. . . i e, M - " 7 , r,r tt - . 7 I . , - 7 . f - L' Jir'c, i 73 - 'ii' iMIN h Mt7tis.i, tiii/fi-ii-é 1‘74. 'llliMiiglgislsr5i,!, IiR-iRil I 'kits)), i: ' “ - ' l '4 "-, , N iER "it" 3'73} as; "rs.ti'iFrjA EiiE4, I .gélg - ' 3 A T", C Efl {i ' -l, t..-†j', (:7; 7 at - "t" .., h L7 3- L% 'Ka"' a - t 7 ~..7.U.§- at? 7. f 7 - 'pr) 1.33713 " - Aâ€; . " N PB ' " _ LI = L I . 7 ' 7 a," cu' : " l,; A _ [rd . 'rf 'ace 77 OINNOW ". , ," ML: _-. =, J . Cu' 4 a . At _ a _ . T . T, g 7- " Ei r. F f . 'r'?ill1l tbr 3 f /’ i.?: _ 7 i 3 - . . _ i .. - er a: 7 " a 7 v, There is only ti, ire, __.' _ q . _ a 7' l i 3 " "o. . - sp1ttseeVscehewttttahiettd ONECuries... i .. _ a i. t a " - . y WWW _ , but we have l l it Iliirs ' , Bt MI t 'a , ' 7- . an 73. ' "aa'iili . " tbjrtiyr:i.riiissNlllNllllllllllllll, &_-"s " td ' we al 33 b a t " ' 3 fl 'ir) 5 'ec, c, l, _lC,9jrtjSit , 2iir, ,...,,,._:. ihtaitgiit'iii" "it& 5i'iir,"r, C . _ _ T . T i 33%;; , 3 'ritalNR' - _ , . - , ' V i: - i 'emgt . N. \oiir itema on. and Little Star will call nient tor childrcn "t salety Little Mar . M , 4...... q t t , ' $.37 . r. - w. 2d 369 you when they ic gone through every- always puts safety first when choosing , 7 I “ if a . ' , " " I Bh' . * 222 - thing so you dont have to wait around hasrincttes. toys, strollers and other . M" 37 ‘ - _ 7 rt . ' r", "Going through clothes can be very equipment for the nursery. ‘Beeause of 'lllllllMllMllW, c, :7 _ 7 _ time consuming," xays sharon “A box of safety concerns, Little Star docsn't Belllliigl B8lltei'E,,'ais,rs,r "rr/ 7 baby clothes can take hours. this way accept eat seats." relays SIiaron."And all . ' " ea 3.“... s'.. _ T ., customers can continue on with their our baby and toddler equipment is . i " _ " - 3' - ' _ MMR day and return at their convenience to recent within F" years." " I IB I IP? Bullax Travel Representatives " N pick up the items were unable to take“ Because the store receives so many ‘ I . , ’ ‘7 We Me been there, now tet us take you. i Little Star give» their misnomer: two clothes. Little Star only accepts in-sea, " ' , ' FREE TRAVEL SEMINAR options when collecting on their run son clothing Summer clothing may he L-CC_-aa" . M0nd33f~ ..Pee 20 at 7 Pm signed items “We give customers the consigned between February and May: Ee<iiiiiiiiiiiii- 7 Kitchener s Walper Terrace hotel option of either taking the value of the fall and winter apparel between August . -. -' TN .7. , , " “W "" . l , . . , m 777m ; ‘ 7 items in cash, or redeeming it for a and November: bathing suits however, . ' I ErTrEEEi ', q ’ store credit." ways Sharon are sold year round. . 7 "g r " 'tltr fig. , . CAOMPILET: $3311." {EASE}; Sharon and her staff are very picky Little Star is happy to help out the " li " e 7 " . 'ara', ustra la. L em aan an Ill , _ _ ' . l . . _ _ _ . . _ - _ T_, - , _ . , . - . 1“ " February 19 - March IS 7 when it comes to the Items thcy acccpt local Lomrnurury by donating children a ‘35 . q _ Ir 35.