l uminued from page 25 Curry breaks record in triathlon llc spvnl musl ol his tinal luck m the run looking over hrs shuuldvr. apt-11mg Blake In push hull at the lute “l wax loukmg over my shoulder A lot." said Curry, "l just couldn't believe it. even up to the finish line. "l couldn't believe that someone wasn't sprinting up behind me." But when he looked around. he was all alone at the end, completing the race in four hours and six minutes. a course record by more than minute-and-a- half, He was two minutes and " seconds ahead of Blake "I ran the race of my life; I've mum run that fast," said Curry, "I was just run- ning m scared. "l wax» scn'ummg at the top oi my lungs. 'What hair pcned?' It's tlu. most 3111111: ing experience in the world for nte. " Curry had completed the lnwrnaliunal Triathlon Union arrvpred Iwukihr melre swim. leo-km bike taco and BI Am run before. but had “we-r been near the podium. He had some suc- cess at sho-Course events, like the (met. run at the Olympics. while competing tor the Flying Dogs, finish, ing fourth a couple of times Scott Curry takes a break after settmg a record in the Cana- dian long course triathlon championships in Victoria. EC. but n e ver had a break- my advantage, really putting through of this magnitude. the hurt In myself." "I've never been in a position where I felt I could win." said Curry. who stud- ied kinesiology at the llni- versity of Waterloo and knows a little something about bodies in motion. "I thought that may never happen again. and used it to The Waterloo collegiate grad attributes the ability lo push past his limits to his malurily and a training regime that takes in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies on a daily basis since he moved to Calgary . Alla. with his wife. Allison when whu's umnmg to lw a doctor Ihe "eryear-old sand tttost triathlete.s don't peak unul they'rr m their thirties and Lurry feels like he's Just starting In tind his form. “I'm coming into a mm- here where I'm feeling titrer than I've ever been tor sure." said Curry. "After 15 years of racing, and remain- ing consistent. I think I'm starting to reach my poten- tial. “If you‘re patient enough. you can reach your peak by your mid to late thirties. Endurance-wise you just get stronger -- you don't see too many Iron Man champions in their twenties." "This should be able to put me on the elite national team," said Curry, who might be rubbing shoulders with Olympic champion Simon Whitfield in the near future. "I'm still in shock. That success started last year when Curry was the points champion in British Columbia, a hot bed for the sport, And now he has his first elusive national title. "My past experience has made me stronger. and it certainly has paid off big time." Playing golf with your kids isn't Just a game. It's a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your kids while dorm; something you enjoy! the National Gull Course Owners Association Canada makes it easy for you. Between July 4-10, partiapating number cums will offer special mm minding one mum of free golf to every child under the age of 16. who isaao-td by a paving adult. A member nchvam of the Nahonai Go" (Dune Owne's ham ahrr Canada Visit www‘nqcoaxa mmmmmmmmmm mm [ mm m- nan-(hum mum n mum M, Melt ‘v‘lh â€I“ Wan TO THE COURSE WEEK PRESENTED " RBC Mike Weir Visa‘ Card JULY 410, 2005 Monday, July 11, 2005 In Support of The Timothy Rose Memorial Scholarship at St. David Catholic Secondary School â€HI-tn- wprnve Your fto,y' cum!" Bk 9 Md" www.TNMYRt6hiMFNORlAl..COM 519.662.9020 'tt.ofFt 3rd Annual Timmy Rose Memorial Golf Tournament " - o.-- 4W1- Rebel Creek Golf Course, Petersburg