i, The Web antes. databases gum! applscattons that are Js' hooked to the end-pomts of C the Net. and the people that tl. use and contribute to the ‘2’v1rtual eommunmes are a what brings us back to our F, computer screens and key- }: boards. It's not a chat room or newsgroup. and it's not a virtual concert. In a pn-uous mlunm. I had Im-nlmm-d Ihat the value ot the Internet h found at us edges. People are always rum- ing up with valuable ways to cummumcatc and share their stories on-line. l was introduced to one such community by a friend recently, Setting your books free through world wide web na) operates on three simple steps dubbed the "3 Rs" of BookCrossing. At the time of writing this column. Ontario had 686 books release in the last 30 days Digging a little deeper reveals 39 books on the loose in Waterloo. 10 In Kitchener. At this point. it's a cross between a scavenger That means there are at least that many books “in the wild", ripe for the hunt. charity, grve ll away In sumcune that you know would enjoy n. or even leave the bunk In a puhhc place somewhere and lust walk away, the way that hunks are released aeems In be where the buzz about the web site It generated. People can even register an official BookCrossing Zone by registering the place and posting a bookcrossang sign [available for download). This seems like a good way to generate some traffic through your store if your are running a small business. The homepage of the web site clearly states the maintainer, Ron Hornbak- er's goals, are to "make the whole world a library." At first glance, you would wonder how such a Web site could have ever been start- ed or how it could continue hunt, an effort to save the world's forests and a bril, liant social expenmern' " turns out that the Mr. Hornhaker's software com- pany subsidized the project to operate and grow ' has since April 2001 lhe site lacks the usual banner ads decorating the tops and side columns ot everypage pf)?),,,,,;", dj),,, Dame d)oular" Q0101? A l ll until " became profitable Now, there are several ways that the sue stays afloat and generates operating capital You can purchase BookCrossing merchandise from the supply store. Continued on page 31