I , UV“ IUI IUU , vinantvxity.waterloo.on.ca Formal Public Meeting Concerning an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment rtkr, NAyrtt'r'. In.†thet nuncll " I hc l qunmuun ot thc ('11) otNuicrloo “I†hold " lormul Public \lcrnng nu Monday. hrdy “k Zuni _ ar . V. T "71;.†' . ",' "Is, i. :1}: Ho curhcr IILIII "pm III Ihc( ouncil (‘lmmhcrx "uil T ,3' trs 1"'rr,r' j T 7‘ ' N H?!“ I ioor, \lemlnn Ctty (tum: Hm Rugum Strcct N I: I if C,.' . cr'rt'tt" suith, Nutcrloo. In consMcr 1lw Inlluumg upphca- . 'f, td _ . . ' l 'w'LJw Mom In arncud Ihc (Minn! Pl.in and /nn|ng Hy- _ . i "it C, (r', T tl,1,',',itfr'r: Ltss pursuant In Scrunnw ll .IIId J,4 ofthc Plumung "Af,': . J: J: if“: sii))i,tj_'j,i'_'i":,' Ict For furlhur information rugardmg the IIIIIc of t' . - V 'i, _ttiiic/'iss)j'r,-," , _ (’9‘ thc public Iuccung plcuw comma the Cny ('lcrk'x l l 1‘ ff J, I, {iggféiiv nun-u nn or an†Ihumm May 26, mm m W- _ _ ', b 1%; eiicilts'11:it w. A F 31!; "f'ir:)iiiitrriii,(is (ti- Thc applicant is requesting an amendmcm lo the (MEL-ml Plan to dcrrgnate thc subject lands shown in the key map as arterial commercial with a Special Policy Area to allow for a membership warehouse duh store. The applicant IS also requesting amendmcnts In thc Zoning By-law that vsould amend the Inning forthe subject lands as shown un thc Key Map from Commercial Three trr In Comcrcual Three Tr?," wrth sue spccfc pro- \ mum to permit, . A Mcmhershrp Warehouse Club Store, . A mncty More and a gas. bar to a maximum we of 186 square metres [2000 square feeâ€; and L.--,.-,-...-,-.-.-.----..-.-- . A (Enema ANY person may attend the Puhhc Heeling and or make a urmcn or \crhul representation cuhcr In support of, or In opposition In the proposed ()lTlunl Plan Amendment and Zoning Ity-las Amendment. Ifjou wish to make a prewntamm to Councd, please call 74114743 prior to Monday, May 30. 2005 at loam, NO that the "80:5le urrangemc'nts can be made to place you on the Council Agenda, In addition, a urttten summary ofthe prescmta- tion ,hould be Glcd with the (It). ('lcrk prior to the public mcelmg, If a persnn or public body that files a mmcc of appeal of a decision ofthc Corporation ofthe (In. orWaterloo in rupee: orthc. (â€TIL-ml Plan Amendment or Inning Hy Jim Amendment docs not make oral submissions at a public mc'ctiny or nuke “rmcn submission:, to the (‘urpnranun of the CIty orWaterloo before the proposed Otrtcial Plan Amcndmcnt and Zoning Ply-lam Amendment Is adopted. the Ontario Municipal Hoard may dummy. all or part of the appeal I FOR further information regarding the above matter, please contact the City of Waterloo Development Services, 2nd Floor. Waterloo City Centre. Waterloo, Ontario or by calling "r-85ttt. " u " - . Notice of Application to Waterloo City Countil for an " " " Exemption to the City of Waterloo By-law to Control " " Noise By-Iaw 18-79 Research th Technology Park Phase 2 8. 3 Noricc h hath} yucn thut .ln dppludllun _ hung mmlc In thc t ourwul ot thct urpumlmn ol thc t sly ol Watusrlor tor an cwmpnun lo liwt m ol Walcrioo "lly LN tof mural mec" Ihuw ummumr‘ \lucd & I kittPs [ Imuud. n n-qlwslmg thc nympho†to cuahlc the npcmlmn ml umxlrm nun mulpmrm (n tlw lollnmng lounuvn durmy 1lw hours mum! Rum“ h A In hnulnyx P.uk I’hnw I N HHng Hunkmrd. “(N ( 'rahum u,rr and .nh.“ cm C,tsu'mc'ttts .md mum mum m.m.1umucm ponds) " (Ill Am In " HH pm Moridux to NMunLu Nt." I IIIII‘ In \cpll-Inhcl 7. NIH“ [ls, cwnu‘llun I', hung rcuucswd In mpx'ulnc 1hr u-mph'luvn of ths. alumni “.HL‘HILIHL NIHIIJH wan mum ""igt's' cicktruoiscr',wc, “Minx.“ funds, mum .md road tsmsttttc1trttl \\ ttcrioo ( mmul uyll HUIVJCI thc wmuwlul L'n‘mplwrw ill Illc Ihrnd,ss Si," -' “00" l mum II Sfrvtuw m [hr t mun Iii \Lllvll‘crx “Main-Vt w. l “we it)illtcrtm,shircct \unlh “Ah-Hm» Hw lupuwk‘d :u'mma-ul u I h l unxuh'u'd in “Mal-ml mm. rl aha ‘1"me lrm’n‘»ln| rcsulrrors .Ut' 1m mu) In .Il!vn|| ' rllccnmj THE CITY OF Waterloo Questions regarding the applitatron should be directed to Mr of Waterloo, at 574-9955. lgggmud Des L: 0mm) Plan Amendment Se. fo, and [gmnz Litsul" Watcrloo - Southwcrt Bird Lnncrsu) Li Hui Awdmsm £9344 glunnwms; 3Arrqh ill_llrsq, m cnuc West ill THE CITY OF lcsait,,aarGi Gordon lemon, Project Manager for the City LOCATION MAP x24 tr _ "" CITY OF Wéié'rloo For mam mlmmalmn “was? mam/r City of Waterloo 100 quma St Sooth Waterloo, Outarm N)) AM; P Slr? 886 1850 f S19 747 8760 www.city.walerloo.on.(a