vans Pngnnhon . B5uemmh’ Wsreless Terhnology . 8 speaker Bose' audio system . Available Intelligent Cruise Control and Infiniti Navigation and Mobile Entertainment Systems? The Infmiti M35 " here. Guest Drive one today. Inmtlti.ta Sixth annual Dare Stars Just for Fun triathlon raises $1 ,400 for charity More than 85Athletvs competed in the sixth Annu, al Dare Stars "lust Eur Fun" Triathlon - a gruelling combination of hockey. slo- pitch and golf held over a LM-hour pvrind last weekend at RIM Park and Conestoga (EnlfCluh Competitors endured the swcltering heat to give their [cams a lift and win the tro- phies land bragging rights) for best in each sport, as well as Best Overall Triathlete in two age divisions. The event was also rais- ing money for charity The Waterloo Chronicle Team of the Week is the Waterloo Angels girls soccer team. lhe Angels “we undefeated at the annual Waterloo lt1vitational murnw mom. winning the Girls under] I chanr pinnship. The Angcls farm the London City Magic in the Chmnpinnship game und tame away with a H) shutout vicin- ry. Members of thy Waterloo Angcls, pic- lured above are: [back row. from [chi TEAM f)_rr.C,.l,..l,J,cf,E WEEK mums-um 'e-rr-r--.- wanna-m t__a"s through a series of charity challenge events. The winner in the hex! hnckvy competition was Steffan Watson in the under 35 category and Dan- Falkons in the nldtimors category. In the host hall competi- lion. Mike Currah won the under-35 category and Ron Mullen] wan the uldn’mcrs category. In the best golfer rompe- tition, Steve Groves won with a 65 in the under-35 category and [off Rockel won the oldtimers with a 72. INFINITI. coach Terry Thompson, Rayleigh Bell. Lauren Bingeman. Jacqui Rodrigues, Shelby licsedi. Samantha Ireland. Shani nun Westenherg, Madelaine Horn. ten- nifer Furquhar, assistant coach Brian Voisin, (middle row. from left) Maddie Thompson, Sara Voisin, Heather Larke, Stephanie Rcid, Aysun Osmar1soy, Samantha Hancock, Ifront row; goalie Rchecca 5itephcrrs. The best team award went to the "More Than Ordinary" team from Water- Inn. Che charity challenge moms raiscd More than SL400 for the Optimist Cluhs of Conestoga-Winter- burnt and Waterloo. The athletes chose this charity to help youth enjoy opportuni- ties that participants have had over the years. In the overall triathletes competition, Traviss Weiss won the under-35 allegory and Steve Carr in the old- timers. FINE AUTOMOBILE B00Y AND PAINT meticulous Restoration Original Paint Finishes 1Jrtsurpassed Colsion Repay FINE AUTO INC 15 Content-Ital Dr. Kitchener Specializing In BMW PORSCHE JAGUAR Mercedes Benz Dealer Authorized MHEH MHEH 578-2052