Even if an income [rust fund does not receive con- siderable income or divi- dends and does not realize any capital gains. it will receive distributions from the trusts, which are then handed on 10 the invcstors tit.x-dvfvrrvd, However. a portion of the distribution in innum- [rusls is classified as a Iteturn uf(fapi[al :RUC]. which means that taxes are deferred. The underlying invest- mums in a particular income trust fund will determine the amount of ROC. rupilu] gains. all of which carry a specific tax mm. "Pcrhaps you plan on using the car for ci1y timing. [)cpvnding on the type of car you buy and how wcll you maintain ir. the. uar could last for wan. [n that Cxrrttiruaed from page 18 Info on income trusts "ll ynu'rr going to be pulling a lot of kilometres on the can leasing may by your best option. lissenlial- ir, you are just paying for the portion of the an that you are using "ver the [run of the hunt You can negotiate it two or threy year lease, and hand in the car at the can! of the lcrm. hopefully hcforc il [weds (truly repairs" says Rvynuldx Chartcrcd un’uunlunl lh'snmnd Reynolds, cunt Itue vtrv-preudcttr and chirt iieturwial unitâ€. 111 l mummy. l urpnmliun m Mississauga advises that you cunsitlL-I what you'll be using the car lirr, before approaching any IMte' for fitranciug. It ytur're buying your iir,,t an, youve about In dis, Curr! [hut murmur u my rrad oi fiiruuong upuuus HUI how du you figure qu what tisrauvivy pm‘Lugx' tN right tor you? lips on tltttmtthtg your first vehicle Wtcrioo Mam Library tiii,?,',; IS Albcn Struct lj dry _ , T â€nah†Waterloo, Ontario NN, 5fi In honour ofthe 6Wh anniversary ofthe end of WWW, Watt'rhm Public Lihrarv pn’srms; Prof, Hechlhold h the Communications Dircclur al the Lauricr Centre for Military Slralcgic and Disarmament Studies Visit wwwprga or call 88ti- l 310 ext. 1 ll) Canada, Canadians and WWII Guestspeaker: Prof. Mike Bechthold Tuesday, April 26 7:00 pm to 9:00pm Main Library, Auditorium Registration not required The most appropriate course of action for anyone considering this type of investment is to speak with a professional financial planner to determine the suitability of this invest- ment product, Indeed] low interest rates have propelled the growth of thc trust seclor. As a result of this growth as we" as the possibility of rising interest rates in 2005, some investors may he wary about income trusts. The result oftax-deferred income is that the market value m the investment rises, but the book value decreases, reducing the amount of capital gains a unitholdvr pays when rrdeerning units. "’lhis means, that the cash upfrunt and the monthly payments become [hr prime consideration. rugtuher with 501110 other variations between the two options. When you purchase your vehicle, [t gerwrally requires a larger upfront, lo buy or lease depends on the financial titatus of the buyer. When you compare both, the amount of interest you'll be paying is really nul of great importance because the total charges over lhv term of the "uKreertoutt are relatively small." says char, tered accountant luhu lnkker. chairman and Clif l, of National Traffic Services in Brampton. Ist, whal aw 11w musl important drums you shuuld know about Inning wrath buying? (use, Lunsidcr purchasing the car with a luau from a “manual llhlnullun â€no: you Iruy tl "ffit's yours. 11 may, last for many years an†[Inn and yuu'll have u tradeuu to apply towards your t1UXt purL'lmsr." hr adds. "If you [ease you will also be faced with it large "hair loan" puynwnl. on termina- 'thn mu lousy you ll typically provide an upirunl puymvni plus a serum}. deposit, which is gtuutaliy sulrstitrrtiully less than the down payim-nl required when you purchase. One of the key elements in deciding on a lease " that you have the option to give the vehi- the back an Ierminatiom However. people often over- look the mileage allowance applied lo the car. If the dri- ver exceeds this. penalties are applied that could hr substantial," advises 1.okkcr. and higlu-r per-mum!) [my (In-m as the total cost at the vehicle Is Cmanccd. rhe security tor the debt p, the vehicle and when you make the fi"al puynwm you tlWit the can." “on“! in other words. the large downpaynwm under a purchase option Ls replaced by a large puymum at the End of the lune for those who choose to buy their car at what's called ils residual value." he adds. tuturtnarion provided by my Institute ofChartered Accountants oforuario. v PRESSURE RELIEVWG SWEDISH MATTRESSES AND PILLOWS 27 Gaukel Street . Downtown Kitchener . 743-4151 HOMEQFURNISHINGS Aiiii'irii-twEDc. PUR Si