27 Gaukel Street . Downtown Kitchener . 743-4151 -jciikiiia'iritttPErrc PRESSURE REUEVING SWEDISH MATTRESSES AND PI PUR S1 PILLOWS A: the ldxl n-nnmnls ol umw melt away, um uuumumw hunks forward m gelling otu,,uie and meel mghuciulmng with neigh Bt Hum: mum. For “wt hronule [mun ol Beechwood South mm "tum [null pmul wtll unrc agam hr the “will Hung punlflenms (nun "rea on Ciintilewood Avenue, Um pool stattjug ha, been completed and we an- excited In have "uchel relurn as our manager. ax well as Jimmy and Laura trout last mus statt. ilwy, "rgether will) Meghan and luylur, took forward In a full summer ul lessons, arts and chills. Wacky Wednesdays. lee" nights. aqua-aerobics. family swuus and ulsu a low sulprlsvy Watch nu! tor their tVer listing the pool schedule and explaining the “CW gueht Slgn‘lll prore- dure. lhe pool will open lune 4 - time tor me ttt get my water wings! our [Minn program is slill gelung up and running. The summer nets should sum) be up. and our kids' program will be ready In go the first week of My. Due to a large number of young Roddicks, William sisters and Dementiovas, we will be running four sels of iessons. ()ur youngest ares (four to six years old) will have a half-hour lesson: our vol, leykids (seven to nine years old) will also have a half hour lesson; our foot faults (IO-l? years old; will have one-hour lessons; and our double faults fl3 and up} will also have one-hour lessons. There is also plenty of time available for our adult players. and we look forward to resurrecting our Wednesday night tennis serials - Larry Smith has even exchanged his wood racquet for a composite one in order to be more compeh itive. iwt's set if that helps. Our execave continues m seek some help with the social portfolio. If interest- ed. please contact any member of our executive, Important dates to circle on the calendar include: May I -- membership dues. May 4 - annual spring meeting, May 7 i neighbourhood spring cleaning, May 28 ___, ERMA garage sale. Further information will he forthcoming in “vets and on our Web site: http: //www. becchwood - snulhrnm . Hope to we you out and about at our comuumity events.