"I've been wailing tor this all these years." said Sir vanu. a Grade 5 s,ttidenl ill 51. Luke's Catholic whool in Waterloo. "ll lull awesmnv [me can learn trom." Silvana. ll.islooking forward In the challenge, After all. she has sum:- foot- steps In follow with her older sister, Lurenm. earn- ing her black-hell at the same age. Continued from page M Keeping up a Shamuon tradition :4I‘h "11 lakes more training to mmpele at the black-belt level. and I'm not used to that yet." said Silvana. "But I'm [ruining harder." And she knows the expectations for her at the Goodwill Games this year will be no less than her older siblings. "l was also really happy that I gm my Junior black hell at the same age my sis- Iur did." finally passing the test "We've got a triple Crown every year. so I have to do it this year." And she set an ambitious goal for herself - winning three gold medals in the six events that she's entered in. Then she'd be eligible for the triple crown ring that everyone else in her family wears proudly. "I want It] get a triple crown like the rest of my family." said the determined Silvana. After gonng 9-0 to start the regular season, the Wulfnd Launer Golden Hawks women's volleyball team finally came down to earth on the weekend with losses to York Umversity and the University of Toronto Blues The unbeaten streak ended In a three sets to one loss to York last Wednesday, And despite some inspired play late in a Saturday afternoon clash against the Varsity Blues. the Hawks once again lost TI despite the best efforts of Laura Merritt, No, 13, trying to smash a Laura Horne pass, left. However, the Hawks are still perched atop their division with the 9-2 record. M._.__ -._._, 't -"ie Hawks unbeaten streak comes to an end Skis '5939513999 tflothing EXPERT TUNE-UPS - 1010 ms ST. E., KI‘I’CIIEIEllg 511-0911 SK] 3 39:13!) SALE