Devenyi and White-Dia- mend live just around the corner from the DPAgosti- nos, and their children played with Victoria. who they described as a "fire- balk" The neighbours both believed they were touched by an angel in the form ofa remarkable eight-year-old girl named Victoria lyAgostirtu, who died tragi- cally in a car accident two years ago, but has left a last- ing impression on those who knew her during her brieflife. That loss was especially fell by her family and friends who live on a quiet court in the Laurelwood area of Waterloo. Devonyi's youngest daughter still asks about her friend. while Whitv-0ia- round shared In the grief aiter t-xprrwnnng the Ite,s of hm awn ml]. Skylar. in "l was working on the portrait for them as a sperm] gift, and Susan was working on this story for them as a gift," said While-Diamond. "Together we thought let), expand on n. and we came up with the idea for this little hunk" And the message it offers is far-reaching. said author Susan Devenyi and artist Paula White-Diamond. who collaborated on the book. ll helps people cope with the loss of a loved one at this festive time of year. Sn Dun-mu slant-d In writt- u childrcu's awry to vxpluin the [ross. while tthite-lhamortd worked out her t-muuum by painting a spm ml pnnrun of Virtrsria than now hangs nu-r 1hr lrAgrvuimv,' tin-plau- man- Ile. 1 I was inspiration from Iabuvo that stirred " Waterloo author and illustrator to put together a new childrerfs book called "Rinses From Above". " I h H d f EMllIt.ltiDIGB? For e ar 10 Buy VHHul'xRFUR \ux'msvwmn _ _. . By DRAPER TII\\l\T\1(Jl\T FLU} _ V n HERHH) of England â€Mb-3" " sShmarrot7Ata;Mr-troertia-r_ " FrURH‘H RUN) F'_rrrirarrurrtar-vtktrrraor,Fve s" 'ENIN E‘H'JW‘“ ANION (MARIN. onwmmam- mm by,†am sunk Wo.s WNW»; mm»! u " lpz-thinv UfFHUNG‘UHETHI'Nr-NIH“? iNIl M5 Hmwmhhamrrh'wr 1xwx,xblrrr_hirV, k- .Horgs -Shno< -Wm( -Ar1’<w’< 1498 Girl's death inspires book on coping with loss Books were a bug pan or Touched by an angel Hanna's Mr. and a chit, drunk benefit fund was launched in 2003 in her honour In hvncrit as marry children as possible. “no of the pmgrams lhal mnu' out of the hind was awarding book prizes 10 focal olvmt-mary students who are making the (our mumly lwnm by therr example, So W}uu-rniamond and how-nyi decided to Cori hine their efforts and puh- ish a hook that would sup- port the fund. lt was also a healing experience because a lot of Author Susan Devenyi fright) and artist Paula White-Dia- mood worked together to create "Kisses From Above". a book inspired by the life of Victoria D’Agostino The erght year-old Waterloo girl passed away two years ago LIFESTYLE “As I was drawmg this pnrlran. thvre was surh a chrld-like quality m M. and so many people were touched hy I mainly her young friends. thar I I ame up with the idea of Including them," said W'hiwlhar mnnd. "And they did a won The kids were asked to draw their conception of an angel. and a ku of the (Mgr nal artwork came hack as the artwork In the hook pro' jcrl was done by the clttl, dren who known Victoria brat. including her uldvr brother. Matthew, derful job†“M's a really comforting story, now " pus! about ger (mg it out there," saidWhite. Diamond. "We think there are a Iol of people that can benefit from it, especially at this time or year - people can also put up Krsses from Above ai the K W Communrty Foundalmn. whlch Is admmistermg the fund. at the Marsland Len» The book My asailable at a \howing White. Diamond has of her works at Gallery on the Grand. located at 270 King St. N In Katerina The book Ps also asailablc dl Angel Ircasures m 'st 1m obs. or by eemaslirtg mdpmarthai"rogttcrom how they emisloned Victo tia as an angel. That tied into the theme of Devenyi's story of a little angel helping those left behind coping with her death. The book has received some positive response in the local school system. and in Toronto, where the author and illustrator still have some roots But they're also hoping to spread thar message of understanding. "Everyone has a story." said White-Diamond about the universal theme of the book, “Everybody is touched by some kind ofa loss" "And there's so many ways to still feel people we've lost." said DevenyL "They're still with us in so many ways "And this book helps remind them that you're not alone and that they're still here, and to remember that when you need ic" "We think there are a lot of people that can benefit from (book)..." - Paul: Whitbbiamond [aneededbermn Der 1621 mm hamperst2rMnb bmesMfdodorgrfivunocaltarm hes This xsagreax oppormmty for famihes, funnies aodtpoopswhh_es Theuhmuetskzitiedur Ingdle dayume or evenings. Thursda\ to Toesday exdudirBSunday CallTorryatstM-23e5toassastwsth withadazztingarTayoHithts.andxisirorsobeahk toemoyhotdrinksandcorliesastheyhsumtocarols sungbychoirsandaiocatbarbesshopquarvt Admission totheewmtistiet, botdo0ammstorhe ChmmistakinganunusoalapproachthisreearAfur1 troupeoftmtertairtMgsir-acxorsandd-" irtspirepempletormii-th-dertdttaeseason astheyperformtheplayttsitssuremheabigV Thesewon'tbearryshmpbutryuqltrtrtaeappur turtityrocxehrate.smgaodsmK Bringyourfimiry andfrieodsand)ointhe_tforthrsuruqoeis- TheshowsstartDes. lSalBASaJm 1013mm IlA5icrneThereareaisoshowsonDe?iar Tmpm and Oct. 23 at r:3OpamAdmission tshEt, Community Fellowship Crumb IS heated at HA) Cxmsersation Dr. m Waterioo, for more Inform us“ aoewxornmumtyfe0owshqrort; Volunteer dnve-n make a drfrereoce m 1he bve of seniors ever? day \olumeer dnung In one of the mac f1exihle volunteer opponumues " aslable um um dnve oncte or hack a month or owe a wee-L and wru.‘ mileage rs n-nmhurwd h " an opponumty tdeal for shm "qarters THEN“ or anyone who Is orh ocrasronalh amiable dung; the day For more mformatron on hm TO Mom a volunteer drum for the 1urr of Walerloo Home \up port program. roman (1mm at 31443930 or email t hoffinar-atvwatedoo,orrca TheuuhirmisbateryAuagestxmrtgready fouls secondartnuauimmooo60trsmits TheqmrismtasmtheViV unmcddxanon wiiibeheHthisThussdayandFodaytrom6to9pass Santataausise-dtoruaeeanarq-ar 7parrsttarptogrmndtsht"irfallages vitiagewiiibegsatefisRvacxxped ThesiNgeishotaamiar2n0MapheGrmeRd- m Community FeBowship Curd] presents A (11:151- masTaiestartingthissunday. based ootheoragtnal 16CtlitytwyetA production out dunno. 11 Rather than the typical Christmas pageant with House of PnendQup IS looking for vdumm who wil astust with (brvamas hamper dedrxrraes Volunteer drivers needed Children's Safety Village celebrates Christmas Thesiiiiigeuabeex1rasexurrtheiestistyeaser? Local church presents A ChristmasTale’ over holiday season PIONEER UPHOLSTERY {by irnru' tc , mum d {liddr'