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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Feb 2005, p. 8

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mt-Waterloo t hmun Ir h pullllsllni exerTWeduesdas in tr0aorxxas hump nmnnlml "sMedtatrroup L11“ asuueadourN ul [Install m1- me iou"ei"y'y'aycysr""rtyitn ( t “lung!" and may. tre mud unh tot 1rerVoriit IN)” ( oltitrlt"n ual [DUIPIJSL'\ 1 All "thes "th are rvsrn ted and I unnmelua] uw Pr pmhlhncd lo make use ttl thm ouaiersal vou must [ iirst ”Ilium the pernnsmun ot" the 1 owner of the copyright WAl'liRl1)( ) CHRONICLE editorratpwaterloochrorticle (a sponsirsaterioochronicle.ca salesettwatedoochronickwa composmgei'waterioochromde ca Phone kttbtr'-2tr30 Fax 88try383 lhe News oi our mlummah are their own and du not necessarily represent those uf the newspaper 279 Weber M, North. Suite 20 Waterloo, ()nlariu Ny.l 3H8 knhuqmr ru'v leo 'sr"" Gr. Ah ml- 1! may mum-er Group hales Dinner! amine Publisher l auadsare hum. .1“th M,ul was ProU ml 1greemriu hunk-r . Manage} sis mm. Fai. am 623-3050.FJLZIH ("mg-x m letters and mhr-v maimak whmmrd In (hr hnldwhm and m ' "Ped inr puhIn aHon rrmams Mlh the authnt but the puhIIshr-l and In In rum-s may [My rrpmduu' Illa-m m punt rimmmr ctr other forms Our mailing address IN J p, thrr 'M N "vt'e Ples, W!" mum. lieerpet ['i(iiiiiill lhv-\‘Valrdvm( hmnk Ir wrl- mm». Vttrrs Inlhl' him“ Ihcr \hmllrl hr \lef‘d mm namr. addrrss and phosw "umber and wall h- wrdimt in: anumn Nouns-dlrtternwiil be puhltshed hohmasoons may hr aim-d In! Ivy-gm u. plraw be bur-i Inn-mmmmu \(Jmhlh! \n-m Numb-l ISSN IIIU.’ f410 mm Marter: Bell“ Sales Manager. Ext. 230 \lli'll‘d " mm l:-.I: arm-u; Fatltor.Ext.2t5 'sports whorls: 229 WWW waterloochromcle ca lulu Harlnl Hot, " rm h Letters Policy Ciiblhtrt [Inn m. Wan-tin" N2l IP? HKFJKMTH Alumni .m .Ilullun .' Advertising Sales, Ext. 218 Advenhlng Sales, Fat. 223 Normat )1 a Matt M I I IN HII‘ Nun" l President's 3 Choice should he l Ptttiitittrtttt' choice oblaw Properties limited is asking the City of I Waterloo to approve the building of the largest node-m format supermarket in the Region of Waterloo next to an established residential neigh- bourhoodt The store would be located on Weber Street North. across from Milford Avenue and Blythwood Road. At the initial public presentation of the plan to city council last November, area residents expressed strung opposition to the proposal, A inn-mg change and An Micial Plan change are both required for the proiect In proceed. If granted. the changes would overturn lung- . standing planning decisions to direct commercial 1 duvvlnpmem ttt King Street and restrict develop.l mom along Weber Street to industrial mes. f Nearby residents have no objections to the pre- scm uses in the industrial Tone or In titrther devel- opment of similar uses in the future. The present uses are compaOle with the character of the neigh- hourhood. According to the developvr's larurw,e ("-5va ment renew. it approval is given "the overall char- at'ter and function of the area is not subslamially (hanged l Residents near the site disagree, Changes in character will include unprecedem- ed air. noise and light pollution, and a building and parking lot very much am of scale with the sur- rounding community. Changes in function will be widened streets, additional traffic signals and an enormous increase in traffic throughout the day, as opposed to heavy traffic during peak periods. As outlin% in documents submitted In the city, this proposal is all ahnul corporate benefits. It has nothing to do with community benefits. If the project receives the approval of council, lublaw Properties will intrude into an established neighbourhood onto a site too small fur its super- sired marketing model. By incorporating site spe cific exemptions into its application, the company will achieve a 70 per cent reduction from normal setback requirements for the zoning requested. ’11“: building will dominate the stketscape, out ofline and out of scale with the adjacent properties. The new store will be centrally located in a tar- geled marketing area from University Avenue to the northern limits of the city. This "ideal" location docs, however. have some qerious shortcomings. There is no direct access to the site for delivery vehicles. particularly very Large lrucks approaching along the Conestoga Parkway. According to the site plan submitted to thc (in: trucks leaving the site would he required In (Inn- Ihrnugh the middle of the ctr-stump! parking lot. They would exit at the main entrance lo the xitv nn Weber Strect, (Inslmm'rs pn'wnlly shopping at that \llll’l‘ Hrs- vxpvrlvd In "and” thvir husim‘ss to the m-w IUI it "OIL It has horn announced that the Zrhrs slow at C.oncstoga Mall would he clnsvd if the m-w Mort' is built. Thvre is no direct ms! -W("~I an?