The Canadian Wheelchair Basketball League mini and Junior finals were held at the gymnasmm at RIM Park recently. The fast and fun- ous action featured teams Ontario. Manitoba, Saskatchewan. BL and RE.l representing their respective provmcest In tunior action the PEI. Mustangs. pictured right, took on Saskatchewan. Waterloo university to host tiPttt-ttttttr international green energy conference More than 200 scientists and engineers, researchers and practition- ers. policymakers and busi, mess people. educators and enthusiasts from across Canada and around the world will gather at the Uni- versity ofWaterloo for the first International Green Energy Conference. The event, from June 12 to 16, will feature more than 160 contributed presenta- lions. seven invited keynote lectures, an expert panel session on fuel cells, work- shops and tours. The conference is being organized by the Advanced Energy Systems Division of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, in collaboration with the Assu- ciation of Energy Engineers and the International Asso- ciation for Hydrogen Ener- "Green energy has been not only popular, but also mandated by legislation in many jurisdictions. from Ontario. Canada and far beyond." said University of Waterloo Prof. Xianglm Li. the Conference Chair and Editor-in-Chief for the Inter national Journal of (ham Coming through u» "an" no"; The theme of the confer- ence is energy diversity, energy localization. sustain- able development and ener- Energy. an official journal of the Association of Energy Engineers _ gy security. lt will cover broad topics. ranging from energy policy. energy resources, energy conver- sion technologies. energy management and conserva- tion, to renewable energy such as solar energy. wind energy. wave energy. ocean tidal energy and biomass. Among the leading topics covered by the conference are hydrogen energy. fuel cells, environmental Protec- tion. emission reduction and abatement. global warming and green build- ings. Some 90 billion tons of fossil fuel pollutants - that is carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide. sulphur oxides. nitrogen oxides, soot and ash -- "will be spewed out into the atmosphere each year, These are the main causes of the greenhouse effect, arr pollution and acid rains," said T. Nejat Veziroglu. the honorary con- forum? chair, who is also LIFESTYLE Torptrttt;,itoste,; the president of the Intema- tional Association for Hydrogen Energy: _ _ "The annual cost of dam- age to the people. to the crops. to all flora and fauna. to man-made structures. in general to all our environ- ment on a world-wide basis, is_around $5 trillion US, or $800 US a year for every per- son in the world," he added. _ “If we use environmen- tally compatible energy sources and energy carriers. clearly we can do without this costly pollution and, at the same time, stop the degradation of the bios- phere and have funds left over to improve the welfare of the people around the world." Veziroglu said. Among the _ invited keynote speakers is Dennis Campbell, President and CEO of Ballard Power Sys- tems Inc.. a leader in the development of fuel cell technology for transporta- tion, mobile and stationary applications. Presentations on the Hydrogen Airport, Hydro- gen Highway. Hydrogen Vil- lage and Hydrogen Corridor will provide the program ovCrvtew and the progross 900M11W -e"' -'"e'-'rC.7" c..""" tpV3Dl5,GfhTttiHf9f? 1heptuHedArter,taotttre 'th'.tttly ii; gyttngmuém. you; '.'.1litt, -. tv- nails: rs For the month of April made so far for these Cana- dian innovations. Other speakers will examine ener- gy issues and technology development in Canada, the United States and through- out the world. "The conference is the very first in a series that focuses on the development and promotion of green energy systems without negative environmental and societal impact. The response to the initial announcement of the con- ference is phenomenal." said Li, a professor of mechanical engineering. He spearheaded the green energy movement with the conference and the establishment of the research journal on green energy. "Canada is an interna- tional leader in the develop- ment of fuel cells and other green energy technologies and we are delighted that this Canadian initiative on green energy conference has been well received by researchers worldwide." Li said. To learn more about the Conference. visit: www.itwt1uwaterloota _ 'mdmi’mon The Waterloo public library will host a special pro gram on April 26 at T p-m. to honour the 60th anniver saw of the end of the Second World War. Prof. Mike Bechlhold will discuss Canadis military during the war. The event will he in the auditorium at the main library. Admission is free. Registratipn is not required. For more information. call M6-l310, ext, 110 or visit www. wplw e On Wednesday at 7 p.m.. author of State, Rate and Create a New Reality. Dave Laney. will help seminar participants determine their emotional state and introduce tools to help them make positive changes in their lives. This week is Love of Learning Week" at Chapters bookstore in Waterloo. On Thursday at 7 p.m.. an introduction to glyconu- trilionals will teach participants about the recent dis- cover); of essential sugars. Ori Friday at 7 pm: author of Staying Productive in Changing Times, Barry Siskind, will teach strategies to maintain focus and accomplish more. - _ And on Saturday at 2 a workshop will provide an introduction to Indigo Children. - - _ _ For more inrorrnatGn, contact Christa Yoshimoto at 766-9l22. The ladies Auxiliary of the 404 wing RCAFA will be holding their annual Blossoms of Spring card party tonight at 510 Dutton Dr., inWaterloo. Doors open at 7 pm. and tickets are $5 each. Prizes and refreshments will be provided with games of choice. Local Chapters store looks at ‘Love of Learning' bl The events help support several local charities. For tickets, call Fran at Shi- 1272. The KW chapter of the Royal Astronomy Society of Canada is holding a 'Stars of Spring' Public Observing event at the group's observatory on April 29. A rain tcloud date ofApril 30 has been set. The time of the event is 8:30 to 10:30 pm. Come listen to presentations on constellations, stars and planets and other deep sky objects and take a look through a telescope at the objects. Many tele- scopes will be setup for public viewing. Admission is freie, hut' donations tfthe club will be accepted. --. _ A The KW-RAfiC Astronomy Club Observatory is located in Ayr. Dress for the weather, as this is an out- doors tevent. See,ra for directions to the ohservato, ry and more information, m call 884-8061 or 741- l2fi5. Ladies group holds spring card party tonight Waterloo public library honoursVE Day Astfonomy group plans sprung star gazing event