"u" I , /Aat I ' f2"a%2: °“‘" TONS or l CAMPING E0UIPHENT 5 / - .f,r',','.','ri.(",','i", _."".,:.,",,.,.,",';,;'- 2 bs T - . A;“’*Â¥"â€. ".'i K . _ _ rt: ._rr'C',f," , A. ' irt.s. (:QH 'Pt 3.13:1": New“ "d - "i,t inner si',,,,,',', '-ces umnruci '> I SEDR’TS ittd f $6 J.5 T , " . E --- g rges'"="r" ASSORTED T; Nt c" m. IleCK BOXES ; t - ‘:;.S?€ Ix "itil.-, fiiiiiigitt -- 119 , LD ,tttitliig) For example this past unmet a lad» who Ged 1n the Colorado Mountains had purchmed a new pan of snowshoes through the Warerioo busmess. l'nller was able to send her the ttem UI two days. as she had no other way of gen tmg down from her home and purchasing a set because the snow was extremely deep. He iaughs when he recalls his most Interesting But sometlmes he comes across some unique suua~ nuns when selling through Wit-Ina He mud 30018 of hm must popular mam: will are rare coliecrahler, such AS. anuque an, Singer sewmg machme», hum; brewery beer trays. Pequegnax clocks model mum and gold comm Currendv. rnlier b selimg an abundance of blcydes. Canoes. ,leepmg bags. fish, mg gear and several [Domi- m gas pocket mummies. suture on the potential. local business a ton gluhal seller for EBay Thou shalt have fun! The Junior Acting Studio This theatre Camp performance S Dig into Summer! Cool Archaeology Camp rogeth potter These dev 5 high energ ve'knpmg the 'Er‘y art week aekriong day cal chaeolog1cal digs the past from h and glass Camp What are your kids learning this summer? gy, fisnmllee camp for kids focus he creative skills necexsary to the , concludes With the students' Cl Sessions are offered June/August amps camps fr, where k agmenn A run Jul sales, which included "‘ an entire hair salon that was purchased by someone In the US . the only 1899 Packard replica car 1n the world that was sold to a car museum also In the JS. and a six-foot high wooden moose that wax sold m a Big Brothers and Big Sisters charity aucuon are 'e har1dron, activity- l C kids f8 12 yrs.) piece‘ rm of bone. stone. July/August 2005, kids focusses on ary to the art of 'udents‘ creative ne/August 2005, WeSellit president Barry J. Tnller, director of Waterloo operators Will Hunter and vice-president and chief financial officer Darren Denomme are seen outside their Waterloo busmess, holding one of their p0pu- lar EBay Items. the Zoormm gas pocket mimbike, e ' her something to s'ng snout , _ _ v- 5? "I h I , [t k " ' \u'uh‘lv “IL s)rlttt I." _ [ 'd"It' av. _ '_".'.',?. m the?": 'y, . a. , g t, .' :17 r"jI' st:3t:n:1;t;3. ',',',C,"/C,, i ".a _.' Ft' _'""'"" sArmu,v4 T KINDERMUSIK OF CAMBRIDGE K-W KINDERMUSIK 622-5702 From April 2 to 16. items valued to be more than 550 were collected and readied Currently. WeSellit is partnering with St. Mary's General Hospital Founda- tion for another auction, held earlier ths war. www.londermusrkCambrtdge.com Ax): 'KXFNCVC Triller " extremely opuminlic about the future and is already considering his options for additional expan- sion. but admits the process of starting a business that relies solo- ly on EBay sales has been demanding. "I don't regret doing this at all. he said, "It's. onwards and upwards" Fur more informal ion, vtsit www.wcsellit.ca. “Partnering together wllh a new company like this m Waterloo, especially a local company. Is d gredl opportunity for us," said St Mary's General Hospital marketing and special events coordinator Mark Antonello. "At the hospital right now, we're trying to think of new innovative ways to raise money throughout the commu- mm" tor sale an EBay lbs .Iqu nun began on April I7 and all the proceeds generated are going to the huspllal routtdation.