The neighbourhood that will he considered for desig- natitrrt is bounded on the north by Seagraim Drive and Bricker Avenue, on the east along [he rear property lines of the lots fronting King Street North, on the west by the Waterloo park houndury XAlhen 1itreet: and on the south by Bridgeport Road West and Princess Street t uum ll also nulhm'i/rd [hr t'xptntthitsre at $40,000. whit h will mnstly go Inward (Ulhllllillli fen-x. and the "s,tstlai,hmtrnt "I it \[l‘l'ling unnnullm' (mnprixt-(l oi 1mm ill/rm 1mm thy "ugh hulnhnmi. Upluwn Ward (.nun [nn M, I mm. mm Before council hmlu' for Christmas. the group appruu-d ll-rms n! reference "ndauthorizedthe t'nmv menu-mum of u Phase (Im- luvasihiliiyt Analysis of thy Mm Grcgror./Allwrt Hrnluge {.unwnzmun Histrit’l Sludv. ne of the items on OWaterlnu council',, agenda this year will be lo take a closer took at designating part of the City's uptown as a Heritage Con- servution Distrirl. . hum Hum Christmas Axum! hampers serving .225 people were delivered by the Home of Friendship during the huli» day season. While the need was slightly less than the 1.10:3 hampers delivered last year. the House of Friendship received some outstanding support [mm the mmmuni- ty in raising money and donating food, as well as the more than 600 volunteers who assisted lll packing and delivering the hampers. About 40 per cent of the food used in this project was provided by the Food Bank ofWaterlon Region through its community fond Neighbourhood may become «A heritage district this year C Christmas charities come through tor less lortunate t4tsl In" II SWEDEN. "litll IN (lull. B-K vo LVO By Mann BAILEY Chronitfe Muff CERTIFIED Marg Rowell. chair of the ruy'x Municipal Heritage committee. said she hopes the study is [not with enthu. siasm from the neighbour- hood's rvsidrnls. "Thai area's very historic, rum-sin). and deserving of whatever protection we (an give it. "()ur aluminum p, glad thc city is moving imward with the sludv" "H10 Mm Grt'grrriAlltert t1rsighirourhtrod Is rung [Ii/rd as nm- ot the nldvsl Should there be accep- lance and suppun from area residents and approval from round]. the study will pro- cettd m the preparation of a llcrilagv District Plan. "There are " numht-r of designated houses in already in the neighbour hund." she said. Arturding m a t Ill' staff mpun prvsmm'd In totuwil. members of the Municipal Heritage committee, and one city staff member. The city is now seeking a consultant to conduct a study, under the direction of the steering committee, that evaluates the merits of csmhlishing the neighbour- hood as a Heritage (Innscrl cation District. lhe remainder was puri chased trom the Lohlaws Izasl warehouse in Cam- bridge. and financial duno, tions are still welcmne to rover the rust of the pro- gram. While the House of Friendship made sure there was. food on the table. the annual Tree of Angels cam- paign also made sure there driven. Anulher 20 per rem was donated directly by community gmups and individualx Groups like Rockway Mrnnunilr Collegiate Ctrl- lm‘lml the equivalent ot more than 29,000 items through their annual Christ, mas loud drive. CPA-“inf“ rr',. f wax mm " 9 my 'ii) H win _ .mm- r ' ccl ‘,;L‘ We u? V gm ‘er '1‘ we“ mm rt] . rm and c,rtitiorT, v,. â€ax-“w VFW} CI fr Hr WNW" 1 DIOL 1w ‘(M'w and "Nail- fr' 1‘ ml Wu P w m In) 1 crass wk ', nanny bump; '.qgltItlllV ew Year, New Look, CITY "iN,TWS And phase three is the preparation of the Heritage District Plan, which will pro- vide the policies and guide- lines for conserving and vnhanring the character " the district and provide direction for developmcnt proposals. Fnrmally advertised pulr lir meetings will he required as pan of the study pros CNN 10 Instr-n m pram-Hy uwm-rs and inlvrt-su-(l groupx In lunar their (nnrvrnx sulii n mum and mfunn all inter van-d [mun-x rd 1h:- studv's [)[ngrr\\ Phase twojs the Heritage District Study, which will inventory, examine and ana- lyze the various components of the study area in terms of its overall historical and architectural significance. - Phase one is a pre-study feasibility analysis to include a "windshield" survey of the neighbourhood to deter- mine the viability of the area as a Heritage Conservation DistricL neighbourhoods in Water- loo, which has numerous‘ buildings nf architectural and historical significance to the city." 'l'hiee phases have been suggested for the study Sponsored by [he Waller loo Chronicle. IUSVJ K001. FMioldies I090. the City of Waterloo. Conestoga Mall and the Salvation Army. the month-long my drive was a resounding success. The campaign orllectcd 14,576 new unwrapped lays and more than S24.000 in cash donations thanks to the generosity vi the people of the Waterloo Region. The Community made sure that Ihuusands of needy children woke up to find presents under the Christmas tree. preserving those special childhood memories. was something undw tlie tree ( Lhristmus muming. Major Don Oakley of the Salvation Army stands with Linda King of Butterfly Learning Centre, located at 30 Bathurst Dr. in Waterloo. King The centre collected toys from staff and parents in support of them Tree of Angels campaign. tmtgmttAWtittiAtiiir IkWth T iiiririaiu"i;iar er??yti?yitiriiit19ee Wï¬mmz; sitcom .e.x"thrttyeitijgW'iAF Mammm ' 7 to: ie2ggtfttt?dll',', mm _ 7&3 1t',tSlt,Iti 1auyyetywii1rattrtiyt, 'tattmitrrhsdra.] Cui, 'fr) _r'"W _ Mainline t1tethtitsdWtyytteyqudf '?a1l1t1r,!8tt.,.tsa, qt w Ifta:is _ H forum- We, 2 h (""dttt 'jsxrs‘gzgig'rg , ' r unw- 1mrwaasatttptttrouit _ ‘0‘ Ati Iicytitiit?1 ma manna" daemthreedeminshu MsfMrrt ' and :Increuingky taiduaoionm'daiisotr"tt'ofmttEsttttiit. f F-st,',-'. tum-anneal: continued success and T, ttet2ftiiiittliiii: "'ttitirttimittedhrmm,ttrtd grtrfhftrptitedWrr,anti ".trtee.thtttrt m 3mtsPmfyfttartttNtteprtt- comjnued use.†and ".ftgg1,t'2'fleitit,tti',"t Warsaw“ wew#htttrnenerystarxds' bt1fet'it,'tfl'ft1it 'mmltyz beettaprte9 intyuturrs" and: .. iEirtcthit't1tfr ttHtye8yediruieirtthat “99!! Utyrted Wty. Lttiriiitni, Mr, has smug .rv.- his gig working While his retirement mm the end of charm, H‘mw ', 'o u ', ,I-‘r. it0_ias, an Ram... Jt, l ulnl'mrgh PM . l.u d“ F me ht "h t... Mrsnmm l IIr,,i)riJ,,T,'fis, ----stlrs.os f iiftri5ilikii,jrT In the com: weeks, 'i!iiteii?iiiii!'lri"li_, the board of diggers will of ttrote '. we.» search pin-mm u "h “awn...- ~qu V, . kl. huh I Fun In Frt'r _ "KI