'i- GALLERY jj: ON THE tz, GRAND Spring Grandeur April " - May " 2005 We‘ll bring your store to over 32.000 doors. WArsnLoo's OWN COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER 886-2830 220 King St. N. Watqrtoo (lust south ot Univ-mm) 884-0575 WATERLOO CHRONICLE EXHIBITION aamryoIttttMirtdcr_oe AUTO AND HOME INSURANCE Continued from page Hi UW profs win research chairs [hr mm] nulnln-I ol (,mmda Husmn‘h ( ham mmhlnhud atWutcrlotrti12 “Wllll d tutal ol 3.! chairs available, " mil ruminm- [n altrdrl lending rmtuurhvrx, initiating m'w directtous [or \L'hulursllip thal will hum-fit the tuttire â€Minn lhls is truly an exciting time lor unlwrslly wwarch m ( iurada. ' lhe [out m-w Canada Hcwarrh Chairs an UW' um: . Prot Ron Svng Fan, Slit tulip. and Actuarial Stir Harv. hm 2 "t arradu Rcscarch t hatr Ill Quaruuu tive “ka Mauagerneuc" Inimsnm‘lure Pruject ritle ' Hrwarrh Infrastructure " ()uamilulivv Risk Manage- lllt'lll ut the thtiversiiy m Waterloo.' crf htrrastrur- [um funding: Sl49,28G lan said the award AHUWS his research group to develop sopltis1irtited rnathemutrtutl Innis for many nunplm applirauiuns Ill tht' fields, of L‘umpum- nunul finance. risk manage- ment and imnrancr. . Prof, Carl Hams. ( iril lmgittcerittg, rier l "Canada Nest-arch Chair in(1uns[ruu tion and Management m tiustaiuahie Infrastructure. " "tfrar,tructure Pruitwt Litle: "Sensor and Survvillancv iiwhmtlogics fur Pavement and Corrs,tructiutl Research? (II~I lnrrastrur- lure l'unding: $250.00†IShurL-d with Prof. Small " ighe, ( Iivil iingitiering.'t. F" Che award (-nuhh-s me to dvrelup. rummunicuw and implemcnl new mum. In umslrucl and manage civil infrastructure in a ~11» lainuhll- manner.' "OI um wove Reg. $19.99 an 'ra" barrage! “use tires Reg. $39.93 - m: 'M" Trek web 'ttyt" m! '22" Trek Hum TSX, OFF Trel lichen Trek Club Glove HOURS: ACCESSORIES k auudu Wed Io-a; nus. ma; 824-93 , I Fri. Ith8; Sal. IO-f m; (or!!! for, 10w www.5peedriverbicycle.com Hum. said Spear". ally, hc, research Jurors In an the tievelop men! ot tilt-tum: (Ix-(hum 'support systems tot pump NW mar1ugeruet1t', knowl- mlgv Inunugcnu-nl [uuls and Hymn-ms. irwluding data cullm’lmn, fusion. storage and mining [only and terlr nulugivs that tiwd the knowledge management and dvcisitut \uppun w» It'llls. . Prof. husdn fight. Civil I ngrnevriug, l"rer y 'Canada lit-smith Chair in Pavement and Ir1rrastrurturc Managu- meru.' CFI Iiyirastructure Funding: $250.00“ (shared with Prof. Cari Haas. Civil lzngineoring}. lighe said thc amurtl lets hcr curry out n-wun'h that will minimi/v damage in civil vugirleering intrastrur- lure, {musing [ll] rvduring deterioration of assets Assn timed with mwironnwtttai and loading impacts. 'The rcacurrh will he directed at the use of innnv alive materials and tech- nulngies. improved safely. turst savings and improving the turn-m life of various ma- Soul Reg. 5699 SM! 5659 mi. Rt-30 Reg. 5m 5m: 're, um Reg. $899 m: - rm lanai' Reg. 5449 m: '4 I 9 u: may 2004 was macro m can Trek moo $1.584? sut 939 w. 1500 Reg. $1599 m: ' 1449 'errrood Ma: met 2" $2550 “W a""', 'tt te,', 5:15 ' 1229 Sierra Designs "in 7 Reg. $35. " m: '29" Sugoi Mule, sow, OFF Sierra Design Winter TSX, orr '04 Shimauo shoes 25% OFF TrektSugoilhorfs 15% OFF B1333 CLOTHING mirustructtore may!» Ms research ml! focus un iruprov'euuuus tor thr Canadian rm] unginrvnng rumnuumy. with pamrulm emphasis nu mrports.ruads and pun-mum» . ' Prof. Perry Chou, Chemical lingiuceong, ricr y 'Canada "esearch t hair lll Novel thaIt-gin-x tur Hugh Level Recombinant Protem Production. . Intrustructure project: 'Mult-culdr Bion-rhnulug) infrastruc- lure tor Study of High! owl Becmuhinaml Protein Pro. duction and Protein Fold, ing." CFI Infrastructure Funding: $30,895. than said the award allows him to address tech- nial pruhlt-ms involved in pron-in prmluuiun in order In thud-lop 1echuotogy bridging [hr gap and fuvili- 1atir1g the \ynvrgy' betwecn fundamental discovery and industrial application. lhe intrastructure award will result in advanced nun-arch in high-level rccomlrinant protein pro- duction. at. well its in the creation oi u specialist reward] group.