“- J, E _ M d b . R b B " "A ' _ S _ " _ ,, i on consignment M) you can be sure you clothing to the Kingsdale Community Et'-?., Ei , , 1,5571†same y o t'" u as .115“? P301313“ " are getting onlv the very highest quality lientre and maternity wear to the K-W 5357?» - 'EttlEMr",irr,C1eiif, . The Trip OfA Lifetime frt'2 . ' _ . J. . _ -,1 f . u. _.' . _ . Y, _ BM "MME25li.7, ‘f~..3““ '3 'c=7crrEW.rcar%a' 3 7i'athsc" â€th when you " browsing through Resource Centre Sharon and her staff 7 e BN - gin-:7. .7 T 7 3; CJ-s the store ‘We consider ourselves are only too happy to do their part to ct 2 ’$ " _ llgl a 3 =." 2006 VOyages '.? 'tipsezile resale." says Sharon "All of our ensure that local kids are taken care of t- 7 _ ": 'd', ." 7 T" 7 You hasen't lived until you‘ve cruiser“! ' clothing and toys are in really good So if you have-n7: already checked “"31â€â€ Princess "Tahiti"-Aprisuto 19 _ " . condition and we only take styles cur- out Little sitar. come by today - and ' - I rent within the last two years." bring the kids! Little Star is located at 578-7 740 HAr.,"le.ite.rrpeea"" Another important issue to consider 'un Fairway Road South in Kitchener I It I aâ€. It,:,':,,',',',.':,',";", J",', l 3 when you're buying toys and equip- astetTt: ay "h NCL "Hawaii" 5min Who 'tegue' plus optional Extension, January 29 to February 5 " horny-cumin f. C “We. .,7, Little Star WW3“ scumâ€, ", w... _ ' 7 .tis"ii7s'i'/9titRt#ri, -, "c", AFRICA , s",') 'd Afgtta. " Children ' Show: "cis - ft' . -, it q _ 7 bs, - . bUdGCaS IM!. ", Cs'-i f 3, 1.. Mgr, l Novemberzoos y 77..., M . 937,, . .. ' - Gaiiii"i . " P, a " F 3. j, . " f- - Td IttsT' " Cg "r 500 Fairway Rd. s., Kitchener - 894-2255 -" m7; = EMM "q Calif“ details a' 7.7.719 " .. H .", tii in" (inthe Cineplex Piaza).www.littlestar.ca _-_, " iiiiiiiiiiiiiiGG. kiii' F 7. ' _ ' ‘ ' ' T, v7 = ‘ ' ., V . k I r E?,?, a " 3 y', a Fra' '3 JV ' ' ST, " " 7&7. [", M' - T Imam I .7.) _ ' g - y, I l - a: " ;..3," _ "Ill Mi 14 RI .7 _- :3 p, , ' . E lg " . . r -"ifaiWrhiiiidel aid-2‘3 ’72 6 F 1,515.1.-433-3 " 0 Contemporary - Artful - Distinctive taM 3 ai - il [d PJ4 LGU' Iti8 C, I, 'sts" -iiAtty(igig'y',iir, - V 7.7. P, I V l ""r ' l . 'lil, - ' 'tttfe 2r,1i'c'evs?cr'i'. £23; G. ti 7 ,%1, f9, e 7 l . . " ith/fi-ii-P, 731. " ., CiG, . iftware 1 " ? 'il 3 e C - I ' l r ' ' P2, B pyertRRa . 3 N r" li" a}. ir:; r, t, r"1'r',i / H o ' , 011060 TEPJZ M I if. I 3 7 fii',rii,ii!?, F', Ice- . ome ecor - C et-Katja',"",;","', tri,ss.l) si [ , " Me WT "," "ei'E": 7 - ttlllr.r.1rcqFSPi?atit2, ,4- - 3 " 'lg IS R 7 37 - - I M“ 3 . 'A"st _::)"?,'-.," tf,: Jewellery Ui."'.", " LH, at. ; «My w', aâ€? '"i . 'O e 3. RDlltt 3 7 - 7, ‘7: (if. d; _ TTX " 2. 1 irxt19:Ti?sSit" 'r'-:.??',", Li3, , Illr) 'E 7. Ei 3:... i; cu ' --mm .-= __ 3 - F, 3' 3 het",Ci':is,1, " === 7 -4: ": Td r". " id l I. ’ . r . , -. , _ , - _ LM, li .r: gr - (are t 1 Fr tt, P" , _ my? , , ©a!iit?EE1S, (31 I ‘ 'rEt'si 7 Front * St. Jacobs TSPS i trCrl. I , " 7q ' V. f _ . I" 'Wi. I . ‘3 ' _ I oiaz,i' = 7, . itl bs, (across from the Silos) . I Biq sir,?,, IBiq - 7 We . {My " c. , " 664 2554 u' Myâ€. I GE J 277771713237; Ciiiiii :2m .25 1 .. _ p" T tl ' J - J' "T A ‘ rr ( ' “gang". 'f "k a». x. i iiiKtiiii'k' lsiSiiiiiliaMiiiiiii5iiRBiial ( ,'t :,..,. '" ,a, 'lt" “M43731 an»: TAME, Sat 10 (:00 Sun V2 5301343571; , i V M