“ to the any rlw neighbourhood adjm on! In the site would trccorne the galvway [mm the west. Lexington Road would hI-rmm- the gateway from the mm. The proposed smn- offers no benefits In the ommmity loyal ovitomers whn pmwmly shop at Ctmestrt ga Mall will he rewarded by being required In travel further Inln an already congested area All nfthc goods and services aviotiatcd with thc m-w store are currently adequately and mnvmimw " available Continued on page 9 R, “I ‘7‘“ A 7 De after day after day we've frozen our- selves into minus-30 Chunks. What weather we've horn having. The weather is supposed to ease this week. hut how much can you believe the weather people anyhow? At my home. I had In kick the dog in the slats to encourage him [U g0 outside, fie was unimpressed. Ariyhnw. we've been cold for a week or so. Wc've been trying to keep the house as hot as it was all summer. And thair, a matter of keeping the sun lined up. _ - _ Remember that it travels at speed of IB6,000 miles a second. That might sound remarkable. but, remember, it's downhill all the way. Oui There Somewhere: lt was hard to Man the car during the freeze, lt was especially hard on the farmers. You had to go sleep with the chickens, get up with the women work like a horse. eat like a pig and he treated like a dog. IE" There's something about farm life that gets you -e espe- cially if the wind was blowing in the wrong direction. Money's The End: Ken Hoyle really must have set Cam- "ridge cuuncil to thinking the other night. Ho didnt ask for money. but for higher taxes - higher than the 2.93 per mm raise proposed for 2005, He wanted (“until to add two per com. It's a matter of preserving SA Iteauty (Jr. as he pul it. "I Illink we BA seriously "ved to Innk al fund» ing of municipal infrastructure if m- arc to have a city of charm, dignity and humanity in the your 20e.C' Hes said the additional tax dollars wnuld let (ambridgl- (In [How in improve thc his, mm and natural lands, up:- when repairs arv marie in the publir arm [[0le compiairwd that city and regional governments don't look seriously al adding trees and grE-enspatr when building major mmls. Additional funds are mwded now In Marl doing the [uh right But. alas. dun] bet that (mnhndgv will add funds to the tax roll this year And don't bet that added funds will he spent next year, I TriTri ( n TiiiiGi7ri7 “POINT And say: I'm not saying thi, builder made Morning music to the ears EEMG‘ED SAN DY BAIRD mistakes, but whoever heard of going downstairs to the attic? A Solemn Lesson: They held the an": anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitr horror camp last week. and what was heard inside shook the world‘s faith anew. The number of mnurncrs’ who'd been prisoners had shrunk remarkably. but there were still significant numbers. About L5 million people. must of them Jews, died in the gas chambers or of disease. abuse and exhaustion at Auschwitz or at nearby Birkenau. the most notorious death camps set up as Hitler's "final solution". There's fear of a new wave of anti-Jewish incidents in Europe, including the vandaliz- ing of graves and walkouts by assorted far- right zombies. Such things can happen here and the thing we have to he wary of is anything that smacks ofanti-Semitism; and we have to hit it hard when it surfaces. We must remember that at all times there is nothing more terrifying Itl.ll may igr1yy1ncc: u} I But you have In take a brighter look at things - when, ever a car is stolen, it creates another park- ing place. “('01: get a pretty gum! idea of eternity when you Mart paying for a $12.00" car on the installment plan, If you think"rtt tough making the pay menu on the carPypot making them. Drowning Pool: Nut many folks are drowning this year as it result of going in aboard a pop-pop machine that ltreaks through Irv. Thom were so mam; of them last war, but this winter they sm‘m fewer and fewer. Say, try the way. football isn't as violent as it appears. it's nothing like trying io go! into the restrooms at halftime. Real Music: Is there any music as sweet as that of a car starting on a 30-helow morn- ing? Some of the new cars are so classy the motor no longer puns - it sneers. And cars on one out-of-the- way street hear a sign: "Atterr linn, car thieves I this car is already stolen." 7 New cars have a longer guar- antor than the people who drive them.

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