suns. CHIC is deeply hum cured to have the privilege of participating in this awe- mme program." Debbie Schlichter, execu- tive director of House of Friendship. is very happy to receive the tickets. She stat- ed that, "This program offers a wonderful opportunity to many in uur community to attend live performing arts who would not otherwise be able to attend." Marilyn Comm-r of KAY Counselling stated that. "We are delighted In he puniti- puting in the Centris com- munity ticket program. I know that families and chili dren will very much look for ward In attending shuns at the t krntre in the Square." The Ccntrc's Kitchener Waterloo On Board fundraisv iug project last war gvtlvrab vd the funds that are Irving used to fund this yvar's com. munilv tickct program in" COHIDIH'V vt-ruff l1. vxpv It" unlu- usur- “In. " Author ot three poetry books, GI! McElroy, held an hour-long poetry reading to an mu mate crowd gathered at the Canadian Clay and (glass Gallery m Waterloo Saturday after noon The poet's first book. Dream Pool Essays. thh was released In 2001. was nominated for the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award for poetry Poetic pastime .33“! m “in. "In.“ . " â€um. Br v... gunman guy-u " at. nun-r. FM-MPT-r-. 2n. sunnnu mu. v. nu 'FFNrr'." “a rm. n~1~ no - A wrll as In fund part of the Centre's school program). Grant stated that the Centre is currently fundrais- ing to support the commu~ nity ticket program for 2006 and he encourages bust nvsh‘e-i and individuals who wish tn support the program to roman the Centre in the Square if they wish to donate. All donations are eligible for a tax receipt. Grant noted that in addi- tion to smaller donations. "We em' also sm-king u title sponsor for the program an as to be able [(1 offer more sizable funding for this pay gram aver the coming years. "This is a great uppnnlr nity for a community mind, ed individual or business In step forward and take lead- vrship in this important pm- gram and In make a wal (lit? frrcnre In lhuusands of livcs."